awesome skate video

DVS shoe company was awesome nuff to upload a 23minutes long skate video on their podcast, awesome video, worth the wait of downloading it.....its like a couple of hours of downloading over a couple of days but hey a free skate video that long? and it was an awesome production....with the perfect mellow music that we rarely hear...nice music, nice tricks, talented skaters...thats all on my sleeping day.

for those whose not in the nursing line, sleeping day is a day when u try to get all the sleep u lost over the last 3days of night duty.......its like an off day 'cept that you're too exhausted to spend it like an off day, you'd just end up sleeping for like half a day.....hence, the name sleeping day.....

still with know wats most satisfying with my job? the patients' thanks and smile....thats when you feel appreciated most...ok im not gonna whine but in my life, appreciation is hard to come by, i even got cheated, stabbed in the back, talked bad about by gossip mongers and what nots even for the nice things ive done...cos that things ive done is negligible compared to my flaws in their eyes.....but these patients, when they are helpless in bed, attending to them with a smile, sincerity and care although your eyes are bloodshot red from the lack of sleep makes them appreciate you....i guess when you're ill, 'trapped' in a hospital, then only you think about the people who cares about you...

im not new to the a little child mommy told me that i had fits before and that was my first trip tot he hospital excluding the day i was born larh......then the next time i was in a hospital was when i had a knee frens, my ex gf , my family visited me and when they are gone, i feel the love and i miss them and made me really appreciate them. humans have one great flaw, somehow or another they have this difficulty to express their appreciation but the least you could do is not to repay them will ill-treatments or watnots......ok back to the hospital stay, apart from the nurse being gorgeous and all, her smile, her effort to question my comfort was beyond awesomeness, it brings you this priceless feeling and even if there was a price tag, itll be like meters long in figures......

what im trying to say is, ppl take for granted for what they have around them be it stuffs or people, they abuse them, they make use of them and they took it for granted that they will always be around its becos humans nowadays are too preoccupied and never do a reflection upon themselves....

i dunno why i experienced so much negative stuffs in life...ok, probably for the sins that ive done but what about when my parents get separated when i was only two and when i had to live a latch-key kid lifestyle during my childhood and lack fatherly love and even mommy had to work to feed us both, im thankful though at least i got mommy and not an orphan....i dont really have a terrific life but sometimes i remind myself that there are others who have worst off just to make myself not to dwell upon things unnecessarily. it helps, it lifts u up, it consoles and it comforts yourself and it makes you appreciate YOUR life even more.

frens really do come and go, im not saying i dont have swell frens, i have but under the circumstances of life, they have to leave to live their own life, work for their own future, play their own role.....its sad but hey, its life....

my word to all is, say thanks bring your ego level down a little, you just dont know how the person who receive it feels...being a nurse i get many thanks everyday and that makes me satisfied knowing that i make a little difference to their lives daily, even that little smile they returned are priceless and thats what keeps me going for the rest of the shift, that outweighs the many tasks, the difficult staffs and many more glad i chose nursing cos appreciation and satisfaction is hard to come by elsewhere.

working become less of a job when you find satisfaction in it...i know i will not become a nurse forever, i just know, i know after i have save enough money i will do something else that ive always wanted though im not pretty sure of what it is... but then again the circumstances of life might prevent me from doing so...well who knows.. i got the answer....God knows...

this is a pretty long entry but im just saying what comes to mind and its not like something that you composed, its spontaneous and its frank. i hope u dont get the wrong idea, i dont demand for the 'thanks' but i just want to remind you how it makes a person feel and how much it means to them and how much they will appreciate you in return, its a cycle and its a healthy one, so stop being ignorant cos we need each other to survive, humans needs each other.....they are not solitary beings....