
talks provide calm for the mind neednt be serious talks, it neednt be letting ur heart out...but jus normal talks ease ur mind a little. its a form of unwinding for me....over chicken chop, i listened to aisha blabber, though its irrelavant to my life, it somehow has provided me an insight to others and indeed gave me views of life from a different angle.

if we keep ourselves within our own squared circle of life, we'll probably end up being mentally stressed or unhealthy. open up your mind, if people don't understand u & ur bloody fucken problems, listening to others' problems sometimes provides a relief or even a solution to yours. well, at least its happening to me.

along the way of listening, i pick up a couple of pointers that i might put to good use in my own personal life, these valuable points will only be available if u listen carefully to the person speaking his heart out. and damn u, sometimes its so fucken useful that u just wanna give that particular person a hug or even a kiss.

ive been fucken lazy on thursday, my butt just wont legs still tired from mon & tues work plus wednesday's soccer....its no damn excuse but i dun give a fuck cos its my life n id prefer to do it my way.

i notice this recently, i dun give a fuck to wat ppl say, though at times i heed their advice but at most times i prefer to do it my way if its not the wrong way. ill give myself space wen i want to and ill push myself hard wen i need too. cos in my life im a bloody individual, i have to be bloody independent in my solitary lifestyle. frens are part of ur life but how ur life goes depends on ur bloody self not ur frens. so here it goes, im doing it my way, so dun give a fucken comment if u know shit about my life.

my actions shows, my words shows, i do what i feel like doing and what i feel is good for me. my choice of tunes that keeps me going also shows...its that foot in ur ass kinda thingy...

as the light from my 'bright future' still remains dim, indicating that its still a long journey before i see the blinding light indicating that i've succeeded. i'll keep this journey going, alone....n if theres someone to join me, i'll let her tag along but i will not let her slow down or disrupt my journey.....from GOD i ask him of his blessing and if there was yoda, id ask him to teach me philosophy and of course the force.(still suffering from the star wars withdrawal)

gnite peeps.