curiosity kills the cat.....

first of all, the good news....i got a temp job at canadians bukit batok, ill be a 3 in 1 worker, delivery cum cook cum operator.....they employed me cos i had experience. monday, ill be going down to set my schedule.

bad news, singapore technologies marine suck.....they place an advertisement not stating they wanted experienced personel....i was badly disappointed there.... i already had to wait like for more than 2 hours just to be disappointed.....
on top of that, i was caught as a suspect...probably i look like a terrorist eh?...i was so bored and the bus ride was boring, so i took out my cammie to snap away, i snapped at myself but i got bored so i pointed out of the window, at those weird2 balloony stop, the army boys stopped the bus, and detained me for taking photographs at a protected bad can my day be?....police came, they asked questions, investigated...asked my history, my employment, etc, was like another 2 hours there.....i got myself into shit...i panicked fearing they would confiscate my camera but after the whole lot of questions and explanations, they deleted the photos and returned my camera......

after the ordeal, i told myself never take photos in weird2 places......i learnt that the hard way, you guys heard it from me, so don't do anything dumb eh!

so at the end of the day, i got 1 job, flunked an interview and became a suspect...
harharhar....something probably not everyone would get to do all in one day eh?...

fer now, gonna compile my cover letter, for the job shareil's fren offering....wish me luck again guys.....