behind schedule

im a little behind schedule, i havent completed my assignment insyahallah ill finish it by tonight so revision can start tumoro. i dont intend to go out these few days.....until monday, monday i have to head to school to submit my assignment and probably after that id go to ahju to change the shocks on my vespa......mebbe. or mebbe the leo vince i longed for.

anyways, i rummaged thru my cousin's old clothes, it was supposed to be given to my cousin's in JB, i managed to find a few tt is rather big, big enough for me....heheh alhamdullilah, takyah beli baju....bleh save buat beli bermuda's for next semester, this year 2 of my bermudas are not viable for wearing anymore....the zipper is beyond repair on one and there's a 'gash' on the other. hehehe......bermudas are the most comfortable for school, so definitely ill invest in one or 2 good ones......

gotta go do my assignment....adios.........ouh ada orang nak donate baju kurung yng masih cantik kasi la ye...hehehe maklum la orang melayu kiter kalau ada duit, baju baru mesti punye so yng baru pakai skali pon jadi collect habuk je......hehehe