Black and whites

met up with nadim, yana, mafie and hazri.....nadim and me wanted to send our rolls to Triple-D while mafie wanted to return me my fisheye2, anyways the shot, i love it lots, its from yesterday at changi boardwalk.

the conversation with nadim(regarding processing bnws DIY), definitely gonna make me shoot more bnw and try my hands at developing them myself and buy a scanner for films....woots...if i do, in the next couple of months, you'd see more of bnws in my cameramafia. itll be rad, after you shoot, develop and scan yourself, not mentioning saving alot and privacy, you can shoot watever you right?

okla gotta head to ma pals....anyways, check out my other blog as well as my multiply

i have an 'ancient' form of photography but it still rocks.....c ya ard doks....