screw up

sometimes u screw up, nobody to blame but myself being complacent...i tot i nailed it but its more than i expected....tumoro ill do a better job...insyahallah....

for the rest of monday was pretty fun working with jamilah & marc....tiring no doubt but little stress....mrs doris foong is scary, she seems like she means business...urgh and she already gave me a homework on her first day....urggh one more time... i just hope she's not permanent else i can foresee unfree free times at home...urrrghhh... i just want this week to end quickly so i can rest at home for 2 whole weeks, though i have to still study for 3 papers....and im psyched up, ive already mentally prepared a schedule for myself and i will put in pen and paper this friday.....

i miss traveling....i really do....i will get out of sg asap...say end june? probably sumwhere near and cheap....bkk or indo....:) gnite peeps...AM shift tumoro...

ouh i pray that nyai gets better....