just notice something-facts

k first of all this has got nothing to do with my frens....

facts, frens will be on ur side no matter how guilty u are and the other party will always appear the criminal, shunned off and untrue gossips spreads and slowly reaches u back.im so sorri if tt happened to u....but it did to me....anyways ive told off one particular person....and im waiting for another to reach my ears...teehee....u know life is so interesting....remember this, frens will always be by ur side even if ure the guilty one, trust me, i know...heee.......so dun loose ur frens.....

but then again, u might not know.....wen ur frens will turn ard and backstab u, rex just experienced that...and it suck alright coming from a fren of 20years or more... anyways, rex u still got the rest of us, ditch him dude.......its difficult to tell, who will remain true thru out....some actually have demons inside waiting to be unleashed.......so becareful with the not-so-true facts u spread around cos one day it might just backfire.....retribution, heard of it anyone?......well i did...