
I think I am the luckiest. I've been granted with so many wonderful things in life although my life was not perfect. Although there's some unpleasantness along the way.

God granted wonderful people around me to provide the balance and at times I can even overlook the unpleasantness. At times I even teared because I am moved by these wonderful people around me. First of all, Alhamdullilah I have been granted with a wonderful mom, she stood by me from day 1, till come to this period where I leave single-hood and be someone's husband soon. Dad was never really there for me but having such an extraordinary mom, I never really need a dad except it wasn't a social norm back then to be a single-parent even though mine was a mere divorce case whereby both parties could no longer live with each other. It wasn't their fault but somehow still it was a little unacceptable to society. Mom was strong, she stood by all the way till where I am today. Thank you mom, you don't know how much I love you.

Then there was wonderful friends who stood by me, even though I was temperamental and at times my frankness hurt them unknowingly. These friends are those who really made me forget that I had backstabbers and cheats in my life. They are God's gift to me that kept me strong and going and still knowing there's at least still living things around me that's worth calling human beings. Friends like Shahreil who gave me a listening ear thru times of trouble who gave me advise even though he's like a year junior but have sensible thoughts and solutions. Friends who shared certain unpleasantness in life like me, who are not so lucky in life as to be blessed with everything they want. Friends who wants to give a helping hand at the slight thought that I might need one even without me asking. Friends like Is-burong who provided me shelter when I was staying alone, all by myself lost and of course his mom who welcomed me with open arms. Friends like, Raimie, Raihana, Rashid and Shahreil who believed in me who signed my bond even though they know the risk they got themselves into, 44k to be exact. Friends like Mankey who willingly took the risk and be my guarantor when I wanted to indulge in my interest in bikes. Friends who believed in me like Ross and Hairul whom introduced me to their friend Ain who soon will be my life partner. Friends like Zack who consoled and counselled me when I needed it back then. And many other Friends alike who guided me along the way in every little bit. Uncles and aunts who defended, stood by me, guided and believed in me. Of course my cousin Hadi who actually provided me shelter right now, even though he himself is in alot of problems for himself to handle. People like my nenek who go finding my Dad who's in Indonesia and try to bring us(his children) together. And last but not least, NurAin who made me feel loved and wanted, who stood by me, who believed me, who gave me a listening ear, who makes me laugh, who makes me happy, who's willing to live with me for the rest of her life.

I just hope I fall into the category of wonderful people in life of many others. I will try not to disappoint you guys. You guys rocks and theres always a place for you guys in my heart. Although I might not have showed it, or showed my appreciation much but deep in here, I am very thankful and prays that God will repay your kindness, InsyahAllah. I hope my prayers will be answered cos you guys deserve it.

And of course even those ugly, decietful, hypocritic, evil, heartless....whatever you would like to call them are indeed gifts from God. They make me learn, they made me stronger, they make me wary, they make me wanna fight further. They too did play a major role in my life.

All in all, Alhamdullilah, for where I am now, God is great. Allah-hu Akbar.