ive fallen in love

travis prastana's supermoto! and its a suzuki!
wen im in love its like....

hahaha nope no juicy entry, its just that my love with supermoto or motards is flaming again....

in 2003 i wanted to get an XR400 when, i dropped the idea because of a certain someone. Then when i was single again, i fell in love with the DRZSM when it was just released...but i already owned a gilera-runner and a vespa back then.....NOW, that my runner is almost 3years, ive been browsing the www for supermotos, mainly KTMs and DRZs.....

KTM is the sex la babe.....its super sexy in orange and touch of black but the price is super steep and being made for performance, spare parts are ex too....so i guess, a DRZ will do, anyways im dont think ill be competing or anything although honestly i do want to try for the fun of it....i could get a KTM but probably 2nd hand and being me, i dont really like 2nd hand bikes of course classics are exceptional......so yeah, i think id settle for the drz but first i will have to find out when i will start work and when will i get my first pay...all i know is, the end of june i do still get paid....but wat about July? will i start work by then? being the rational side of me, ill wait for all is sure before i jump on that 400cc monster!......