
if we were in the barbaric age, god knows what wouldve happened....probably a huge club wouldve landed on his head just to wake the bugger up.....and rather shut him down. if we were in the early human civilization, probably id already give him a good beating... if it were in the hang tuah era, my tamingsari wouldve been depressed deep into his flesh. if it were in the era where legislation and law were not that established probably he'd get a good pounding of my fist. BUT we are now living in a so called civilized world.....but still some ppl behave like animals....

if ure lazy to work, ud probably use an excuse to be exempt from work. watever it is, its ur fucken business. when u use what i did as a fucken excuse, it becomes my fucken business and i wish i could clobber u dead or with the knowledge i have just plunge that needle fully loaded with potassium. its not once, twice or even thrice, its been years of tolerance and sometimes i just couldnt take it. ppl who wouldnt understand or not living under the same roof probably would say, "just buat bodoh la...y take it to heart when u know his like that..." im not perfect and ive changed from being temperamental to patient and still i can feel the heartache...its not mom told me what happened when im away, he's the usual no balls guy who talks behind my back or when we ended up quarelling, he's scream at the top of his lungs senseless and stupid invalid statements before hiding himself in his room like a little girl...probably on diapers in case he wet his pants. he's the ultimate king of backstabbers and hypocrites.

this was wat he said last night, "tak boleh cat rumah la semalam radio kuat kepala pening..."(i cannot paint the house just now, the radio was switched on loud, headache). so that was the excuse so that he need not go to work today reason being he will only paint today bcos yest, the radio-playing caused his headache. when my mom told me....i was like WTF...pissed and ubberly upset! ok let me tell u....i came back home at 3+ yest, nobody was home....until he came home close to 4pm, can u finish painting within 3hrs before buka? surely not...the whole living room? the other day he spent the whole day just to paint cloudy whites which is so ubber ugly and awful looking. so it was just a pure excuse at my expense, certainly he had no intention to paint, else he wouldve started early like last week and not went out only to be back at 4pm. this is just one of his ugly behavior....theres still many not mentioned....

this entry has been an angry one and it kinda soothing to jot it down here...watever it is i shall not be angry cos of such a spastic individual, not worth trying to keep my cool.....deep breathes and exercise to sweat out.....hopefully endorphins will be released and i will be in a lighter better mood...insyahallah...

he just purely disses me off....i cant wait to start work and be able to afford my own apartment.