decisions galore foc

im still contemplating.....whether to work at sheik's store or not. i know itll be fun and i know i can squeeze in revisions while working if i bothered and i know i could use the money to pay for my bills and perhaps give mom more. theres simply more advantages being compared to several much lesser disadvantages but disadvantages that weighs rather heavily. 1.disadvantage-my life daily only starts after the stores close-i meant freedom to roam around and do what i want. 2.i have to come up with a major time table and to stick to it in order to keep everything in order, meaning my studies and all. i have to stick to the time-table no exceptions as one exception would lead to another. thats pretty much it, 2 disadvantages but major ones. and the second one is rather risky, if i can discipline myself there wont be a problem. if i take up the job i hope my frens would understand when they hear alot of 'No' from me. its not that i dont want to probably i just cant. hmm we'll see...

2nd major teevee passed on........sob sob...hey wait a minute, great excuse to get LCD!!!!

3rd major issue X8-400 or not.......

taa......wana go skating....cheerios....