
a well deserved break, i slept abt 8pm till 430am today......its been so long since i had a break, ive been working my ass off....
gd news i got an A for my bio prac! A.....first A of the course......bad news is, i scored a D for my theory last mth, so added up plus the coming exams, i might prolly end up with a B at most if provided i do well for my exam papers bt if i do just ok, id still end up with a C....hahahaha

the sociology presentation was splendid, i engaged the class, they laughed, they enjoyed, they asked then i got a little negative feedback from the lecturer, cos i never apply one of the theory clearly but still i felt it was fairly well done and cleamaus tot so too, cos of our extensive research.......i just hope id get a B at least.........

now, i gotta finish my 1000words essay and the slides for the lesson plan for diabetes....and obesity....sigh...more work and next week, another test and i need to do a presentation on chronic obstructive lung disease.........sigh.....

i was surfing ard jus now....and gawd i came across an ad, carry on installment for DRz400SM.......gawd....i smsed him and asked if can transfer ownership instead of adding subrider, if it could be done, id sell away my gilly for the SM......wish me luck..
if not, i wanna enrol for class 2, cos its the easy to pass compared to class3 and way cheaper and i can foresee me buying a phat harley wen im gainfully employed......hopefully, id pass my class2 before year end.