shopping list

shopping list for the next coupl-a-months:

For Vicious:
1.Drc led smoked tail lights and signals
2.Hel-steel braided brake hose
3.Motovation frame & axle sliders
4.Fat protapers
5.Hella air horns
6.Decals lots of em...i was thinking skurvy on my tank.
7.New rad bob-helmets(a davida would be nice but itll be too ex)
8. carbon fiber side mirrors.
I guess thats it for till end of the year...hehehehe

for myself, verivicious:
1. A pair of spanking new sneakers, a DC or Circa would be nice.
2. Kenzo for men(already ordered)
3. Threadless! (on the way! woots)
4. Berms...i love the old volcom designs...
5. that black levis 508 would look good on me...
6. I want another stussyXnewera!
7. New glasses, an oakley perhaps, my braun buffel paint peeling off oredi...
8. 1 more casio!

Not in a hurry to get but I wanna get!:
1. NIKON D80 OR D300!!!!!
2. A slik tripod.
3. dry cabinet.
4. A new lowe pro camera bag that can be converted to a backpack.
7. turntables (digital or analog) hehehehe

wahahahahaha......i dont think ill get to save any till the start of next year.....

ok gnite peeps....wanna y'all