just wanna laugh my lungs out about the whole day....nah nothing serious la....but farnie....

anyway ratnor, u want that polaroid, sure thingy if i bring in more than one, i sell u one la.... :) fren-fren mah.....

anyway shahreil was kind enough to get that 3rolls of superia from joseph....yeayness, now my fisheye is loaded and im going to load my actionsampler as well.....weeeehooooo....shahreil says joseph got 24more rolls of expired superia.....wah ......can shoot like mad.....pure madness....

im awaiting my FE2.....i think i will still get from my fren la.....not ebay.....but ill give my final shots at ending auctions before february....if im in luck, i might get a great deal but my frens FE2 is in pristine condition.....

im still looking for source........but now, very busy and occupied with so many things.....waaaaa
and i cant believe this is the final semester, im just excited about my first payslip above anything else....its been almost 2 years since i tasted real pay....LMAO......

kla wanna shower and massage my aching legs after soccer.....gnite peeps love y'all...and before i sleep, i pray that threadless tees will arrive soon, so that i can wear this weekend....heh!