
she held out her little finger and asked me to make a promise. i think she is the only one sincere enough to ask me to do that. im so happy.

only one thing lurks....blessings.

adzwan whipped up cool cream pasta....thnks adzwan and the rest brought food bought, ranging from chickwings, doughnuts, etc. i brought diy jelly, failed at first try cos i put too much fruits. adzwan's dad was a cool one....and gosh...somehow or another we are related....small world isnt it...

im so lazy....this time round clinical placement is such a drag....probably its cos its fasting month? nah dont think so...rather i guess cos most of the patients is bed-bound and has dementia.....its a tough call nursing elderlies...believe me. i cant wait for my placement at IMH cos i know ill enjoy that...

this is what goes daily in my mind.....finish this & next semester clean, get that class 3, buy a car(im taking ur advise adzwan's dad), save up for marriage.

gotta go...wanna collect the developed fotos...