i know everything sucks

well tts not really happening to me.....but tts just the song playing on my ipod....by reel big fish.....and tt will be the start of this entry....

the horns, the guitar, the vocals so clear.....and now as im typing skatalites is playing thru my ear canal, its like im virtually at their concert....oh my god.....audio technica earphones rocks......i swear.....i tot only sony my favourite music gadget make great sound producing earphones and players....ipod n audio-technica, great combination and the in-ear thingy is so cool cos it blocks unnecessary noise and it makes the bass sound so spanking clear and good.....and it only cost me 30bucks..... i definitely gonna stick by audio-technica for sometime now.....

this week i spent on quite a number of things.....its like macam retail theraphy like that.....last saturday i bought a spanking nice orange volcom ipod case....and im loving it although it has a tiny scratch on the vinyl screen.....but i bought anyways cos it was on sale....flash n splash was having 15% storewide.....i only regret i never bought the matching wallet....hmm mebbe, ill have a second look....and then, i bought a black berms from the only store tt sell black cargos at 8-12bucks...too bad the black ones cost 12bucks.....i need berms for school, i wear berms everyday to school...i also bought a new cover for my vespa, some idiot mustve accidentally torn my vespa cover...well it was 1year old anyways....today, i bought some toiletries, a screen protector for my ipod and then only i realised tt my ipod already have scratches on its chrome back....damn...and i asked shahreil to help me buy the great earphones im using now....it was the best 30bucks i spent on earphones......mebbe next time then i invest in a higher end one....

tumoro gonna buy fathih tt gundam robot for his bdae.....i already bought him a volcom wallet a couple of weeks ago and i gave him my sony-bean and now he's getting a gundam from me.....boy isn't it great to have an elder brother...ehhehe, i wish i had one.....too bad karina not working tumoro, if not i can get a 10% discount of tt gundam....

i think today i shall not race.....pretty tired.....hmm mebbe awhile...hehehe.....mebbe......

and i really hope it doesnt rain tumoro....pls......i wanna jalan2 sorang2....last saturday cam best gitu jalan2 sorang2 on my mp3.....hehehe.... skarang dah ada earphone power lagik....okla papo ppl!