ok im done

im done with research....phew...but hey Albert Bandura is one hell of a psychologist.
kudos to him.....the therapy he came up with actually could make a person who has a lifelong phobia of snakes to overcome it just by observational learning. in case you do not know, observational learning is through 4 basic, main elements, 1.attention/observation, 2.retention/memory, 3.imitation/reproduction 4.motivation/the will to learn. he is really amazing....

happiness is around my nani.....she just got a job with starhub....a 9-5 job somemore coporate marketing.....congrats......its been a long but well deserved wait.

another huge evidence of observational learning is during my skateboarding days, thats how i learn, i observe, remember, and then imitate or reproduce....and of course i love skateboarding so theres always motivation.

and this video im sharing with u (sick of it all~scratch the surface) is the real reason why i got a flat-top haircut(see lou) back then when i was 15 and actively listening to hardcore, here, enjoy this old skool video of sick of it all....