prezzie hunting

ive been hunting for a present for dear mommy with my sayang for the past couple of days and only today did i settle for that swatch watch....i wanted to get the dress watch but i want something tt mom would wear everyday, so i get something more for daily use.....i love my mom, she gives me support in things tt i do....she knows ill be there but i may take some time....

ive got an attachment with IMH, insya'allah ill be gain acceptance into the accelerated 2year dip in nursing....insya'allah ill have a handsome paycheck after the 2years and insya'allah i can send my mom to haj...n insya'allah kalau ada jodoh...u know...

shahreil n yati, u guys looked like as if u were already married jus now...u know newly wed couples...i dunno why tts wat i felt

im so comfortable with sayang....its like we've been together for years....yes ure my everything....

gnite peepz.....