a big joke

i was lured back into lottery when i threw a couple of bucks at my fav number n i missed by ONE number....it was stupid of me to be hoping on something that have such a small probability of winning.....anyways, i knew i wouldnt strike it was just for fun but i do hope i did....hehehe.....

she smsed me when she reached hm from KL, i didnt expect it...but anyway it means alot to me....heee....looking forward to take a look at the fotos.....:) another reason to meet up....heee.....i think i like her, well, i know i do...

my off day....uggh boring....was suppose to sing our hearts out but then again someone had to cancel.....so there i am in my bedroom, in my bed till abt 6pm before i left home to ride ard on my scoot n hunt for a possible new shoe...but im attracted to none. i hope i find something on my next off day, and maybe buy it on the 11th IF I have no plans for the holidays and IF i paid off all my bills n debts till then......it seems like my whole week of leave will be wasted....the guys not like before anymore, all have to work, have lives, getting married, OTs, yada, yada, yada...... guess my whole week of leave will be spent like just now, laze ard till evening, ride ard, window shopping all on my own...i think i need an mp3 player...or a new skateboard.....heeee....or cans and cans of paint.....actually an ipod nano of tt sony-ericsson walkman fone would be nice, at least i can blast ratm, rancid, etc as i wonder ard alone.....not so quiet n boring....:)
i think my next off day im gonna graf my new sketch on the walls of bb skatepark again....

SIA, no calls up till now, im starting to loose hope on them....so my next hope, WDA. if that i got no luck too, i think ill be with fairprice until june at least... complete a year, then try for elsewhere......NTUC, no future...seriously....

i think ive gained my 1kg back....harharhar.....as long as i dun touch the digit 80 and i can fit in 34 im happy enough...heee.....now i guess im 79 oredi....gotta stop eating...gotta start running......

before i sleep i wanna wish tt id be seeing my nurse this week again...teeheee.... miss her....her innocent sweet smile......:)