
in my attempt to make something last just like the title of my entry, the longest word.
wat da fuck im blabbering about? well just as i was bragging about my yeayness last night, theres sure something to spoil the mood for the great week.....

now i know how it feels to be judged wrongFOOLy.......i never make use of ppl for everyones info....i think im the one that had been victimized, manipulated, humiliated, etc, etc most of the time......i wish i could get a certificate or something to prove my innocence and slap it at anyones faces who has negative tots against me. weird but im not at all angry....im just upset...at the misconception.....

had i not been helping ppl ard me when they need help??? i did.....when im able to... am i right frens?.....why not think with ur brain before u sputter out negativity....

hmm....seems like i have to forgo some of the yeayness i listed last night.....hmmmpfft
but anyways, i have to oblige cos caramella is part of my life now.......i tot we had an agreement...but sometimes shit happens so i always get the task of cleaning the shit up......

i find that im rather calm nowadays...im more able to control my anger and think with my brain.....at work, my colleagues apparently trying to make me look or feel like a dumb fuck....but i just remained calm...smiled and take out my AK47 and blast them with words that kills, full of sarcasm and yet may sound harmless...so its out to them to conclude whether im joking or im just telling them "AYE FUCK U UNDERSTAND!" in a different language.

but then again....we gotta appreciate some fucked upness in life...else life will be rather boring and predictable.....think again....those who have perfect lives isnt it boring? without problems to solve....with missing full or adrenalin & energy feelings like anger, hatred...........hehehe...

gotta go guys, today is one day away to my off day....have to do some calculations before i enjoy the weekends...gotta budget my mth properly to avoid having to survive on a can of coke only at lunch times like last mth....heheheh.....cheers brothas...