Baked beans.....

i just had dinner.....baked beans, sausages and bread. nopes im not dead broke and nopes im not on a diet. im just plain lazy to whip up anything cos im mugging for tumoros paper...and times like this makes me miss mom....times like this made me cherish her....and reminds me how i took things that she did for the family for granted.

when i use to live with mom, i say id enjoy most mom's care towards us....she works and she still can whip up delicious meals for us and even when she's too tired to do so, she'd stop by to buy food for us....i barely need to do anything back then, occasionally id help out...boil rice and stuffs...and prepare the ingredients especially when she cook in large amounts like hari raya..... mom is the best....

i was a latch key kid from aged 9 to about 12.....through these years mom never one bit neglected me, through these years, i've never had any hardship except the occasional loneliness...

she's so capable, everything settled, we never had loans, the fridge is always loaded with food and she even had time to bring me out during her off days, i still remembered when she brought me to science center to see the dinosaur exhibition, i still have the polaroid which we took and i was wearing that favourite TMNT tee she bought me, i will scan in that soon......

none of her siblings came to help, none lend a hand, be it financially or physically, i was left to fend for myself as mom was left to bring me up single handedly....

but still society has nothing better to do but talk nonsense which pressured her to remarry......seriously i think she's better off alone than re-marrying....this is what society does....they do things in the interest of the macro perspective, the community, SAVE FACE, NAME...etc..the large family but not the individual, none at the interest of the individual....society is indeed cruel at times...

mom, you're the greatest....all of my frens, cherish your moms for they are indeed superwomen....

i cant wait till i start work, abled and probably financial stable...if my grams is still alive, id like to take care of him....frankly, i hate my aunties and uncles... some of them...actually most of them....lies, lies, lies.......urrghhh....

i dont know when im abled enough, when i have my own flat....and hopefully can afford a maid so that i can look after my grandfather....give the elders their final years a happy one...