medical advancement

stem cells has always been useful.....ppl keep them in banks so that one day it might save them.....stem cells are like fresh new unprogrammed cells that can multiply and grow into any other cell.....but it was until recently that they found stem cells from an adult can be used as well and whats more for cardiac problems.....

it was on rtm1 a channel i rarely watch bcos most of the time its malay programs.....but today was a good one, its a documentry on discoveries and advancement in technology, medicine and london a heart patient went to belgium to go for a trial treatment for his cardiac problems, they draw his stem cells from his spinal cord and later on implanted it on the failed portion of his heart, suprisingly after a certain period of time he recovered and the ct scan showed his cardiac muscles actually improved and worked better than the rest of the portion. scientists and researchers have yet to find out how it really worked in a way.....but they were optimistic and quoted that someday stem cells can be used to treat any diseases without drugs, isnt that wonderful? think of it this way, ur kidney fails, draw some stem cells from ur spinal cord and implant it to the portion that fails and it grows and recovers.....isnt it wonderful? im really amazed......and i really am not to keen about drugs because of its side effects, it does help but at times it creates a new problem....for example a patient who is undergoing chemotheraphy might develop other problems due to the toxicity of certain drugs...

treatment without drugs is certainly safer.....and whats more with the discovery of stem cells capabilities.....for all i know, i might not even need a total-knee-replacement, i might just need to inject in my stem cells to my cartilage, acl & mcl and soon my knee would be functioning like new....and i can skate again....hahaha ill wait for that day to come....