do not resuscitate, leave me to die....LoL emo sak tu sentence kalau kau nengok dari angle salah.....LoL

ouh, NOFX NOFX NOFX.....wooooohooo..counting down......

was telling pen, my fren turned good pals turned distant pals turned msn bitchin pal....heheh well, she's still my pal after all this time, we were like bros n sisters sharing secrets.....anyways was telling pen, i wanna go for total knee replacement and a holiday where theres snow, to snowboard.....pen said, that will cost u alot......hehehehe well, life is short and when i finally can afford it, why not right?.....just wanna try things before im finally old and febrile....LoL

arrggh speaking of old and febril, lifting them gave me a back ache today...the hazards of nursing when u are pissed or tired of asking ppl for help because they can take their own sweet time, so i lifted the apek myself....at the expense of stretching my back....bad and stupid move....but her tigerbalm works wonders.....LoL.....speaking of which i got a whole lot of drugs to learn....sheesh! gotta go, cya....