disturbing findings

im doing a research for my in course assessment on how society or sociological factors contribute to suicide.....i have found disturbing facts from studies by psychologist and sociologist....believe me, some of them are evident in ppl i knew before and believe it or not in me.....the thought of it is just pretty scary..... well, its interesting to find out......anyways heres the myths and facts id like to share with u guys, take care of the ppl around u yeah? u never know....


1. Myth: People who talk about suicide don’t commit suicide.
Fact: Out of 10 persons who kill themselves 8 has given definite warnings of their suicidal intentions.

2. Myth: Suicide happens without warning.
Fact: Studies reveal that the suicidal person gives many clues & warnings regarding suicidal intentions.

3. Myth: Suicidal person are fully intent on dying.
Fact: Most suicidal person are undecided about living or dying, and they “gamble with death”, leaving it to others to save them. Almost no one commits suicide without letting others know how they are feeling.

4. Myth: Once a person is suicidal he or she is suicidal forever.
Fact: Individuals who wish to kill themselves are suicidal only for a limited period of time.

5. Myth: Improvement following a suicidal crisis means that the suicidal risk is over.
Fact: Most suicides occur within about three months following the beginning of “improvement”, when the individual has the energy to put his or her morbid thoughts and feelings into effect.

6. Myth: Suicide strikes much more often among the rich or, conversely, it occurs most exclusively among the poor.
Fact: Suicide is very “democratic” and is represented proportionately among all levels of society.

7. Myth: Suicide is inherited.
Fact: Suicide is not inherited, it is an individual pattern.

8. Myth: All suicidal individuals are mentally ill, and suicide always is the act of a psychotic person.
Fact: Studies of hundreds of genuine suicide notes indicate that although the suicidal person is extremely unhappy, he or she is not necessarily mentally ill.