life updated

flu today....schmuks......mistakes at work.....schmuks......

ive forgotten about orders...shit i didnt order some items that were suppose to come on monday...but its ok....ive rectified the n installments n bills is worrying just working my ass off to pay those off but soon enough ill be free.

i cant wait fer noisesg launch this friday evening at rouge....kavitha(noise) called up asking me for the name of the partner im bringing to the launch.....first i called was shahreil...being a close fren, he's the first i thought i would bring along and share my joy with....he got a date with yati...tts i browsed thru my phonebook.. no one elses close would want i sms 3 girls...i knew..hehehe...n see who respond the fastest.....yani did....n she'd tag since pen said she's not sure if she's free.....see i got a date with yani again....coolness....get to meet that sweet girl again....

ive never recieved a prize on stage before...well actually yes...for my act, in primary school....i don a mask and acted as a martian....our team was presented a token....other than that was my graduation ceremony....this one i think is the coolest, id be recieving merchandise from mtv and a minister will be handing it to me. this all for the 'pochong' animation i did....cant sure itll be kinda glorious...hehehe....recieving something in front of a crowd and in front of the girl u only ha...not more than that....

i love caramella.....if i could afford i wouldnt sell it off, even if i were to get that schmackin' ktm540 i saw.....fucken caught my eye....i can already imagine switchin it to motard rims......u know, when i just got my license, i wanted to get a wr200 but dad forbids....but scooters, i love them too...tts why the 5 years of vespa and the now gilera....., work, work....wen will i get a better job, tts fun and pays well....i hope one day, someone would say 'hey my company need an engineer...' or this friday, mtv would say 'would like to join us...' heheheh dream on sid....u gotta work hard.. things dont just fall from the sky.....

gotta sleep, adioz....