sigh....ok so bday wishes in the morning of the 29th....from various different ppl....from old frens, from new frens, from the past....heee but i guess one thing is for sure.....most of them wouldnt remember if it weren't for frenster or myspace....i can bet on that.....only the closest of pals will remember the date.....even some im close to didnt...heee....anyways i find it hard remembering dates as well.....but i use to remember some important dates but i guess now i have less to remember....
anyways, life is fun while the holiday last and i guess this year round, u wont see funny monsters on the walls of bukit batok skate park....i guess residents there wouldve noticed this guy writing alone every end of the year but too bad not this year, this year u cant get to see any green monsters or shilloutes of ppl standing around.....we'll see about new years eve yeah? i dunno i still wanna make my mark but kinda lazy already.....ouh speaking of which i have a new fren who's interested in writing too but i dunno if she writes as well.....
wandi msged me via msn just now, while i was watching warriors on dvd.....i didnt reply but it was regarding tumoro's gathering at kallang kfc at 9pm.....most of the gilera's all over sg are coming down...itll be huge but frankly im not that keen......but we'll see, if theres no plans, i guess ill tag along.......well no harm right, anyways im single and free and ill most probably be at bedok tumoro at granny's....and mebbe can catch some of them fireworks tumoro night....but this time alone....hehehe last year i was at padang with yani n the rest of the guys....gawd i miss her, we are frens but we rarely meet....i guess when the clock strikes midnight to usher in 2007 its like year since i met her.....
i guess im gonna miss more frens in the future cos most of them are getting married and some have kicked off with new careers and some have thoughts of migrating and some are already planning for their family's future and me, ill be busy chasing my dreams....1.5years to go before i embark on another mate, degree!.....
ok guys, gonna hit the sheets....gnite....and thnks to all my frens for standing by me in 2006, stay true, keep the faith, quit smoking...heh!
updates frm urs truly...
Sunday, December 31, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 2:33 AM 0 comments
not so ok
ok, first there's flu....then i tot i was recovering...but i had slight fever instead in the morning....then, i got blocked nose instead of the usual leaking ones since last sunday, the paracetamol did not work...urgh.....rain hasnt stop, well, im not ok yet anyways to write on the its fine anyways.......stayed home since was a little fine to race....race, race, teevee, race...tts all i did....clock strucked twelve, 2 presents for me, 1 from mom and 1 from my younger siblings.....gee i got a spongebob.....quite ya a year older and i dont feel so young anymore, i only hope now tt this blocked nose of mine will be ok by tommorow when i wake up, so i can go to the mall to get my sister's school shoes changed and if its not raining, head down to school to get notes for the new term.....i wanna start reading before monday....IF i get the notes tommorow....if not, forget bout it....heee....gnite peeps....i feel too lousy to think about paragraphs or grammar so pardon me.....heee.....
Friday, December 29, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 2:03 AM 0 comments
i still love my vespa, i think once i start off with a spanking 4digit pay, my caramella will be moded up inside will kick every ones asses in will have my own theme and not copied from some magazines.....the inspiration will be solely from me just like my writings on the walls, its ugly so fucken wat, its original, its my own juices flowing out.....
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:23 AM 0 comments
rain, rain go away
i hate having the suck....
i hope i get better and the rain stops by thursday, part of my bdae celebration since last year has been an individual personal affair.....i made my mark last year on the walls, this year will jus be the same if the rain stops.....make my mark on the walls and then followed by the fotos.....i wanna do this every year, so i hope the rain stops.....cos i already have wat i wanna write in my mind, in black,white and gold.....
watch this space for fotos by saturday if rain stops that is.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:15 AM 0 comments
one agenda ended another props up.....i thot everything was fine, everythin was quiet n fine...just my own life, my frens, my way,......tap tup dapat msg...haiz.......apa nak buat.....ikutkan je la....tak kuasa aku nak bergaduh, penat....
Monday, December 25, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:48 PM 0 comments
27 on 29th, come ride(write) with me! [watch out for them walls].
Posted by Four Wheels at 7:00 AM 0 comments
i think today was the limit la.....enough of that political and fame and glam shit....fuck ya'all
i was fine until today.....its the same thing, the same thing is happening like the scooter scene last time.....small group, then big group come into the picture, the ppl in the small group thinks the big group is cool, so they left the FRIENDS in the small group. the last straw was the sms i recieved, 'aku tak active ngan TAG lagi ar....." in my heart was like wat the fuck....u asswipe...i knew it already, this kinda ppl ar....dah dapat yng baru, members lama semua lupa.....last time ten inch faced the same thing....ten inch, simply & stubborn carbon were few of the first scooter groups....then the BIG SOG came in.....and all ran to them....same thing, kacang lupakan kulit.....but anyways, let them be, im grown up to act like them, i know very well whos my real frens and all. i can think, unlike them.....tts why today id rather spend time with shahreil, shahrul n mankey....the old bb boys.....
anyway i think they suck...they are adults but they still behave like kids....anyways, i think ill be on a motard in a couple of years time, if not ill just buy a small car.....gnite peeps
ouh to zaki n dian...congrats.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:40 AM 0 comments
sometimes......jus sometimes i wish that i could beat him up with my barehands and watch him bleed to death on the floor....
its personal, i shant name who but i guess those close to me knows who......i cant wait to have my own life, home and all, i salut pen for being able to survive independently but she has a fren to share her current home........
Sunday, December 24, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 1:55 AM 0 comments
im in love....
im in love.....with kristen dunst....heee.....i watched crazy beautiful a couple of years back, on a vcd back then.... i personally think she's gorgeous and her acting makes her even more...gorgeous......her half-shut eyes, her natural not perfect teeth... see, u dont have to be perfect to be gorgeous....i must say its her acting.....kristen dunst pls pimp my ride...oops wrong script, tts suppose to be xzhibit.....
Saturday, December 23, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 2:55 PM 0 comments
local rider sham
this is a local rider....sham 'legend' rocks, whoever he is....
Friday, December 22, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:28 PM 0 comments
if sg weren't so strict on vehicle modifications.......check it out
i wouldve owned one of those....
Thursday, December 21, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:35 PM 0 comments
oh oh
i think i need a new controller....heee......i tried racing again, i guess the controller refuse to cooperate....
anyways i went to mustaffa just now and i got that golden watch...wooohooo check it out... well spent...35bucks..heee
Posted by Four Wheels at 9:01 PM 0 comments
just wanna show the finished product of fathih's bdae present...i think its cool...i never really got a liking for gundam but this one is real nice after assembly. complete with a rifle, 2 light sabers and a samurai sword....coolness...
speaking of birthdays....theres many birthdays of ppl i know in december....adil's was on the 11th, my uncle on the 8th, my stepsister 12th, my brother 19th, sarah's 20th, my step-sister in jakarta 23rd, idan nizam's son 15th, mimi serenaide 22nd, mantan ten-inch s.c 22nd, and last but not least mine on 29th....heee...
and today, i tot id never touch that ps2....i just did, my bro brought back justice league tt he borrowed from his fren...ugggh...3 hours on it with my bro...hehehe
Posted by Four Wheels at 4:22 PM 0 comments
need for speed carbon...
hehe i got the game from shahreil on saturday night i think....i started playing on sunday, i almost completed it on wednesday morning....superb right? hehehe its bcos i spent 8 hours on monday night playing it and 12hours yesterday.....personal record broken...hahaha....i started playing at 11pm and ended on wednesday morning at 11am.....boy i need help....heheh but its fun..
i love racing....period....too bad im not a millionaire or sumthin....if i were i guess i wouldve owned cars instead of bikes...
i love my frens....the ppl around glad i have them, cos now at least my holidays are not tt boring......i think they are the oldest frens i have around....they are the only frens that stayed....
im fascinated by casio watches now....and im so gonna look for that gold plated one that ruru was wearing but the gents version la......she said she bought it at gonna hunt for that tumoro if its not raining and also buy 2 sheets of carbon fiber for my boba.....
rashid asked me to go to muse....he's like the 3rd person asking me....hida already bought tickets, adil n rashid is waiting for me. the reason is i have to carefully calculate if id have enough for january.....cos boba is due for servicing this december which means i need around 300 dollars.....and january, i need cash for new notes for the new i dunno yet guys... id love to go....mebbe id go, mebbe not....
zaki is getting married this weekend, another fren got, i dunno when.....but for me, i leave it to fate la...kalau ada, adalah, kalau takda takpa....i feel, personally marriage is not to be rushed.....although at first i thought it was a ticket for me to have my own home and all....but now since im approacing the big 30 soon....i guess it doesnt matter getting old anyways....hehehe.....remy and myself have the same thinking....if not married by 35, get an own home... same for me here....
marriage is not in my mind right now, im more concerned about my future, i wanna make sure im comfortable in my old age, comfortable enough not to have to work when im old and febrile and not needing any support from my children...i wanna be independent just like shahreil's parents......i don't want to rely on children.....
i feel many lessons learned, more valuable ones are from people.....and many are not taught in the classrooms....
i wanna wish all my frens success, especially those with aspirations and dreams....mankey good luck, believe in urself, live ur dream....i will too, but not now, i need that foundation first......stable pillars to hold my dreams...:) im more realistic now, rather than the dreamer me few years back....but, i will make sure my dreams doesnt remain dreams...and im on it now...
i just pray that god allows it.....insyahAllah.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 2:51 AM 0 comments
i know everything sucks
well tts not really happening to me.....but tts just the song playing on my reel big fish.....and tt will be the start of this entry....
the horns, the guitar, the vocals so clear.....and now as im typing skatalites is playing thru my ear canal, its like im virtually at their concert....oh my technica earphones rocks......i swear.....i tot only sony my favourite music gadget make great sound producing earphones and players....ipod n audio-technica, great combination and the in-ear thingy is so cool cos it blocks unnecessary noise and it makes the bass sound so spanking clear and good.....and it only cost me 30bucks..... i definitely gonna stick by audio-technica for sometime now.....
this week i spent on quite a number of things.....its like macam retail theraphy like that.....last saturday i bought a spanking nice orange volcom ipod case....and im loving it although it has a tiny scratch on the vinyl screen.....but i bought anyways cos it was on sale....flash n splash was having 15% storewide.....i only regret i never bought the matching wallet....hmm mebbe, ill have a second look....and then, i bought a black berms from the only store tt sell black cargos at 8-12bucks...too bad the black ones cost 12bucks.....i need berms for school, i wear berms everyday to school...i also bought a new cover for my vespa, some idiot mustve accidentally torn my vespa cover...well it was 1year old, i bought some toiletries, a screen protector for my ipod and then only i realised tt my ipod already have scratches on its chrome back....damn...and i asked shahreil to help me buy the great earphones im using was the best 30bucks i spent on earphones......mebbe next time then i invest in a higher end one....
tumoro gonna buy fathih tt gundam robot for his bdae.....i already bought him a volcom wallet a couple of weeks ago and i gave him my sony-bean and now he's getting a gundam from me.....boy isn't it great to have an elder brother...ehhehe, i wish i had one.....too bad karina not working tumoro, if not i can get a 10% discount of tt gundam....
i think today i shall not race.....pretty tired.....hmm mebbe awhile...hehehe.....mebbe......
and i really hope it doesnt rain tumoro....pls......i wanna jalan2 sorang2....last saturday cam best gitu jalan2 sorang2 on my mp3.....hehehe.... skarang dah ada earphone power lagik....okla papo ppl!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 1:49 AM 0 comments
i can say yeay today, cos its the 2nd day of the 2week long break...yeay again....
i woke up at 11 to play need for speed carbon and got hooked, stopped at 4pm before i bathe and got myself ready to go out....
went out with adil, window shopping and we had to go public because it was raining....okla naik mrt best gak pasal bleh sumbat telinga ngan mp3, duduk, aircon, relek......pas tu takpe dahla sejuk2....makan aiskrim budak dua nie.....2 scoop dia masya'Allah macam gunung......thnks gak jalan2 tak bermotor, cuma penat.....hehehe....
dah tu dok habib, biasa ar lepaking with the usual people....aku agak dah 6 bulan baru aku dapat rasa aku betul2 rilek.....
best, ketawe2, kacau orang....heheheh.....nanti january, siap la bz balik......:( apa nak buat, demi masa depan......
cakap pasal masa depan, the clerk was kind enough to let me see the current pay for staff nurses....i shall not disclose la but its definitely more than i have ever got.......eeee tak sabau la nye......bila nie nak 2008....hehehehe
anyways, next pay day aku agak aku nak grab shirt satu ar......bleh buat gi wedding2, gi dating ker....hurhurhurhur........
aku rasa, vespa aku nak antar bikin ar next year...kalau ada duit spare.....jiwa vespa masih ada dod....aku tak rasa aku jual punyer.....
kla ppl, lepas aku ucapkan bye2 kat kawan2 kat msn, aku nak gi main game, pas tu tido....bsok ada date ngan sharil ngan don kalau tak hujan......papo!
Monday, December 18, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:29 AM 0 comments
same2 but different day.....yeeehaw.......
anyways, why the topic......ive made a fren over at the attachments, a 3rd year student, actually alot of frens la but this one we talk alot, boys mah.......we find it easier to bitch about the rest of the staff, joke around with patients and we have passion....
we do everything willingly......anyways why same2 but different....john actually looks like a malay and can speak a little malay but he is 'serani' a mixture of indian and chinese....alot of patients tot he is malay.......and some thought im chinese cos i can speak simple mandarin and understand wat they wanted when they spoke to me in mandarin....but when they started to natter on and on in mandarin, i had to tell them im not chinese but i can understand and talk a little.......:)
anyways u all must be wondering why im up so early....haiya, perut sakit la....and my leg sore and my knee...hehehe...i think ar if after the two years, while at work if given a short break or leave, im just gonna see dr.matthew chen and ask him recommend me sports doctor that i heard about and maybe spend some Gs, to rehab and probably reconstruct again my ligaments and probably those metal plates replacements for the meniscus that i saw while surfing the net.......macam wolverine la aku nanti.. heheh nola its all for the better of i said before, i wanna be independent wen im old......if id were to die in my old age, i wanna go away peacefully without troubling anyone before my death......
ive also noticed while on attachments, that somehow male nurses are prepared......ok theres 1 male sn, 1 male asst.nurse and 3 student nurse.....almost all the patients prefer wonder male nurses are like wanted nowadays.....i guess its becos we get most of the things done and we are more tolerant of many things.....i think only la...hehehehe
i still sympathize those patients diagnose with CA.......kesian u know....some of them u can see their sadness beneath their smiling face.....some laugh out loud, jokes with u just to forget bout what they are diagnosed with......and some don't even know about their diagnosis because their children requested not to disclose to the patient...some became slightly anxious, confused and a little unsuound due to their illnesses.....some are strong and has the will to go on.....i guess nursing is an occupation where u learn the most about people.....i enjoy learning about people, every job i had, i like to take notice of people's character and way of doing things......sometimes i even get to learn skills from cooking for example when i was a cook back then....and when i was a supervisor at the supermarket, i certainly learn alot of things...tts why i macam jack of all trades....but i dont think im a master of anyone......well, i hope i will be in nursing...heeee......
up till today, im still thinking if i wanna make a switch from imh to other medical/surgical hospitals......ive even heard tt ttsh would 'buy' over sponsored students who are good at their job......the things is im considering my career advancements..... u see if im in a mental hospital, my skills are limited and im limited to specializing in mental health.....but if i were to go to a general hospital, theres more choices....i would love to be an OT nurse, see people getting cut up everyday....and the pay, wah lan....they are highly paid....and whats more some OT nurses are also sent to learn anasthetics and thus becomes the anasthesia nurses who give those injections to numb u before surgery.....i guess, ill see how my progress of the 3 years with imh first and decide then...
ok guys, i wanna continue sleep....heee....tata.....
Friday, December 15, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:53 AM 0 comments
to deal or not to deal........kalau deal bleh mewah skit, bleh enjoi skit time bdae aku.....tapi mungkin aku akan menyesal.
kalau tak deal, takda perubahan...sama je......cuma tak dapat shopping, dan mungkin tak dapat amik lesen....payah, payah tul
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:23 PM 0 comments
jus realised my aunt n gramma is in jakarta....hmmph, i cant tag to my step-sis' wedding bcos of attachments.....sob-sob. asal takmo kahwin on my bdae........:( kalau tak ada excuse nak travel2...hehehe...anyway i think the wedding was last week...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:25 PM 0 comments
touching ar drama2 skarang......hikmah dah habis(tapi gua nantikan season 2 next march), skarang sembilu pon coming to an end....entah eh sejak bila aku nengok drama pon tak tau, aku agak no choice pasal mak aku nengok aku pon dah terpengaruh skarang.....hikmah smalam finished with a happy ending
haiz....dah nak abis attachment cekgu nie tak habis2 nak menyusahkan kitorang ar....suruh cari type of drugs available in wards la, controlled drugs la, iv fluids la...ada je nak kasi kiter busy....dah lah penat balik, ada homework plak tu, besok pagi patut la.......anyway aku sabar menanti je the last day.......
aku tadi time berak adalah termenung jugak, nak spray moto ke nak tampal2 je cam moto kamal....ada jugak angan2 nak spray boba aku kawasaki colour scheme, kawasaki-green, gloss black ngan putih skit.......mesti works....tapi kalau nak spray balik mau makan 300 ada.....aku dahla takda bonus...hehehe.....mebbe aku tak spray la, tampal2 sticker je cam motor kamal..... kalau tampal sticker ada gak brapa2 idea la, aku nie biasa ar, katun2 jugak aku feveret....mebbe kalau tampal sticker hijau aku nak buat theme incredible hulk cam ala 2fast2furious yng kereta negro tu...hehehe.....kalau aku tampal gloss black aku nak tampal sticker skurvy besar2.....kesian boba fett kene kopek...hehehehe.....blom lagik holiday nie dah bnyk plan aku nak occupy masa aku....
jiran aku nye kawan jumper aku kat frenster jadi dia add la aku......balik2 nie ada brapa2 orang yng aku tak kenal check out page aku, aku pon tak tau asal......kalau pompan takpa gak...ada gak lelaki.....aku nie gay magnet ker? muahahahaha... atau pon aku kene spy kot? hehehe......
Posted by Four Wheels at 9:52 PM 0 comments
i dun wanna...
explain anymore?
im sick of intention wasnt hurt. it wasnt going anywhere, im tired of explaining. i dun understand anymore. watever it is, i always end up the criminal, so be it......i hope everything will be fine soon and everyone forgets about everything. i hate being the criminal, though i know its for everyones good. im still single for anyone who is wondering out there, i dont bullshit, i speak the truth, if i had wanted to be with someone, i wouldnt be spending my weekends at home or with my frens, id be asking ppl out for movies and such....its cos now i cant be bothered anymore after the 4th....if theres someone, then ok, if not i cant be bothered either, my time isnt anywhere close yet, wat i wanna do is concentrate on my future rather than dwell on something that just failed over and over again......memories cant be erased that easily like files into the recycling bin but i will keep it in the dark spaces of my brain so that hopefully it wouldn't hinder any of my goals.
im turning 27 in a couple of weeks, i need to focus, i dont want to repeat any mistake ive done and i dont want to hurt myself in the process anymore...i may be a nurse but even doctors cant treat themselves......
i hate being emo, im no longer one, that has already wiped out, i think with objectives in mind not emotions anymore. sorry i might sound cruel but im thinking rationaly, if somethings not working and you've tried fixing and it hadnt work and u knew it will be going round and round like the ferris wheel, why not put it to a stop, get out of the cabin and hitch on another ride? who knows you'd enjoy the next ride, u appreciate the thrills of the wheel and you learned how it goes about but it just didnt work out fine for u, so u buy another ticket for a ride that is more suitable for u.....
im no villain, im the victim most of the time, this time round, i appear like a villain cos i just stopped the both of us from being a victim of make-believe....hope u understand.a fairy-tale wont become a reality if the reality is steering off its path.
Friday, December 08, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:44 PM 0 comments
1 mo week
1 more week.........yeeehaaa....enjoi la gua...haiz tapi tak berduit...kalau la gaji gua cam dulu pat ntuc, bih bonus time plak tu, gerenti babe, mesti ada mende baru kat moto gua ngan kat bilik gua...dan gerenti gua gi short holiday punya....
i must tell u, attachments ar, fun.....but tiring...hehehe lagi2 gua dapat sakat2 apek2 yng sakit, ada sampai bingit sak ngan gua, ada cam members...hahaha.....kecoh ar ttsh tapi gerek ar, dapat buat bnyk members, bukan apek2 jer la...nurses pon....sister pon gerek ngan best gitu......
nari aku kene 'cilaka' ngan apek...pasal dia nak terberak bih aku gurau2 bilang dia, 'btol ke lu nak berak?' hehehe dia jawab, 'cilaka lu ingat wa main2 ka?' hehehe nasib baik dia pon joke2...kalau tak aku tinggalkan dia sorang2 kat toilet...heheh biar dia wheel balik sendirik....
weekends nie cibai betul ar.....kene buat case study....frankly eh, malas sak aku mende2 extra nie...tapi memandangkan mende2 gila bleh buat aku lebih competent.....ok la......sebenarnye kat otak nie fikirkan 2 weeks break je nak buat pe nie...
hmmm kalau 3++K tu masuk, alhamdullilah, 2weeks break aku nak start amik class2 ngan enrol class3, kalau tak, sabau je la bila ada wang lebih bleh enrol....hehehe.....kla gua nak lepak....ouh sebelom tu aku nak kasi buah fikiran sikit....aku rasakan nengok seagames nie buang masa je la, pasal half of the sg competitors foreigners.....china la, indo la....haiz....buat malu je.... tak original langsung...pada aku biar kalah tapi genuine.....okla papo......
Posted by Four Wheels at 4:38 PM 0 comments
sick ride
this is one hell of a sick 690cc, i think itll make my pillion pee in the pants....anyways i just dont like the headlight, other than that, the dual exhaust system, the phat 690cc power, the motard rims, the wicked low fork just topple the scales, this ride is wicked....take off the headlight and i guess its like as good as king of the motards....
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:12 PM 0 comments
ok before i start off my thoughts, i love nursing and i think im destined for it. i serve a purpose and i hope i will clear this 2 year course with ease.
ok as a child, i had dreams, let me stress DREAMS, some of them were rather unrealistic for example a race-car racer back then what i knew as racing was only those f1s or rallies. IF i were so freakin rich or sponsored definitely id love to do that and i still hope one day id just have a day at the race track competing for fun maybe on a motard or my gilera.....we'll see but definitely its for fun only. i love drawing too, since young, scribbles and all but i was lazy at secondary school, so i didnt get into the arts stream at sec 3, so there goes my dreams......IF given a choice i would still pursue my interest but i know very well i have a purpose, reponsibilities and such, thus, that will only come later in life.....probably as a past time.....
i hate ppl asking me again and again like just now, why i switched to nursing.....ok in case anyone out there didnt know, there's several core reasons.....and they are, stability, assurance of a brighter a future, a much more comfortable life in the golden years, the chance to migrate if i chose to, the chance to teach if i still have the passion to teach later on...that's why. nursing provides broad and many channels for me. its a fine and decent choice i made. secondary to all that, i guess im fated and of cause, my nature....i guess it just suited me well.......i will never turn back or regret....its the best choice ive ever made in my life. the hardships, the rough and hardwork that the job demands is nothing new to me, ive faced worse, i was a labourer for several times at production factories, i think i can manage. and being bonded with imh is another blessing cos they say its a little bit more relaxed down there...hopefully only worry is the prcp, the final attachment in the final year whereby u will be assessed stringently by perceptors......the rate of passes is very low....u have to be very competent and good or you'll fail. that is my only worry. i will concentrate this 2 years, ensuring i absorp all the knowledge i require so that i dont fail. i think, if im offered an overseas assignment while im still single, id grab the go.....serious...
im hungry, hungry for knowledge but im tired most of the time at the end of the day, i guess ill make full use of the academic time to absorp as much knowledge as possible, cos thats the best time for it, during attachments you are simply left with little energy to spare.....
everything that has happened in the past has a glad.....gnite peepz...
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:31 PM 0 comments
i so feel like a slacker now....damn....the mood, the lazy mood is sinking in.
Posted by Four Wheels at 11:32 AM 0 comments
boredom galore......dah, memang dah takda plan pas tu takpe, the new clinical instructor that replaced mdm lee gave us assignments and pre-readings to do....which means haiz....weekends pon ada homework......kiwak btol betina tu....kasi la kier chan rehat......bleh katakan eh cos nie giler babi......6bulan, 6bulan straight ada menda nak buat, walaupun at the end ada 2 weeks break, tapi lu pikir ar, tu 2 weeks pon mau prepare start of new semester per.....
tapi takpa, walaubagaimana pun, gua tetap minat.......tadi gua kena datang saturday pon tapi gua cam enjoy....the main thing is love ur job....mesti ar kadang2 stress, penat, kaki sakit la....kepala pening la....hapa-hapa lagi la....tapi kalau keje yng takda sikit pon stress, aku rasa tu bukan keje lagi....muahahaha.....even cartoonist kadang stress.......
nari gua flat.........5hari keje satu hari sakit....tinggal besok je akunye so called free nak gi suntec ar, aku dengar ada big boys toys convention...nari ker?....hmmmm...ntah eh check out lagi ar.....kalau tak nak cuci moto....dah berkeladak da...
kla aku agak, aku nak mandi, pas tu main game japs baru tido......adios......
Sunday, December 03, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:47 AM 0 comments
lets sum up the day first of all bfore i hit the bed....
2 sad news, my case study was uncomplete according to Mdm Lee...sigh...but wat is done is done....
I have to make up this saturday for yesterday's MC sigh.........
I have to go to school tumoro just to submit the stupid mc....sigh......
i dont think my wound at my last surgery site has improved by means of antibiotics and regular wash and dress....therefore i might need to see a specialist, which means i need to use more money and thus have to forgo certain luxuries....sigh....
i might also need another op.....sigh.....lets hope for the best.....
ive learnt one thing, that when frens are good, they'd forget about ones wrong-doings even if they knew it very well and they even witness it, they tried to cover it up for the fren at first, then they could not hold it back but to tell it to the victim but once the victim is out of sight, they are good frens again or as ever and forget totally what has happened. i have a few frens who stood up to their principle and now they are left with lesser friends. so is that why some ppl, wouldnt dare tell their frens off? bcos they are afraid they'd loose more frens? just pondering....or some are jus like me who jus cant be bothered to get into their stubborn minds and their screwed up self bcos i myself am not perfect, jus ignore la...hehehe....well, just pondering again...heee.....
i hate it when rashes develops due to the strong antibiotics....gotta see the doc again....
Thursday, November 30, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:57 PM 0 comments
i was down with food poisoning yest, was on mc, i had diarrohea and vomited several times tuesday night, i tot i was ok on wednesday morning but i vomited again at work, my clinical instructor asked me to go n see the a result i was given 1 day mc, which also means i have to make up for that one day this saturday! urrrghhh.....nevermind, its ok, i dont think i got any plans anyways, cos half of my frens will be on their way to KL on their scooters, gileras and some harleys, only the bb boys will be i ges lepak habeb je la...hahahah....k cheers, im glad im feeling better right now but still a little weak cos i had no appetite jus forced myself to a cup of oats just now. gotta go to work at noon.....i hate being sick n going on mc cos ull get so lazy to work the following day.
Posted by Four Wheels at 9:58 AM 0 comments
i dont hurt anyone intentionaly and i dont want to aggravate the situation, so please understand, it is better this way. im no good. period.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:44 PM 0 comments
3 more weeks counting....yeay ....then ill be free for a whole 2 weeks...great!.........well deserved break.....cant wait.
if im not going anywhere out of sg.......ill definitely going to do something about my shape......and stop procastinating.....hehe
Sunday, November 26, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:56 PM 0 comments
tokyo ska paradise orchestra feat puffy ami yumi, enjoi....
kemuri-new generation
Posted by Four Wheels at 8:06 AM 0 comments
i need dough
me no doughboy hand so itchy to spend but i resisted cos i know i need to put aside money for next months instalment and for the new semester to get books and stuffs.....i have to resist, although earlier i said i want to get that volcom berms......
and following nadzir to the bike shop just make me drool....damn, that rear shocks sure look spanking good and that cool alarm system and electric snail horn.....wah lau.....drool2....hehehe....
hopefully sharul get me those part time least i can earn like 200bucks to feed my desires...heheheheh
Saturday, November 25, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:31 PM 0 comments
more things...
shit, reservist call up for next year but im getting deferments, tt also meant later ROD date....that means ill still get bothering messages when im around 40 i guess....sheesh....
ive experience lots of things......but theres more i wish to experience.....
ive had many jobs but ive settled with the current one, though i might consider migrating elsewhere as psychiatry is most wanted overseas. i still havent or rather still far away of having my own side business, ive always loved trading. theres many more things id love to do but most of them require a little of the dough, so id have to wait till probably im stable and have cash to spare. i love cartooning, i love printing, mebbe i can collaborate that with a mini business so i can achieve 2 at one go...hehe just thoughts. i guess, if i get to migrate as a nurse id have more opportunity, but i wonder if i have the heart to do so. i love my frens here and i dont know if i can bear to be away for so long from my mom n my younger siblings...
i am still holding on to my dreams, what id like to have, how id wanna be n keeps me going on to strive better.
the first year was a tough one having 9 modules that were totally new to me, although i didnt score but i did pretty ok but i couldve done better. my aim next year is to turn all the Bs into As and Cs into Bs, pretty realistic goal right? can be done, with determination and hopefully no distractions, focus.....
i wanna go for a holiday in december.....but i think id forgo that idea.....i think ill just spend my 2weeks of vacation in december starting off the new semester and getting my class2 probably...i still want to ride a harley one day u know...heheheh i feel i got to start the new semester early so that at least id have a rough idea and i would understand my lectures better. i wouldnt settle for average this time. i wanna be the top few.
i still in love with caramella, i rode her ard yest, still got that crisp vespa noise but the timings abit off, ill have it done today, sorry An, i don't think i can bear letting it go and sorry Roy, I don't think id switch with your YB even though ure offering me extra 700cash. some things you cant just let go like that, its difficult to do....
gotta go, nadzir jus sms, go bike shop...hehehe big boys toys, bikes n cars...hehehe...
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:56 AM 0 comments
tired + wierd
wierd u know, i dunno why macam magic show like that.....if they don't wanna talk can always say one mah, busy or something.. say hi onli, poof they go....heheh ppl ar....
anyways, im very the leg aches....i think ill invest in an osim.....when i get my full pay that is...ummm have i said that?
dave suggested that i take car license.....well i will dave, ive already thought of it long enough and i guess i will have to sacrifice some stuffs to make way for the class 3. and class 2. in preparation for 2008......i will definitely either get a harley OR a small car....:) lagi lama dah plan seh...hehehehehe
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:28 PM 0 comments
so farnie....firstly i mistaken a staff-nurse for another cos they look alike, then SN adirah called for help, guess what she called me....."sudin, meh tolong nie.." hahahahaha len kali kalau tak tau nama tanya la kak, jng hembus je...hehehehe.... farnie, i guess yesterday i was laughing the most, most probably because all the SNs n ANs working tt shift were fun and approachable to be with.
then going home time, this weird 3rd year girl ask me or aisha to tumpang her home.. haha weird sak she, we barely knew her but she's like so friendly and all and tau-tau mintak tumpang. I had no xtra helmet & aisha stays in woodlands. heee sorry...hee
at habeb, the usual farnie ppl, its them who unwinds me.....the laughters just took away all the aches, physically.
today, i gotta keep active, gotta keep in mind what shahreil said yest, "diq aku nengok gambar bunchit kawin, ada shape(referring to my jawline which has disappeared now because of accumulated fats). hehehehe.....i think shouldnt be a problem la, 29th december my target remember?......a farnie but weird dream yest, i dunno who they are but we were in an old disorganized home....knn must be annie's mouth la, she say gd nite hope u dream of hantu....knn....gila...but i dont think the ppl in my dream are hantus...cos.....hehhehe
okla gotta go, iron clothes then i can do everything else...
Saturday, November 18, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:27 AM 0 comments
im tired, i need a new left knee.
im happy, i have made the right choice.
ill endure, to live my dreams, to make it a reality.
im looking forward to IMH.
Thursday, November 16, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:38 PM 0 comments
tired still
first thing i got home, my leg was freakin aching, i told mom.....mak nak kena beli osim ar kalau dah keje full time...heheheh
hehe tired la macha, whole day walk2, bila si halem sms nak main bola tak, macam kepingin gak, tapi alahai, penat la.....
hehe this weekend syed getting gilera pal.....wah lan, another one...heheh next week one more....
i miss my frens....i think wait till friday la, at least saturday i can sleep till afternoon....heheh ouh need to change boba's oil
meanwhile read up....(I dont believe in horoscopes but sometimes it provides you ideas or how tos)
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Put some more effort into your career today, and do the work you've been putting aside. It's a good idea to assess your current situation and think about whether it may be time to set your sights a bit higher. Remember that your boss is a human being, and sometimes a simple casual conversation can lay the foundation for your future. But before you initiate any conversations, use today to formulate your plans and organize a list of your recent accomplishments.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:12 PM 0 comments
im tired, i wanna join the guys at habib but i guess tumoro then i join la....tumoro morning shift sia.....thurs then 2nd shift, so tumoro i can afford to sleep a little tumoro la guys eh? heheheh
my new blog is up......its my life as a male nurse....
oh and heres a foto from last saturday's karaoke trip.....i had fun, thnks gilera guys......
ouhk gotta sleep....gnite.....
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:23 PM 0 comments
responsibility galore
sigh......this is where the claws of responsibilities, stress, pressure and many more sinks my mental flesh.....
attachments is more than what i expected......first of all a case study and being fresh to nursing, im blur the first day with dunno wat to do or how to approach the patients, mostly old and weak.....and being male patients they are even harder to approach, serious....i tot male would be easier but seems like male patients prefer privacy than someone bothering them... i hope they will open up and make it more pleasant for me nursing them, its a real challenge, this job is a real challenge and i think not any tom, dick n harry can do it.....i salute my aunties who made it through for like decades till where they are right now.
im starting a new blog......a diary of a male nurse, a journal based on my daily attachments at the current hospital....
i love my job and i will remind me that everyday, i will make a change in the patients lives and make them leave with a smile knowing that someone care......i have a purpose in this world and the purpose is to help ppl.......i need all the encouragements and motivations........and i realised studying is not everything in nursing, it takes way much more than that.....
tumoro is the morning shift, i have to be there before 0645am.......gotta sleep........cheers....wish me luck.....
Monday, November 13, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:43 PM 0 comments
made a deal with maself.....get back to 74kg before my bdae and im going to get new shocks for boba n caramella and a pair of volcom berms and a shirt......ive got more than a month should be sufficient.....cheers to healthy weight.....hehehehe
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:20 AM 0 comments
a day of weddings
today the afternoon is spent at weddings....well only 2 la... one of my friend, lisdawati n the other norainy......they were close frens of mine whereby if i dont go, i guess its just plain not nice.....well there was a little history with lisda tts why...
well, im happy for them the both of them......and gosh where their wedding so grand and i cant believe norainy is still as crazy as she was during poly last time......on the other hand, lisda changed.....she dons the hijab now even at the reception..... was at her wedding tt i felt so super uneasy.....i went there alone, lucky yani was there to macam accompany me for awhile cos she was with her family.....and boy i gotta sit together with her family so the malu, shaking hands with her brothers, her mother....then surrounded by all ppl i do not know....i was wishing2 the foto takings would end faster so i can shake the couples hands and leave.....and i did, i left as soon as i well-wished the couple and shook their hands and of course a foto.....hope she will email me the foto or something...heheh.....
by then, it was already drizzling, so man n lin fetched his car....wahlau wei...he drives macam he's playing need for speed, his car a mitsubishi, is simple but fuyoh.....vroom.....i like...hehehehi envy them, they'll be getting married next year, tts not what im envious off, i envy them being successful and all and u know they've like reached 2 or 3 levels higher than me, they have positions and they are comfortable oredi waiting to settle down and plan for future im still struggling to make my dreams a reality.....and i will do just that, focus on that......and i think i will get that mod-up morris...definitely....
and sorry roy, i cant accept ur proposition to trade bikes, i love caramella...hehehe....ouh by the way, the YB is super nice too but i prefer a vespa,,,,
tumoro, the start of ttsh attachments....sigh......i hope itll be interesting.....i think it will be.....gotta iron my uniforms, cya!
Sunday, November 12, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:36 PM 0 comments
completed 1week of polyclinic posting.....yeay and i ttsh......monday.....dunno what ill see...heee...
speaking to janice n yahnee on friday really benifited me in some way.......first of all, i learnt that i can earn alot and im wanted more in psychiatry in most parts of the means opportunity to migrate........yeay! is if im good in my field but to be there, i have to prove to imh first tt im worthy of another yet sponsorship for an advance diploma and later a degree and so on.. if all stages completed.....i might consider migrating.....but then again mom would be old im not sure yet.... probably a little later.....the conversation over lunch also boosted my self-esteem, not that i had any problems with it but it was like more psyched up and more motivated to do even better.........see....sometimes communication does play a big role in our lives....siapa kata omong2 kosong saja? kadang2 dari cerita2 tu kita bleh dapat pelajaran.......dan mungkin informasi yng kita tidak pernah tahu.......
tumoro theres 2 wedding, lisda's and norainy's....
i still dunno what i wanna wear, and how to cut my oredi messy hair.......this is why i hate weddings, i have to look presentable.. and not the everyday scruffy look of mine.......i saw this nice shirt at bossini but yest they were closing so i didnt get to try another bigger size.....mebbe later ill drop by and try again.......yeay and tumoro ill be getting tt jubah from eema, the one tt i told her to buy me.....i hope its nice....can wear for next year raya, sebab this yearnye dah terlepas....
ive grown, really.....i guess eating n pumping and not doing cardio really bulks u up....and im so freakin fat right now, i like gained about 8kg i guess, im sure lisda n yani(lisda's cousin) would be shock to see me....hehehe.......and probably my gilera n ngee ann frens on sunday...hehehe
anyway who cares....hehehe...but im trying to cut down on carbo ever since my attachments.....its the diabetic cases that worries me...can u believe it, every single day, theres like at least 2new diabetic cases in bukit batok alone?.....just imagine all over sg.....or mebbe its just so happens tt im lucky tt week to see the new cases...but still it worries me.....cos some of them are as old or younger than guys, watch ur diet and exercise a little yeay? ditch the coke, go for plain water or if u need a little of flavour, mineral water.........if u need that hot beverage....go for tea w/o milk instead of kinda thing, cut down on more greens.....look after your health la ppl.....when ure old, at least ud be u dont have to worry......cheers.....
im gng town later...probably to iskandar's workplace to see if theres any nice top......anyone wanna follow?
Saturday, November 11, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:13 AM 0 comments
got 1 staff nurse wah lan, attitude la macha......ask her sign also so difficult....wah lan......its not as if i like to bother her mah, its a requirement...i complain about the procedure not carried out properly then she know...knn
over lunch janice was expressing her views to us about she hating kids and not wanting to have kids.....wah lau, i never thot such ppl exist....i mean, i always thot those who opted not to have kids either dont want the trouble or their freedom taken away but not hate kids....hehe wierd fellow......she's weird from day 1.....serious......and the other wierd one is Joy, the china lady, wah lan, forever kanchiong.....but im glad they are ok....and their wierdness sometimes make life less boring and sleepy... heeheheheheh
haiz, gotta work on the presentation with the ite students........presentation due on friday....i like the presenting part, i just hate the preparations....heheheheheh
ouh today i saw raimie at the clinic, he wanted to see the doctor for gastric flu.....i cant talk much to him cos i had many things to do....
today an old fren gave me an sms, he wanted to trade his YB(a vintage motorcycle) with my vespa....hehehe i said no way....
2 more days and im done with polyclinics....a couple of unpleasant and many pleasant experiences.....oh today i did screening for cute....heheh i helped out in taking their height...ummm i mean length......cuteness they all......but i had to see everyone cry, cos they came down for their immunizations.....
day 3, im still frightened by the fact that, everyday theres at least 3-4 new diabetes cases or at risk cases.....makes me so much want to watch my diet......ouh just hightlight a myth.....not only sugar cause diabetes.....starch too, like rice, potatoes, etc....beware, and the best way to stay away from diabetes, exercise, maintain healthy weight, dont smoke, dont drink....
gnite, gotta iron my spanking white uniform....
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:24 PM 0 comments
2nd day
2nd day at the im not takin the student nurse there....
learn more things and im more worried about my PHAT state......the morning, i spent it with staff nurse norainy......she spent the morning sorting out diabetes cases and counseling the frightens actually see real cases and find out how long they have suffered, can u imagine controlling ur diet for 23years? 2 slices of bread for breakfast and beverage with no sugar? so my frens, look after ur health kay?.....
the second half was spent with staff nurse...ummm i forget her name....ouh it was the immunization room....she was very knowledgable and i learnt alot of things over there about vaccination, though ive forgotten half of the details already...u know, these experienced nurses are as good as doctors except without the qualifications, i mean, they know so much, they can remember so much and they do wound dressings at split second timings.....they are remarkable.....ive always have this perception that this polyclinics play the least vital role in healthcare but i was very wrong.......they are jus as important as hospitals and so on....
and ouh, to a fren of mine who once wanted to escape the fees, they will send the bill to ur home if u 'run' away from payment. dun ever think about it......
today at lunch, i forgot to withdraw cash.......i wanted to withdraw but yahnee offered to borrow me the paiseh but i accepted lucky to have good classmates around me.....and in the morning janice actually offered to switch postings with me cos im not sure if im allowed in the women's screening room and i couldnt find the perceptor around, so we had to make our decisions and janice, the once i thought cocky, was indeed helpful....and i think we are getting better and she even pointed out how annoying the auntie was.....hehhe janice is funny....but still at times i cant stand her.....i think its her nature......even staff sanka pointed out....hehe to me...
i enjoyed nursing.....believe it or not....i was skeptical at how it would be, i mean the attachments, i think im getting a hang of it and i think ill enjoy it very much...and boy do news travel fast, aiza, my ngee ann fren actually smsed me, "diq, ure in nursing and i heard ure bonded uh?" and when i asked how she knows, as usual, "adalah, anyway good for u..."
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:06 PM 0 comments
i spoke too soon?
have i spoken too soon?.....well, only time will tell.....
anyways, yahnee told me the results will be on 22nd november...oooi nervousnye........
cant sleep but gotta sleep cos tumoro gotta work.....gnite peepz....
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:47 AM 0 comments
so far, so-so la
hmm due to patients' confidentiality and the code of ethics i cant share much with u but hey it was a worthwhile experience and theres more to come.......soon, ill get to remove stitches and dress ugly was a little boring in the late morning though cos the nurse was a little too the early morning, i learn something new....kalau awak ada adek2 yng matanye juling, pegila jumpa doktor, pasal lama kelamaan, kerana mata yng juling tu tak digunakan, ia akan menjadi buta... oh the eye tt is not utilised actually lost its function, in ppl with crossed eyes, u dont even know they are only using one eye to see, so those with kids or young siblings, go correct it, they might not complain to u cos they are so used to using one eye to see. many ppl dunno this and i hope my blog provide a channel for u guys to spread the harmful effects to ur relatives, family and frens.....dont let that kid go one-eyed something before its too late, its a well investment and money is a small matter in place for eyesight with two eyes for the rest of ur life........those who need to know more and concern, u can always go to any clinic.....
aside from that, i think i look splendid in that white uniform and my 60bucks bata........i feel like im it, a nurse....though i feel my size might intimidate some patients, i guess thats why i was selected by IMH......too bad im not tall, im just wide.....
on sunday, i learnt one valuable lesson, it pays to be patient......thnk god....i guess he is answering my prayers, he knows what i want.....insyahAllah, alhamdullilah.......
tumoro is another day, must write objectives and ouh did i mention theres going to be a presentation at the end of the five days? i rock at presentations, i think im gonna impress some ppl this friday and kick some ass.....heheheh...
Posted by Four Wheels at 9:40 PM 0 comments
its over macha...
wah, finally the exams are have to wait for the results while serving my a student nurse! yeay!
hehehe biler nak dapat chan marah2 patient...hehehe....
anyways, overall, i think i did average......its been a long time since ive been to school and i havent been able to manage time really well.....i can foresee i will do alot better next semester, knowing what to expect and more time to myself, single and all, ill strive for my best....lets not dwell on the soon to be past, that is semester 1, lets look ahead to semester 2 and kick some ass out there and prove that u not only look like a nerd but u will perform like one...hahahaha
i love my leo vince....the performance is different...but i still dunno how to do backfires...anyways, i think i drag too much just now, abt 120-130 along PIE.....and my bike like mati2 la on the way back along jurong kechil...i gues the plugs need to be changed.....
i wanna celebrate, follow my coursemates to makan but its friday and i am also dead tired.....tumoro i have to scout for shoes for my attachments.....adios,its nap time...
Friday, November 03, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 2:44 PM 0 comments
last burst of fire
its the last paper....ill stretch to the max to perform to get the maximum possible personal best result....god willing....
ouh i just saw jeff put an advert on, he is selling ksr110....i wonder if its the same jeff, ive left a pm to his acct. if its him and if the ksr is still under hire purchase, damn u, ull see this little green monster roaming bb crazy, i know.
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:15 AM 0 comments
hard way
i learn it the hard way, well, first time chen exos mah...hehehhe
knn ar want to do things u like also so difficult, not as if its a crime....
bcos the exhaust is 2nd hand, i cant straight go for the inspection, instead, gotta get the documents from the bike shop, cost me 20bucks more by the way and not mentioning the shop is at tampines....not mentioning i have gone to 4 inspection centers! bukit-batok vicom, sing ming vicom, jic amk, changi vicom and last kaki bukit vicom(which has the frenliest and knowledgable staff), the one u shud put n x is bukit batok.....the poorest service.....the rest is ok, except, i went there before i got documents, its the singming one who provided me with all the info i need, where the shop moved to, etc.....its from the staff there that i got one of gmax shop....well actually gmax ask a couple of shops to sell leo vince but gerry looi at tampines appears to be the one tt can offer the duplicate document with the required first wen i called some one said 50bucks...i was pissed, super pissed....but then wen i reached there, i scour for any abg melayu, which kindly ask me for 20bucks....wat to do, better than 50bucks....
he suggested i go back to the same center, that is kaki bukit and so there am i.....the staff was helpful, he said i have to wait long like 1 hour but i only waited about half hour and the whole process took me about 1hr 15minutes....
there off i am riding happily with my leo vince.....
to advice to those going for inspections or buying 2nd hand exhaust, find out wat u need before save u from running around like me......but all in all, its done and im glad its time ill just opt for brand new......anyways the exhaust was bought on 10th june, and for 420 instead of 530bucks is kinda worth it....worth all the trouble...
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 4:51 PM 0 comments
kalau apek cakap, "ini moto lacing lo....", kalau mat2 cakap, "nie motor mesti pegi nye", kalau mat2 yng style skit cakap, "nie moto werks ar dod"
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:18 AM 0 comments
heheh stress
stress giler punye...pasal nie module vague giler punye, cam tak tau exactly wat to expect.
i think right, im the unfamous version of afdlin shauki, or should i say his character in buli.....well not exactly tt i get bullied but rather i him...and sometimes my dreams can get so imaginitive that it becomes weird....hehehe...
anyways, if u see a a flourescent pink 2-stroke with skurvy on its front and 'iamvicious' on its side in a kallang race in 3 or 4 years time, tts me...hahah nola im jus dreaming....itll be fun to race, i told shareil yest on msn, i wanna do certain things before i settle down or get too old to do....and one of them is racing...legally of least one event would do, dont win also nevermind, as long not last...hahahahha.......ishk....i actually scan thru performance parts just now....gonna research a little on those parts after the exams.....
i think twice intensive run thru the whole module is sufficient...i need some sleep, wake up at 5am later and run thru once more. then head to school at 8am and the usual brief run thru with some of my classmates....then its the killer paper from mdm chin @ 10am.......i must stay optimistic, if i think i can, i can......and God-willing I CAN!........mdm chin, im not scared of ur paper!
gnite peepz.......cant wait to finish the last paper on friday....
Posted by Four Wheels at 1:12 AM 0 comments
some pics stolen from a fren...hehehe last weekend's sg's first gilera/auto-scooter race.
super cool....if i have cash to spare and i can loose 20kg, i think id participate.....ouh by the way, this race proves 2things, 2stroke kicks ass, and the new gilera suck big time. or maybe his is stock condition, well, i dunno but all i know is he came in last.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:13 PM 0 comments
break again
penat kepala...camne eh tu...ouh i chance upon this old band, soldiers of Allah. very old school......but a new approach to what malays know as nasyid, spreading the teachings, advice and so on regarding our religion via a medium called music.
Posted by Four Wheels at 1:18 PM 0 comments
break time
need a break....a new gilera fren added me on his multiply.....and i saw this....and he is from sg..
local rocks too...
Posted by Four Wheels at 8:26 AM 0 comments
urgh...duit lagi
pe dah aku lupa aku kirim kawan aku sepasang jubah dari dubai.......sampai dia call tadi.....baru teringat....."sid, brown takda, wat other colours u want?". i told her to get me one cos i saw my uncle wore one, quite nice.....nasib baik aku bilang dia budget aku 30bucks je.......if i were to set my budget higher....haizz....makan roti je la jawabnye bila aku kene attach kat tan tock seng nanti...heheheh....atau puasa terus....hahahaha.....lupa plak.....fuyoh...this month aku agak aku spend paling banyak... bills ard 130, road tax-60, helmet-65, leo vince-350, inspection-55, jubah-30, parking-30.....wah lan doi....720 bucks.....blom lagi kira fan yng aku pasang utk living room tu-160, ngan wang hadiah hari raya yng aku beri budak2 ngan grandparents aku dan benda2 lain yng tak terkira.......dekat 1000+ aku gaji takmo spend....tunggu decembernye gaji......ala anyway aku agak aku nak save up, mana tau december nak gi mana2 ker.........ishk baru teringat novembernye installment on the 11th......nasib baik aku check2 jugak spare ada berapa......cuma aku tak kira je brapa yng kluar, aku cuma set limit brapa yng tinggal every month.......aku tau asal aku blanja lebih pasal bulan puasa satu menda aku tak belanja, cuma occasionally beli benda buka, tu je.....jadi kirakan gaji aku double ar, sebab tu aku TERspend lebih....hehehehhe dasyat.....
Monday, October 30, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:42 PM 0 comments
poor service
i was faced with poor service and ignorance of the staff at vicom bukit batok......first of all, the guy suppose to do the inspection simply said, "got booking?". i was lost cos i never knew u need to book for a vehicle inspection, that he takes no effort to explain to me and simply push the matter to his passing by colleague who simply said " u need to book to do inspection, go to the control station there." and thats that....i even have to ask him book what? he said go there tell the person book for inspection, ok fair enough, wen i reach there, i was like the invisible man before i started pacing back and forth before getting attended to, i didnt want to make any noise cos apparently he is doing some paper work. ok thats still ok, i asked him, is all vicom like this? you have to book before inspection? he answered, "ya, ya...must book" so he appointed me 1st of november 2pm. i left, disappointed and a little angry at the poor service....i was even more pissed to find out tt my fren had the same inspection and need not book watsoever, it was done why was the answer "ya. ya must book."????? apparently he just wanna brush me off, so id leave and come on the appointed date.....wat poor service....ughhhh! if u dunno jus say dunno, dunt anyhow say, dont u think id find out?
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:07 PM 0 comments
the shock
shock of my life....ive never ever had any intention to make anyone feel anything...wat i mention in my blog were all actual happenings, no make up story, no nothing and its purpose is not to make anyone feel anything.....sheesh.....its my life, its wat is happening in my life....
Sunday, October 29, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:29 PM 0 comments
ishk tembamnye budak nie, pernah nampak tapi di mana ya?
ksr, kalau ada spare cash bila dah keje nanti....wooohoooo...bleh main kat carpark...
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:10 PM 0 comments
leo vince...wooohooo
my fren getting married he sold off his bike to his brother and as a result he got a leo vince for sale, bcos his brother doesnt want to use the exhaust as he is using the bike for part-time despatch job....weeehooo.....i got a leo vince for 350, instead of 500bucks...fair deal cos the exhaust was only bought around may.
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:11 AM 0 comments
haverrock....wah lau wei...
upset.....tak dapat ngok gilera race....terlambat skit dok....besok ar kalau sempat kalau dapat abiskan ulang kaji...
gua ngan nadzir, gi kedai auntie pas tu....wah lau.....ada helmet haverrock....ol skool classic giler...nie original punye beb bukan main press2 punye, nie memang condition dia dari factory tu maciam.....its the best 65bucks i spend this year....hell yeah!
ouh maaf yer kalau lagu memeningkan gua ngah mood short sikit...hahaha...
tadi dalam perbualan mak aku....lepak, pakcik aku tanya mak aku "midah kau takmo jodohkan didiq ngan yakyat?" hahaha
yakyat, or like i call her kak yakyat(org jawa can come up with weird nama manja yng ada dua syllable) is 31years old and unmarried, thats why my uncle joke on that.......jaga my uncle next time i see him....dia sendiri dah 40+ blom kahwin mandai2 nak kene2kan orang...ishk....hehhehe
Saturday, October 28, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:51 PM 0 comments
~beauty is superficial.
love is, undefined men's creation.
underneath, we are all the same.
skin, bones, flesh living with needs.
we cry, we secrete, we excrete, we bleed.
the brain controls us, emotion is secondary.
death is inevitable, living is mandatory.
Friday, October 27, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:25 PM 0 comments
paper was but aint easy.but keep the faith dude......
the sight of senior accelerated students gave me the feeling i needed.....if they can do it, dah tua bangka ada....takkan la aku yng muda, bujang nie tak bleh.....
keep the faith......
something fishy with one of my classmate, i dunno if its what i think....mebbe not, mebbe just me....hahaha....
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:10 PM 0 comments
latent function
the latent function of music, deliver messages, advice, story
~when ure up on the top, frens will lift u right up. when ure down on the ground, frens stop coming around.
when ure nothing, ppl start judging. when ure something, ppl coming.~
Thursday, October 26, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:25 AM 0 comments
aku terlelap, tak bangun sahur...haiz nampaknye weekend nie la baru aku dpt posa....besok exam...nak posa payah plak.
Posted by Four Wheels at 7:02 AM 0 comments
enjoy this classic number and switch off the punk ipod...hehehe
boys dont cry....
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:55 PM 0 comments
learn cpr
one of the leading cause of deaths is indeed myocardial infarction of better known as the heart attack, no not tt game where u smack another persons hand.......
cpr can save heart attack 'victims'. help save lives, help reduce death learn cpr. for all u know, u could be saving someone along the life, not war....heheheh anyways be certified to save live. be a hero...hehehe.
to learn more about heart attack visit & visit the following for cpr courses.....cheers.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 8:35 PM 0 comments
i know i know
i know i have a 30GB ipod video but i feel like i want tt red nano....ok the excuse is tt its for a good cause, its for HIV, its for the global fund to fight AIDS in Africa.......well but i think id resist the temptation though the thought of having a sleek red nano in my pocket just excites me....heheheh freak!..... a glimpse of the nano in sleek aluminium delicious red!
Posted by Four Wheels at 4:57 PM 0 comments
its my break from my revisions as usual.....
had a chat just now with mom....hmm i forgot how the topic came up....ouh its abt how parents ask for dowry, or the affectionately known duit they ask a ridiculous amount for their daughters who are neither princesses atau putri gunung ledang.......well, its the trend, the culture right now for parents of daughters to put such a high 'price' for their daughter.......i hope those parents who went for the prayers on shawal morning listened to the sermon u know u sin if u make it difficult for ur child to get married and thus letting him getting into more sinful acts? haiz, why make the life of the gentleman difficutl? if he is sincere enough to marry ur daughter and willing to sacrifice and look after your daughter isnt that good nuff?? isnt sincererity much more priceless than tt coloured paper?........i came across both kinds of parents in my life but heheh im still not married somehow, i could have actually but too bad the girl dunno how to behave....hehehe... the parents was like, nikah only, the rest is really unnecessary unless you have extra dough......simple as that.....
another worrying issue that the imam touch during the sermon was the fact tt many young muslims are converting to other religions....its bcos of their weak knowledge of the religion....its shocking but true......the 'other' religion send their ppl to spread their religion and take advantage of these youngsters and pull them in, or rather i should say reel them in.....masyaAllah. it is happening and u can get figures i guess if u approach the relevant bodies......freaking shocking....
this year raya as usual i expect to jln raya with my close pals from bbss....but this year due to many having their own cars dan kemaruk tak kene tempat, we did not rent a bus like usual......everyone wants to drive their own car.....and i hate tt idea like the rest of us yng tak berlesen......bebal ar dorang.......tak paham langsung aku.....i guess this year i pass, mebbe i follow sunday onli.
i only realise just now tt i have 2 jemputans on 2nd week november....alamak is syed from tag scooters and the other is omel, my ex gf of 2 weeks.....both, im very close to......haiz......if only i could split myself into two....hehehehe....
yest, the visiting we as usual but haiz, never get to chit chat with my nenek.....sooo many ppl la....but im happy bcos my aunts and uncles actually is supportive of me getting into nursing.........nurse gila....oops nurse orang gila....hehehe...
my aunt whose a nurse manager at sgh also encourage me to take advance dip and a degree after completion of my 2 year course......seems like i have to hassle my good frens again....ehhehehehehe......i can foresee a future of free education.... wee hooo.....
speaking of education, as my younger siblings, salam me in the morning of shawal, as usual, the brother gives advice like the mom to me......i told them the same thing...."respect ur parents, jng kurang ajar, study hard.....if i can do it so can u but i want to see u all do better than me, if i have a diploma, i want u all to go for a degree, make me n mom n dad proud...." i hope they i said before, i want to change the state of being in the middle working class....although its tough its doable, if im unable to do so due to time, due to me realising late, they still have alot of time ahead of them.....
the sight of the successful yest also drive me further to pursue.....both the existing world and thereafter......the sight of my uncle driving a mercedes kompressor, i cant deny im a little materialistic.....for me a spanking harley and a mini cooper would be and my dreams.....
ok i think i better continue my all muslims, selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin......forgive all my sins, intentional or unintentionaly......i already forgave everyone elses........
tumoro insyahallah i want to fast.......puasa shawal bnyk berkatnye....bagaikan puasa 100hari di ramadhan.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 1:59 PM 0 comments
small world indeed
it turns out tt nura.j from krayon or the more famous fake slimming advert is a distant auntie....hahahah, she is my father's auntie's daughter, that makes her my father's cousin and so, my distant auntie.....
my aunt was farnie tonight.....i was at their place to visit my yai(grandpa), dementia strucks the old and as usual he couldnt recognise me.....anyways, my cuzzen.....she's gorgeous, oh she's also a nurse.....heheh okok back to the weird auntie.....when we were about to leave, my aunt gave me a small packet (of course with money inside). i refused to accept and said that i am already gainfully employed so its really unnecessary but she insisted and said "ala diq, ok la blom kahwin masih boleh kasi....." hahah weird. then in the lift my mom said jokingly, "jng2 baru dapat duit cpf tak...." ...hahahahah
i drop by my aunt fatimah's place since its just 8 floors away, it was there too that i learnt tt my step-sister in jakarta, the eldest one, who's also a nurse (which i only found out) is getting married early next year and my aunt ask me to tag....heheh see la if cun2 kena during school hols ok la.....
tumoro 2 more houses, and thats it, gotta hit the books....
Monday, October 23, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:48 PM 0 comments
hari raya
hari raya? heheh ala, takda apa2 pon....cuma nak jengok my grandparents, rindu mika kat mereka.....padahal satu singapore, tapi slalu sibuk sangat.....atau sengaja buat2 sibuk.....tapi takpa, inila waktunye dapat jumper mereka dan excuse untuk tak blaja....hahahahah
slamat hari raya semua, maaf zahir dan batin.....halalkan la dosa2 ku......hahahahah
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:46 PM 0 comments
the id
here's wat the id would like to say.....i love my life, i love my school, i love my frens, i love my hobby, i love my family and i love my tummy......
Posted by Four Wheels at 1:17 AM 0 comments
hmmm sometimes i wonder, ada di antara kawan2 aku takut nak bobal ngan aku ker? asal? aku gila eh? hmmmm...
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:42 AM 0 comments
caramella my love
im glad i still have caramella with me....she helped me in times of need......
boba's battery ran out of it wouldnt recharge and so, it wouldnt start....damn....i knew i gotta get battery water and the only way is to ride caramella to the petrol station and purchase a bottle......i tot i got my problem i happily fix the battery after filling it up....but i didnt realise tt it already ran out of charge........and therefore it did not start....then i remembered caramella has a spare battery for IU unit.....wala....i use it to start boba....and after removing the box, which i first intended to do and the number plate and a little bit of wipes here and there, i took boba for a ride to charge its batteries... wala! boba is running good again, thnks to sure boba now is appreciative of caramella.....hahaha im nuts.....
sigh after im done with all tt, pack up as i reached home, it was already pass midnight....looks like its too late to go to habib.. well, some other day then.....:)
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:35 AM 0 comments
sometimes the teevee does not only provide mere entertainment, i guess theres a reason to every development and happenings, after all technology, biology and many knowledge of how the world work is derived from the quraan...where from there the human develops it into what many of them call their own.
today teevee has indeed serves another latent function tt sometimes we fail to see, cos we all rather watch emteevee or desperate housewives. teevee sometimes helps you realise and even sometimes reminds you, that you are a muslim, so be one. today as my brother turned on discovery channel, i was mesmerized by the programme that is on the hadj and Muhammad s.a.w. our prophet. at first i was judgemental i stereotyped the caucasian to be like any other who condemns the religion but as i listened to as my interests towards the subject and the want to listen was inevitable, he actually converted after 20years of study and had already perform the hadj. i am so ashamed of my judgemental self. but then, i listened on, its merely the elaboration of what i had learned halfway in religious class. the way of the prophet touches me. it is remarkable, the story, or rather history.
i do think tt my upcoming profession is a calling and i do think tt it is how i could contribute to society and indeed help and with my knowledge, insyahAllah i can help ppl. im no saint, i still sin unknowingly or sometimes knowingly. i still give in to desire and at times i am weakened by temptations, to be angry, to talk bad, to gossip, to hate and so on. i hope i will practise more of what has been imparted and taught by my elders so tt it can help purify my self to not behave in such a way. till date, i cant still accept the existence of my step father for his behavior, at first i always tot he's the cause tt i could not accept him, its his behavior who made me hate him.......but then, i studied psychology, its indeed a self-fulfilling prophecy, because of his nature, behavior, i stereotyped him to be bad, hypocrite and many negativity and because of tt i act in a certain way and somehow its like a chain reaction where he fulfilled it.....i was thinking perhaps if i change a little to my perception would it change him? God knows. perhaps if i were to think positively, he behaves in such a way because of stress at work, because of tiredness, because his beloved daughter had forgotten about him and not because he hates me, because im not his son probably thinks would change. but frankly im still unable to do that, its such a hard thing to do, especially to a person whom labeled u and a person who have displayed hate and actually mentioned it........
i was thinking again, perhaps mebbe tt was why my fate or rather i was destined to study again, nursing, basically the study of human beings, to give me knowledge and perhaps improve my life physically, mentally and spiritually.....insyaAllah. it's beyond description to what ive studied, though those of you who have known would probably say im exagerrating but im not, im glad i took the path of nursing, well not only for the reward(which was why i applied) but for the knowledge i attained and more later on. i guess tts why islam encourages us to learn & learn. we can never end up learning enough, im one good example, i completed my diploma course in engineering, im knowledgable in that field but i know nuts about biology, psychology and sociology.......which is rather helpful for the living........
i hope my hunger for knowledge will carry on, not only it will make me successful in life later on but it will make me knowledgable and perhaps a much more calm person as being able to understand to the happenings around me, the happenings to me, etc........
id like to thank also the four frens who gave their trust in me once again......thank you.
Saturday, October 21, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 2:05 PM 0 comments
behind schedule
im a little behind schedule, i havent completed my assignment insyahallah ill finish it by tonight so revision can start tumoro. i dont intend to go out these few days.....until monday, monday i have to head to school to submit my assignment and probably after that id go to ahju to change the shocks on my vespa......mebbe. or mebbe the leo vince i longed for.
anyways, i rummaged thru my cousin's old clothes, it was supposed to be given to my cousin's in JB, i managed to find a few tt is rather big, big enough for me....heheh alhamdullilah, takyah beli baju....bleh save buat beli bermuda's for next semester, this year 2 of my bermudas are not viable for wearing anymore....the zipper is beyond repair on one and there's a 'gash' on the other. hehehe......bermudas are the most comfortable for school, so definitely ill invest in one or 2 good ones......
gotta go do my assignment....adios.........ouh ada orang nak donate baju kurung yng masih cantik kasi la ye...hehehe maklum la orang melayu kiter kalau ada duit, baju baru mesti punye so yng baru pakai skali pon jadi collect habuk je......hehehe
Friday, October 20, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 3:29 PM 0 comments
rex passed me an old foto......long sak rambut, ala mod.....lone ranger mod, independent, gi event sorang2 on my caramella back then, equiped with mp3 and a dgcam to snap2...heheh miss my locks....
Thursday, October 19, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:34 PM 0 comments
last day
today marks the last day of lessons for semester one......and finally all tests completed except one assignment due on monday.
today is like a huge relief for me cos the socio paper was do-able. and today too, where i learnt tt my fren is also upgrading so tt hopefully one day she's able to become a staff nurse too......
dr.san, our biology teacher from myanmar wanted to have a foto taken with us for memories. i feel he is a nice lecturer, kind, calm and patient though sometimes his delivery is rather unclear.....well here it is, the cohort of july 06 accelerated diploma in nursing, here are all the aunties and few young ones who will be staff nurses in 1.5years time!
this raya i think is a rather quiet affair....
bills galore today....sigh.....88bucks internet, 31bucks hp, 60bucks road tax......hehe bt this ramdhan, i acutally spend lesser, so it kinda balanced out...hehehe.....
im looking forward to becoming a qualified nurse, dr.san mentioned this just now "in nursing without heart, knowledge is nothing" something like tt la.....i agree......
tonight's plan, finish up my obesity lesson plan....tumoro start mugging for exams, i still have chance to get 3 As...ehheheh
must be optimistic, tts what keeps a person motivated and driven.....wish me luck....
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:37 PM 0 comments
ngah migrane beb.....gua jarang kene migrane tau....
anyways, was watching cinta Q to let the brain rest a little when suddenly.....OoooOOooeeeeoOooo...oh my hp....long time sia very quiet......hehe ala, vincent giving answers to the tutorial.......i tot tt was it,....then came another sms, contagious after days of silence.......its my ol fren, wat a surprise, just well wishing for my upcoming exams.....boy tt sure made my day a little and really bring the migrane down, after all, illnesses are somehow related to ur emotions, brains....etc....thnks guys
its farnie tt i dun seem so stressed for tumoros paper....not tt its easy but somehow i just take my time studying thru each theories at my own comfortable pace.....itll be good if i can do this for the rest......
ok dudes n dudettes, enjoy my ipod, im gonna continue mugging......
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:16 PM 0 comments
i think i am crazy inside...muahahaha....anyway 2 more hurdles before the real exam, tumro sociology test n my assignment..
was speaking of raya preps.....haha up till now, i havent done anything.....forget it most i prepare the change for the kids.. cant be bothered clothes? for wat? hehehe......anyways i feel raya is when u can see all the hypocrites surface from their hideout.....damn these ppl, they cry, apologise and do again....immediately after they leave, they gossip, its like wtf? is why i never conform to the norm every year, i never ask for forgiveness from all, only a certain ppl...cos i dont see a point.......
im like a deviant here....not conforming to the social norms or culture.......watever la eh.... i only know i owe my mom alot of things....and i owe her an apology for still not being so responsible to the household as an adult.......
my plans for this year, raya night, visit my yai, then my nenek and if no time, my nyai the next morning.....again i wont get to see my biological father....cos he's in jakarta....i just doa for his happiness down there with ibu' yanti and my half-siblings.....
my classmates want to organize a jln raya, i didnt turn them down just now but i guess i will, cos frankly i have no mood for raya, its very different dis year....i know every year theres no real happiness except the success of completing 30days of fasting though not perfect at all......i just hope i have mood to tag with the bb boys or the gilly boys and hopefully they as usual make me feel belonged and tt instant smile n laughter upon my, im not sad.....just pressured....hahaha
i miss my frens...serious......honest.....i wish i could meet them....but i have to fulfill my role as a student and a is to do well and not disappoint my mom....although i have a role as a fren......but i know u guys ya guys...
ouh, as i was riding back, skurvy came to mind, i think ill change boba to skurvy....all black with huge skurvy on the side, wadda ya think?
okok la gotta mug for tumoros paper already 7minutes behind schedule.
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:04 PM 0 comments
otak ngah mati beb
otak ngah cramp nie beb.....biasak ar, blaja jugak....khamis ada paper...knn....heheh sociology lagi hancur siot, susah, tapi takper melayu boleh...hehehe...
ngah jam nie jadi gua log in.....surf2 biasak ar, nengok moto jugak....hobi la katakan.....tapikan gua notice kan moto2 classic tetap appeal pada gua....sebab tulah gua sayang nak jual caramela, walaupun instantly gua bleh dapat duit dalam 2.5k ngan sekelip mata......gua ngah surf2, bila gua jumpa nie add, orang jual Triumph model T100-500cc. wah lan doi...pengsi beb, at least pada orang2 yng serupa mcm gua la yng suka moto nengok sendiri ar gambar kat bawah tu....gua cakap sama lu, kalau gua ada 11k, itu motor lu bleh nengok parking kat carpark gua within the next few days....hahaha...sori eh bahasa gua tak tentu arah....sebab otak gua ngah berkecamuk....hahahah.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:40 AM 0 comments
good news galore
gd news 1, my 2 group presentations were graded A. meaning i need another about 20% to pass overall for these 2 modules, meaning i need to score about 50/60 to get an maintain an A or 20/60 to pass, im aiming in between......
another good news, alhamdullilah, someone, i once affectionally call omel, is getting married this november....congrats....lisda
another good news, my lecturer sort of narrowed down wat to study in his hidden tips, which are important etc....thnks a million....
always look on the bright sight of life....hehehe...
i noticed my boba is accumulating dust, i promise ill clean u after the sociology test and ill take out the box, since i dont really need it since now there are no more lectures to attend to and ill do a paint touch up on the left side most probably after the last paper......after much considerations, i dont think im switching bikes so soon....ill finish up paying this one its like another 2years on a gilly.....tts good too, cos i can save up during the 2years....and i can switch to something ive always wanted. before i get old, i wanna do things tt i wont get to do when im old.....:)
now, back to mugging for 5 more papers.....
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:44 PM 0 comments
hehe cant help it la dey....jus predict my test just mcqs was a little hey, if my assumption is correct, i pass man.....yeay....if not ill still pass cos i aced my groupwork....hopefully la nothing goes wrong.
Monday, October 16, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:12 PM 0 comments
psychology test 101
i am i dont think i would fail, after comparing the answers with my classmates, i think i got pretty much the same its either we are all right or all why worried u say?
first of all, i can guess its rather difficult to ace the paper, i didnt even answer 1 question though its only 1mark of value but tt one mark could determine between an A or a B ....OR a C or a D. tts not all im worried about, andy(my lecturer) have high expectations of me, jus bcos i comprehend most of the theories and i came up with a couple of solutions during lecturer, i also belong to one of those he labeled smart. tts why im worried, im worried i'd disappoint him with my answers, i might have understood the theories and able to apply it, definitely i could do tt but i am not real good at retrieving facts. tts the problem, im not perfect, im good at reasoning but not probably ill do pretty ok except not excellent and not up to andy's expectations.......
ok, so what did he do tt got me the exam hall, as i was engrossed writing the answers, a classmate of mine told me he was actually standing behind me, looking at what i wrote and later staring into space in an attempt to comprehend the theory i wrote....see tt was how high his expectancy of me doing well......probably before the paper i should warn him, ...andy, im average, im not those gifted nerds......i may look like one but im not one....hahahahaha....
another sad thing is, the results will only be released at the end of the semester.....sheesh.....i dont care im gonna ask andy if i see him in school...heheheh
------------------------------psychology chapter completed-------------------------
next up on thursday is sociology....this is another scary group aced the presentation, tt makes us in cleamaus' good books....and not only tt, cleamaus & andy share the same office AND they are pretty good frens i must say tt they can joke about each tts another worry......the lecturers' better do well or at least ok.
dateline's for lesson plan on obesity coming up, i have to do a very good one, the group work was presented well just now and mdm chin was pleased, i already disappointed her with the maternal results now i must make up with the lesson plan. id put in 101% effort or beyond.....
after all of the above completed(i predict friday) i can start mugging for the actuall exams, medical surgical next week friday and the following week, biology & 2 nursing sciences paper......after the exams are over, ill be assesed on clinical skills LIVE in real settings with real clients. tough one but im optimistic i can do well, being equiped with experience as a medic, i think ill be a little ahead of the rest.
so u see, im pretty packed till at least 2nd week of shawal and im still occupied towards the 2nd half of december. well, at least, i can enjoy my birthday, hopefully if i clear all of the looking forward to a well deserved break in bali or bangkok or kl will do....hehehe.....
interesting for today, i get to see dead bodies today....and todays prac lab is on reproductive organs and they functions,
interesting for this month, rex is participating in gilera sprint race in KL, im disappointed tt he didnt participate in the kallang one, he said no skills....hehe but itd be interesting....for those gilly fanatics, the race at kallang is end of this month, the last weekends.....enjoy....
gd bye peeps, i need to have some shut eye.
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:06 PM 0 comments
brains is to be used
i think i used it fairly well alright, tt my head hurts...
anyways, if anyone is of right of mind, im in the middle of exams and i still have one last assignment to complete...if anyone is of right of mind, they would know why im keeping to myself, i reply smses slow or not at all, if it the answer is obvious or not necessary to answer or i dunno the answer.......i turn down a movie trip with my pals....i turn down a simple coffee shop session, i turn down shopping for new clothings...all the sake of my please try to use some of tt bit above.
what im attempting is now my future, if you are all my frens, do u want me to achieve or destroy it? simple as tt. if my frens can understand, can leave me alone, can understand why i say no to so many invitations tt the gilera boys sampai dah penat bertanya dorang bilang...sid, concerntrate kay, when all is done call us.....
jus a little bit of understanding would do.
and you dont have to turn to morons for advice...theres many other ppl to approach.
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:00 PM 0 comments
wish me luck hyperventilating......
Posted by Four Wheels at 7:44 AM 0 comments
im anxious bout the coming paper in about few hours time.......i surf ard after sahur....and i came across this sick bike!
motard...motard...motard.....delicious....i want it some day...wonder how much itll cost....
-LC4 640cc KTM Supermoto Black-
......droool......i can imagine drifting thru corners....ouh btw i need a class2 to ride tt sick machine :P.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:47 AM 0 comments
i was trying to comprehend fully sigmund freud's theory of personality developments, the id, ego & superego when my hand doodled this.
Sunday, October 15, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:35 PM 0 comments
creativity is essential in problem solving for daily lives, i can still remember when my vespa got stuck at ecp bcos the piston jammed and the supressor head which is made of plastic is broken when i yanked it open bcos it was hot. i was then chewing on a gum which my then gf gave me....first of all i needed to release the piston from its jammed position in the first i forcefully stepped on the starter (convergent thinking) simply to force it to move out of its jammed position, failed i look into the compartment and the 2T (a lubrication oil) gave me an idea, tt it would perhaps lubricate the piston and thus removing friction and at the same time cool down the metal so that it shrink back to size (metals expand when hot) and true enough with ease it is released......then came the next problem, the broken supressor head, creativity usually occurs when doing simple tasks like walking bcos it allows the mind to concentrate on a simple task tt doesnt require effort in order to wander off to possible solutions in other words to think out of the box, creatively & complex...i was chewing on my gum then...the first simple solution tt would come to mind is to get it back together is to use superglue or tape (convergent thinking) but then i had none. then, wala.....the gum im chewing could just perform tt function (divergent thinking) and wala, i sputter off the ecp back home on my vespa....though the gum is temporary and i had to restick it again as it melted due to heat 3-4 times along the way home, i finally got home.
Csikszenthmihalyi(1997) said:
1. Creative people usually have a broad range of knowledge about a lot of subjects and ar good at using mental imagery.
2. Creative people aren't afraid to be different-they are more open to new experiences than many people, and they tend to have more vivid dreams and daydreams than others do.
3. Creative people value their independence.
4. Creative people are often unconventional in their work but not otherwise.
ok, so am i creative? u can ask this urself too...just for fun...
1. i do have a broad range of knowledge about alot of subjects.....basically i acquired these thru experience, jobs i had and education. i studied mechanical engineering, thus i have technical knowledge of how stuff works, i was a cook (knowledge of cooking and food types, etc), i was a delivery rider (knowledge of routes and shortcuts, perhaps riding skills too), i was a crew at a fast food chain (knowledge of human relations, service, etc), a relief teacher (how to work with young adults), an assistant project/sales engineer (i was required to come up with presentations, so presentation n communication skills), a supermarket supervisor (how to manage people, inventory and getting sales), i was in a band and performed before live audience next to a local dj (stage skills), jack of all trades master of none :P
2.hmm doesnt the above explain number 2? and ouh nursing, im more open to new experiences....and dreams...i dream everyday, daydream, vivid daydream....ppl around me can justify tt..
3.i always wanted independence, i mentioned many times i wanna live on my own in my own house...
4. hehe this one, i guess the vespa problem was evident....and my method to achieve sales volume when i was with fairprice was real unconventional tt my boss reprimanded me for ordering 10 cartons of essence of chicken which will add on to cost but i knew tt it will sell cos its on offer price and true nuff, i sold off all 10cartons of tt old man wasnt thankful...
and i also remembered how i got an A for bio i studied, complimentary to the text, i downloaded images of body parts, cells, etc into my ipod video.....i glance thru it every now and then, in between periods, while walking to the library, etc......and i also attempting to record useful information of theories into my ipod.....shuldve tot of the latter earlier and perhaps i couldve scored better for maternal nursing. i also suggested a sketch as a form of teaching for my group work which gained approval from my lecturer. and my psychology groupwork was done in a demonstrative manner via bandagings instead of the usual powerpoint is fun...
ouh man, i love this module...hehehhe cheers...
Posted by Four Wheels at 7:34 AM 0 comments