

Good afternoon blogger...

It's been awhile since I post something here time flies eh?

I'm down with upper respiratory tract infection, my tonsils were swollen with spots on it....urggh...must be the snacks. On antibiotics and getting better, 2 days medical leave. Sometimes you just need to get away from work. I love my work you know, sometimes I bring light to the patients, I get satisfaction when I make them happy knowing that they are abandoned and unwanted by society. Some of them when they discharge, they get shunned upon, family and society refuse to give them anymore chances at life. They refuse to understand their condition is chronic and lifelong and family support is super important.

Like me, I am glad I have all the support I need, from my wife, my parents, my relatives, my family, my friends whom are very understanding, my subordinates, my colleagues......Although I can't deny there's some whose against me but hey I got no time for them either. Sometimes we just have to see that we are very fortunate as compared to some others out there. Right?

Friday, we'll be flying to Bali.....wooohooo...
I love traveling and I hope November will be a reality, I really wanna go somewhere further. I can't wait for this Friday and November.

My life, still much more to achieve.....
A flat of my own, Car(&license of course) and stability.
And I wanna start planning my retirement plan, I still haven't decide if I should retire here or elsewhere. Cos I wouldn't want to work once I retire. I can see that the living expenses here is rather high and I might have to work in my old age if I do not have enough savings. I've considered Malacca(since I have relatives there) or Solo-Indonesia(since Dad is there) or maybe elsewhere where my relatives are but I still prefer asia.

I stumble across a seller (of a flat) that was quite promising, I might just have my own flat pretty soon. Wish me luck guys. Although its in an area that is rather foreign to me but hey its not really far from everybody. It's abit further from the in-laws but nearer to work and nearer to mom and frens in the west. I hope for the best. I hope I am lucky this time round.

I hope I get what I think I will get...praying hard and thanks all for having faith in me.
I also hope I get that Advance-Diploma place.