im sure going to print this...ok so its not original but hallucinate is....:) and this will not be on sale.
Saturday, June 07, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Ive been forum crazy....bikes, cameras and music....woots.....
inspirational things in life, the music, the life itself.......
I've got myself registered to various forums to get more info on my interests and its addictive cos of the free flow of information you can attain from this forums....been less of youtubes and more forums...such as exitmusic, drz-sg and of course lomotionsg which have this cool collaboration with lomo-manila coming....woots....back to bikes.....i just realised i actually have been eyeing another bike quite some time ago..... the fmx650...gonna ask kok ann how much laytah......if its still within my monthly budget... woots the bugger.....a honda red monster it is.....if not ill settle with the not going for the african twin due to many ppl advising against it......adisam said its an elephant and itll be drag riding everyday in busy traffic without being able to squeeze freely.......radzi says its not an everyday bike and you'd get bored of it soon....many says the drz would me more fun with countless accessories and mods available.....the bike below is freaking awesome and i already taken note of the parts he replaced.....heheheh
i would feel modding up a bike with accessories and whatnots is an art of its own....theres some bikes out there that look a total crap although its the same exact model, except the owner must be really kental....LoL....
ouh its growling...nopes not my tummy but the sky, the weather.....pls dun....:(
Posted by Four Wheels at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Kok Ann
still on the issue of bikes.....ouh wells, 2 of my frens asked why rush. i dont feel im rushing, ive been doing my homeworks a couple of weeks oredi and i think i got a fair deal but this saturday i will go to bike shops in alexandra for one final survey...
so anyways Kok Ann called up i told him my bike shop offering a lower machine price and he offered to adjust his....i'll see what he can offer this saturday, after viewing nazli's bike and i hope nazli can be my guarantor. in case you guys dunno, guarantor is where he/she will be the second person held responsible should the buyer default payment and could not be found....aiseyman, singapore la brudder where to run and in my past history i never skip my monthly payments, i never skip my bills, i never owe anyone anything....ouh wells, i hope nazli's ok, then the drz will be on the road dok.....wooots....
I don't give a **** bout wat others might say.....for me, i do what i want, i say what i feel, my point of view as long as i dont harm/hurt others......i dont care but im sensitive towards others.
so yeah......
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:18 AM 0 comments
i pray2 that fad still have the stuff i wanted...thnks sam for telling me and helping me out...woots. itll be fun man....i cant wait for my at least 2weeks so much things planned oredi... so much things to learn.....i bet itll be the funnest 2weeks....:)
gnite peeps.....somebody called me at 6pm, i do not recognize the number, seems to be from west side....i guess its one of the boys....if ure reading this, pls sms me or something...or maybe its the bike shop...well i dunno....:) nitey nites.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:55 AM 0 comments
things seems well
things seems well but i will clarify with Sister-Ho tommorow...or speaking of the surname Ho, theres actually a pt named Ho Sei Bo....but different spelling lah, which i shant mention here... for those who knows hokkien should know what it means...its like asking are u doing good or something like that...
anyways if confirm i clear my prcp......i will have a future of madness(literally) loads of paperwork, and best of all better paycheck and stability....hehehe....wanna shower and kun....
gnite peepz.....
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Help me decide
im torn, help me decide....betweenNazli's 8 year old African twin would look something like this, except not brand new. it will cost me $250 x 36 mths = 9000 excluding insurance and road tax which can amount up to less than 1k. Which means total 10k and if i sell off my gilera maybe i can get at least 2k. So i will spend on the bike total $8k and I can back out anytime I want, say i get sick of the bike after a year. Downside- COE ending in 2011 and bike is not new.
ORA spanking new DRZ400SM which will cost me 15k++ including interests. It'll be new fun and 10years of COE, everything bout new bikes. Downside-400cc compared to 750cc, Need to hunt for a guarantor and monthly installments for 48 months instead of 36months only on the XRV.
so theres alot of pros and cons......ive inserted a poll in! help me decide a little. :)
Posted by Four Wheels at 11:09 AM 0 comments
This fucken smackeroo african twin got me thinking if i should get nazli's african twin.....but the downside is, i have to fork out insurance and road tax....and the coe only until 2011....wah lan doi...difficult decision leh
Nazli's bike look something like this...and im viewing it saturday.....woots....
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:39 AM 0 comments
heart dropped
my heart dropped a first Jerlyn (IMH-HR) told me I'd get paid in she called back saying nope I won't get paid in July but I will start work once I get registered with SNB which is only possible if i get my academic transcripts. SO......the sooner I get my academic transcripts, the sooner I start work....
The Pros & Cons....
The sooner I start work also means the sooner I get my full pay!
If the transcripts are out late, I'd be cashless in the month of July!
If the transcripts are out early, I'd be starting work already which means no breaks for me!
Probably no holidays overseas for me cos id probably won't have enough!
It's hard to do my mathematics on roughly how much I'd that means from now on, I have to limit my spendings. still go down to bike shops to consider.....cos....if i buy a motard pros & cons:
-I don't have to fork out cash for insurance($300?) and road tax($120?) and all for my gilera if I continue riding it!
-I'll have a spanking new bike, which probably installments will only start end July, which is perfect if I start work mid-July and probably get paid end of July.
-New tyres, new everything also means I skip my gilera maintainance($depends) which cost quite a sum.
-I'd be tied down with 3years of installments.
-What if I start work late, also means I have to stand by, save for my July first installments.
-I don't exactly know it's fuel consumption yet, so yeah.
see ya, im heading to the bike shop....
Posted by Four Wheels at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Ok spending again.....I got the above threadless t-shirt...HEY! I only bought 1! Initially I wanted to buy 3 ok.....I resisted but this one, i couldn't leave out cos it the Polaroid balls..... Nat 'tumpang' 1 as well and I'll be swapping with her pack of Polaroid films....wooots! I'm a happy bunny!
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:28 PM 0 comments
been like months since the last session....just a chill session.....not agile like last time but hey, its still fun.....hope more sk8 sessions to come....anyways, yanto's new PGO scooter was spanking awesome......but yeah, im moving on to something else but i did have tots of doing up my runner... but.....haiz....sleepy oredi, and tired....nites peepz
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:14 AM 0 comments
For me, music has no fixed genres, i listen to what pleases me...there are some genres which pisses me off like techno and the stupig raggaeton...
Id love to have a table-set for my birthday if anyone's generous nuff... LoL.....
Monday, June 02, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:12 PM 1 comments
awww....miss ya too cilipadi....:)
anyhus, the blardy lecturer came to check on me....i hope everythings fine and im not penalized for any fuck thing.....
anyhus one more time, i decide to update my long dormant 'hallucinate clothings' blog. i will start printing again, i promise and if the funds permit, id like to give yahnee one tee, which she asked me to print but i ran out of tees.....:)
so, if everything goes well, expect to see more of new hallucinate tees at sheikh's store, i hope. :)
Posted by Four Wheels at 7:39 PM 0 comments
ive fallen in love
hahaha nope no juicy entry, its just that my love with supermoto or motards is flaming again....
in 2003 i wanted to get an XR400 when, i dropped the idea because of a certain someone. Then when i was single again, i fell in love with the DRZSM when it was just released...but i already owned a gilera-runner and a vespa back then.....NOW, that my runner is almost 3years, ive been browsing the www for supermotos, mainly KTMs and DRZs.....
KTM is the sex la babe.....its super sexy in orange and touch of black but the price is super steep and being made for performance, spare parts are ex i guess, a DRZ will do, anyways im dont think ill be competing or anything although honestly i do want to try for the fun of it....i could get a KTM but probably 2nd hand and being me, i dont really like 2nd hand bikes of course classics are yeah, i think id settle for the drz but first i will have to find out when i will start work and when will i get my first pay...all i know is, the end of june i do still get paid....but wat about July? will i start work by then? being the rational side of me, ill wait for all is sure before i jump on that 400cc monster!......
Sunday, June 01, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:48 PM 0 comments
work is fun with SN Audrey, though she can get stern at times....the 30year old outside is nothing like a staff nurse....with her hubby driving that sporty jazz/fit.....and her outfit....anyways, it was fun, i have great staffs around me today, myrna, gislane, darius.....:) all smiles, tiring but all smiles.
anyways, i got home.....this ktm200 aiyah, i feel like screaming to him, he suddenly opened throttle, u know larh ppl just pass, excited...aiyoh, stupid boy, dont he know gilera has fast pick anyways he backed out after a failed attempt. i feel like if i know him, id wanna tell him "hullo, if i speed means i wanna get home fast or rushing somewhere not challenging you, i rode for more than 10years and i had enough of stupid fun you kids are only experiencing now, so yeah im not the sort...ok?"
so anyways, i reached home......boba today went up to 130km/h....i dunno i guess he doesnt want me to that is...but as i parked my bike, a drzsm with this spanking leo-vince exhaust was parked beside me.....daymmmmm....i went up and i heard from my corridor the monstrous sound of the bike....daymmmmmm again.......maybe ill just flip a coin whether to get or not....but for something worth around 12k, id better better decide properly than buying on impulse.....ouh wells....
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:49 PM 0 comments