bought a tinier side mirror....and this is my next project, diy move the ignition to the side.... and mount the iu-unit by the meter....for a cleaner look.....will take foto of it....:)
Saturday, June 28, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:59 PM 0 comments
probably friday just now will be the last day id step into NYP for a good one year at least until I take my advance diploma.......many of us look different.....ouh the highlight at school was that when my 'back then crush' actually missed me....really....hehehe.....:) its always good when someone actually misses u...heheheh....
hmm tumoro, a packed day.....auntie's shop to get that carbon mirrors to match 'vicious' cos the stock mirrors are too huge......and probably custom some stickers for my tail....was thinking that one-industries graphic set but i forgot how much rosalind told me....was it $40? ouh wells.... after that i will tag along with rashid for his wedding foto-shoot just earning extra cash....:) and the same time learn some tips from the pro...hehehe....
then after that.....MOoooovies....woots....
sunday, have plans too....meeting the nyp ppl for lunch....:).......i think i wanna ask my 'back-then-crush' out one of these days...heheheheh
anyways, sorry Yan, i didnt turn up just now at vivo....didnt expect you to come along....:) next time larh.....:)
my uniforms still in the laundry basket since thursday.....hmmm i wonder if i should wash them or just throw them away....since i wont be using them anymore....if the lazy bug hits me later...i guess ill just throw them away...hehehehe....for wat wash anyways...LoL....
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:42 AM 0 comments
when i first passed my class 2B, i wanted a WR, after having tested my fren's scram but my dad said this to his fren "i know what he's gonna do with the bike if he gets a sports or scrambler" my father knows me too well.....i wouldve done tried endurance if i had that WR but i was 'stucked' riding scooters for, the supermotard is the next best thing to dirt......dirtbikes cause too much damage....LoL....anyways respect to the 2007 Red Bull's Last Man Standing.
Friday, June 27, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:03 PM 0 comments
good things doesnt come often
thnk God, alhamdulillah i was sent to the end of the posting, Nurse-Clinician Wahab approached me and asked if id be interested to cover soccer matches, itll be 50bucks per game, he will guide me AND if i would be interested to cover the pilgrims going to mecca with him probably in a couple of years time, the trip will be all paid for. Gosh, i do hope it does happen, i guess God is using Mr.Wahab to bring me closer.....:)
many opportunities.....nursing have many future possibilities for me if i work hard....i could be a part time lecturer earning $70 per hour. i could go into private nursing, i could do home nursing and the bestest opportunity....overseas....all i have to do is strive hard for the next couple of years, gain experience and degree now that the diploma is only waiting to get printed.....:)
Posted by Four Wheels at 8:04 AM 0 comments
if i can ride like these fellows.....i bet ya the tracks are my fav hang out....LoL
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:27 PM 0 comments
money flyer
yest night.....HAD to spend $53 to get my exhaust approved.....sucky vicom didnt wanna do cos my letters were not the original....blardy hell....its just the form.....STA did it for me but the cock didnt know of drz can fit with leo vince so a good like 45mins was spent looking on the system... blardy hell.......idiot....he could just called LTA......anyways got it done and my petrol got dried, lucky there's reserve fuel.....3 days for a good 15bucks...not bad actually considering ive clocked about 35km++, next top up i will gauge how much exactly.....
got home and wasnt satisfied with the tail i mod myself, without drills and cutters, the tiny screw driver came in handy as i 'dig' a hole into it so i can mount my tail-light such that it flushes with the tail...happy of my handy work, only wonder if the screws might come loose after vibrations....i hope the spring washers does the still considering not to use a box....but i need somewhere to stuff my rain-coat at least....hmmm.....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:22 AM 0 comments
i guess boy's band, 20DC is one of the cleanest local band...i meant, minimal mistakes and stuffs like that....great showmanship.
ive been sucked into the darkside.....i guess the youtube video needs no explanation.... a year ago i got sucked into the (photography)darkside.....and now, the supermoto.....
i popped a punny pop just now....and i skidded to evade a stupid chinaman who stopped in the middle of the road.....believe me...the bike is easier to control...but i need to learn how to tame the beast or make it stop more comfortably than what happened just now....i skidded side to side....if u see tire marks near the temple at kallang, probably that came from vicious....:) fucken moron chinaman....jaywalking and not paying attention to traffic and worst, he stopped in the middle of the road.....
Sunday, June 22, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:18 PM 0 comments
woots to sunday
rainy sunday....gloomy but the weighing scale made me smile....77kg, i guess im at my lightest for the past at least 3months....:) wooots....
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:38 AM 0 comments