frankly, im not the party kind, my way of unwinding is chilling and talking rot at the neighbourhood coffee shop and wat i used to do with my ex, laze by the beach.... but yest was sumthing different...i went to MOS with my but still i cant let loose...
i think out of all of us, its boy and me who cant really let loose a 100% somehow we are still stiff.....adil, whoah he got the moves i must say......and certainly he can flirt alright....shahreil....hehehe can see he's not a clubber but he did enjoy himself. raimie...the abg2 clubber type....leo, like as if he's in his world of his own, me & boy just wanna have fun but not totally comfortable....hehehe
anyway MOS is a place to be....believe me, ive never seen a club so huge before.... theres even an escalator inside....zahidah, u dunno wat u just missed, shouldnt have gone to take the car....i told ya...heheheh
i dunno wat it is but im single and some ppl are like treating me like one criminal, like as if i did a major crime, cmmon, im single.......i did not lie, at least...
sorri boys i cant join for bangkok...its cos i dun wanna take the love to join, frankly i do....but i dun wanna be broke wen i come back, cos i dunno how much id be getting for my next pay and bike maintainance coming up, belting, tyres, insurance etc.....if we were to stick to going in april, maybe i could make it...
next time maybe yeah?....seriously....
anyways have fun guys.....tell me bout it when u come back.....cheers...
oh i learnt one thing, boy, booze does not bring ur fever down...hahaha...
wat was i thinking man..
Saturday, January 21, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:41 PM 0 comments
just notice something-facts
k first of all this has got nothing to do with my frens....
facts, frens will be on ur side no matter how guilty u are and the other party will always appear the criminal, shunned off and untrue gossips spreads and slowly reaches u so sorri if tt happened to u....but it did to me....anyways ive told off one particular person....and im waiting for another to reach my ears...teehee....u know life is so interesting....remember this, frens will always be by ur side even if ure the guilty one, trust me, i dun loose ur frens.....
but then again, u might not know.....wen ur frens will turn ard and backstab u, rex just experienced that...and it suck alright coming from a fren of 20years or more... anyways, rex u still got the rest of us, ditch him dude.......its difficult to tell, who will remain true thru out....some actually have demons inside waiting to be becareful with the not-so-true facts u spread around cos one day it might just backfire.....retribution, heard of it anyone?......well i did...
Friday, January 20, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:45 PM 0 comments
my advise
my advise to some ppl out there, dun fucken provoke me, dun be a kaypo..... u never cared, so dun be a kaypo.....understood?.....
things wouldnt happen if u claimed what u are.....ure just full of shit...
heee....fierce sak abg nie....well, sometimes need to let out wats inside... wat i feel, wat comes to my mind....
i hate pressure....but tts wats keeping me alive......last minute decisions..urggh...
im not a real risk-taker anymore.....i would evaluate, consider the consequences and think ahead....maybe thats bcos paranoia is consuming the same time, i feel im a little more wayward is that possible i do not know....
girls, why cant u ppl be more predictable?....ur kind is like a mind-boggling puzzle..
one minute ure this, the next ure not, then back again...well, watever....
bangkok or not.....sheesh.....on such a short notice, its hard to decide, bangkok is well deserved considering ive been a good boy for more than a year, ive never left singapore(except to jb of course)....ill wait till tonight......looks like ill have to survive on free loafs and rejected goods again...heee......
in life i learned one thing......its ok to fail, but to not try is a big regret....
its all thru experience....believe me.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:00 PM 0 comments
i dun think im going to partay...this fridae tt not feeling comfortable for it...we'll see how wen the day comes......cos id rather be chilling out or sumthin... u know....but a change could be fun....anyways...we'll see....
im seeing, inches lost....wooohooo fucken coolness...more work, more work sid....
u know wat im feelin now overall in life....i wanna kick ass....tts everythin, i wanna kick ass....n i will do wat i want, wat i will n i dun fucken care wat any of u will say, i will go ahead with wat i want even if any of u try to stop me...get tt str8....
in your face, tts wat i say....
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:13 PM 0 comments
sleep now in the fire...
as ignorance became a part of everyones life......its like as if, we are sleeping in a fire blazing so furiously....
not being a mind-reading freak doesnt help one bit in many ppl, so it colleagues, my boss, frens, etc.......a fren just got backstabbed by another....wadda fuck happened to civilization? civilization only exists, it does not occur.....watever that means.....
the rubble that use to be library has now become a mind-cemetary.......similar to tt of life....once useful, once demolised, destroyed, derailed, it becomes useless and to build tt up again, it takes forever....
enjoyment/entertainment is just a toy in life to comfort us from the pain, the toture, the stress and every negativity we go thru in life everyday....
irony....aint it beautiful....
im anxiously waiting for my belated bdae prezzie from nini...gee...thnx...
im anxiously waiting for my hp to recieve an sms or call from.....
im anxiously waiting for fridae to come, cos its my off dae and....its partay day...
im anxiously waiting for february to be present, cos tts when i can see the route..
im anxiously waiting for my next pay day....
im anxiously waiting for CNY, 2 off
im anxiously waiting for chris to close the deal....
im anxiously waiting for simon to bring in more accessories...
im anxiously............ZZzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzz
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:24 AM 0 comments
skin n bones...
i knew there was something, wen i started talkin with my colleague abt the stall tt i usually ask the boys to buy me food.....but i just took it as a flashback....teehee..
my collegue, said probably i was lousy...heeehehe...well, watever....
anyways, congrats...for privacy's sake i shall not mention to whom im congratulating but im happy for ya....
heartaches, there will always be...cos in my 26 years of age, tt was the only one ive ever had....seriously...
before i end this entry, id like to apologise to miss nursey, cos i feel a little guilty, cos i never told the whole truth.....and ive never kept anything from ppl i love before...but this time i did...but my frens told me its ok, im not doing anything wrong....:) i hope not....
well guys, i just hope tt the path im following thru this 2006, will bring me there.. and i hope oh chris, pls dun go back on ur words...cos im looking forward to the april trip....
will update ya guys later...
oh i forgot to mention one big fat joke....ramli said to me, sidek takmo bukak balik spuloh inci....i said im old, i mellowed down, i enjoy scooters butid rather be an individual, he said but ten inch was there even before sog......i said, nuthin to be proud off....everyone left already and wats left is the founder who never move along with time but decide to stay put on his interests, passion, watever u call it....
k gtg guys...c ya...
Monday, January 16, 2006 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:58 PM 0 comments
football hooligans
caca , zul-enjul got engaged yest.....went to the engagement....i arrived, just as wen the couples are talking bout registering for a new flat.....the singles have yet to arrive.....urrgh......
yani smsed me earlier, if i wanted to watch a movie....of cos i would...hee...but i least expect tt shed want to watch football hooligans.......believe me, if u have yet to catch it, go quick......its great....i was glued the whole time....this year, its the 2nd good movie ive watched...the first was narnia....and im reading the books now, she just loaned me the first one...theres 7 of it....i shant spoil the fun, go n watch football hooligans...if ure into the warriors, this movie would be it.....seriously.
plans for trips has been postponed again.....i want to go but im not sure im able to in april....cos of money matters mainly.....
whose line is it anyway? has just entertained me for the past 1/2 hour.....
life, has never been cooler......i dunno, tts wat i felt this week....mebbe not next week...but hey lets be optimistic...
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:17 AM 0 comments