the year3s wanted to take fotos with the accelerated....well, why not...:)
was last day at ED.....okla, fun ive got 3months of ward to survive before im a full pledged staff nurse....ouh have to pass the 3 exams as well...LoL....okla need to sleep....anyways thnks janice, kenny, the wees for the supper + drinks...and the wii was definitely fun....gonna get one plus a big screen next year.....woots....
bye ED
Saturday, March 29, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 2:19 AM 0 comments
learn can save ur loved ones....
today at the A&E, 2 elderly died bcos their heart collapse and they could have been saved if the family knew cpr...the intervention was only done when the paramedics arrived by then, the patients has already collapse for a period of time which means reviving the patient back could be a problem as circulation has already stopped and probably the patient is already brain dead. IF the family knew cpr, perhaps the 2 men would've been alive....
we did what we could, i give the two cardiac compressions as my colleagues ventilate them and the doctor inject them with adrenalin, in hopes of reviving them....shocks were given but nothing could been came late, if the family knew cpr, they could stand a better chance....
please go learn cpr......
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:45 AM 0 comments
i dont want no -isms
old skool....
yeah lets make one thing clear, i dont want no isms, ill be start my clinical placements tommorow isms, grade me capable, i know.
Sunday, March 23, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:21 PM 0 comments
snapcase caboose
yests cover by stampede had me looking for a snapcase video..
old school....
Posted by Four Wheels at 1:53 PM 0 comments
i wanna sell my silver-top holga, never been used....i bought two but finally decided to use the all-black one...60bucks for a brand new silver top holga is brand new.blown up view
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Hardcore at heart?
i went to give ratnor support for his band...but at the same time, just catching up on the local music scene.....LCHC for today....
was bored to death for a couple of bands...but some bands like stampede and ratnor's recover, really bring back old memories.....i love hardcore music back then....but i didnt know matnor was actually stampede's drummer....anyhoos....stampede played a cover from one of my favourite bands.....Snapcase..caboose.....woots...i was screaming my lungs out...the lyrics though faded a little, bulk of it still etched in my memory... they are awesome.......and recover(ratnor's band) was awesome too....
was a great day despite getting wet along the way and the delays.....and the boring bands, it was well worth it....thnks boy for accompanying me thru out...and im glad sazz enjoyed it too...i just hope shots from my LCA turn out well...adios peeps, need to sleep to wake up early tumoro to finish up my essay....
and to some ppl, grow up la....keeping grudges is back in the olden days when ppl still speak dialects and not english...LoL.....
Posted by Four Wheels at 2:13 AM 0 comments