It's good that someone also share the same views as me. Apart from my Ain of course.
I was having this casual conversation with Yayi-Tahir(my cousin's grandfather) over sahur. About some people bringing up the issue of hantaran, the market rate. I told my mom, tell that someone there's no such thing and I will come up with what I can. I told that to Yayi-Tahir as well, I told him hantaran is not wajib in Islam and in Al-Quraan there is no such thing as market rate. Islam never make life difficult for its ummah, it is the ummah who makes their own lives difficult, make mandatory what is not. If you claim you step in and out of the mosque so that often, how can you not be aware of that? Our culture is man-made, man-created why kill ourselves trying to be amongst the norm of culture(that is man-made). If you can afford, go ahead, if not why kill yourself trying?
That's why I say, many of us is still in the state of Jahilliyah(ignorance). So am I, I still do wrong at times but I am just amazed at how the Malay community tries so hard to uphold what is not mandatory. Wake up, open up your mind, remove that veil, you don't have to be ashamed for not carrying out what is not required, what is not mandatory. They who talk and try to shame us should be ashamed for they are in that deep state of ignorance.
Great Minds Think Alike
Saturday, September 05, 2009 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:39 AM 0 comments
If I get into Advance-Diploma faster/ahead than most, I guess the Assistant-Director of Nursing can recognize my potential and IF I can perform well, Dec 2010, I'd wanna reward myself with a Rolex. Look, isn't it sweet....Ooooomph!
The Bamford & Sons customized Rolex, not the typical kind!
Thursday, September 03, 2009 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Given some thoughts, we can never be complacent. I am referring to employment. No matter how stable you are, I guess you'd always need a back up.
I have give it some thought and I hope I'd at least do it. I've been wanting a back up and I have always wanted to be my own boss, well if that doesn't work out, I'd still have to be gainfully employed. And being employed and stagnant is not satisfactory, if within my bond I am not promoted, I guess I gotta move on. To move on, I needed to be outstanding, special from the rest of the candidates. I thought maybe I should start reading up on a subject bit by bit and be a master of it, for example heart related nursing IF I'd want to work in a heart unit. I was thinking if I'd wanna transfer after I completed my bond, I'd go for CGH and apply under one of the specialized unit. CGH why? cos it'd be closer to home and SingHealth's promotions is more or less on a regular confirmed basis, also means I can reach my goal faster. See how la eh, just thoughts only. Taa.....
Monday, August 31, 2009 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:39 AM 0 comments