We decided to run today, I woke up a little late but we still ran. It was nice running by the beach, the sea breeze and all. Surprisingly I was still able to run, probably cos I had company and the beach and the breeze and the environment and the many runners around. I can foresee more mornings of runs. Targeting to go further next week and probably up to the optimal heart rate or a minimal of 45minutes, whichever is earlier. :)
I need to loose a couple of kgs for the race if I want to participate, if not I'm already loosing some time due to my weight, cos more weight=more power needed, less pick up, slower time.
I'm gonna get my track buddies to time me my next track day. I wouldn't wanna participate if I'm going to finish last. I'll be wasting my 100bucks only.
im loving the sea breeze
Saturday, November 15, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:16 AM 0 comments
#166. Yeah thats wats going to be my race number. Ain suggested 33 but that was taken. i'll HOPEFULLY be competing in the stock bikes race in December whereby all the bikes do not have any modifications made to the engines. I think it's great opportunity to discover my potential and to gain confidence in future competitions.
But it will only be possible if #1 I get leave or off that day. #2 If my lap time is at least satisfactory, I don't wanna be finishing last, 2nd last is ok but not last.....LoL
Today Uncle Raptor(Angelo) became my track guru...he thought me lines. Lines are path that you line before you in order for a smooth run thru the circuit and today I was alot smoother...and I managed to lap 2 newbies....isn't that great!!! Woots...I am improving though a little minor mishap as I became complacent, and panicked. I can be there'd be more track days for me. Woots!
Do come and give me support should everything fall in place deeming it possible for me to compete on 14th December in the 'Stockie SM race' at Tuas Circuit.
Friday, November 14, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:39 PM 0 comments
the fragmented series
i cant have everything.....i cant do everything, im only one with 4 limbs, a pair brain, pair of eyes, 2 ears....etc...
i think at the rate i am going, ill be a pretty active retiree when the time comes....unless nature forbids me so.
yeay....i gained weight a couple of weeks post raya, now im losing it again bit by bit
52bucks made my bike smoother, 2 bottle of elf 4t plus oil filter.
im not meeting ain today, she have to work late. 2moro it is, dvd night. i think im beginning to feel something, i think.
i need to give myself a kick on the butt, work is not very fun but i have been lucky that god has decide to lay a comfortable path ahead of me. im only 3 months young in imh and i've already been nominated into 2 research groups, i hope the hard work will be fruitful and i still hope that advance dip will come true in 2009. dr prema make it happen yeah!
friday track day....vroom...build up confidence, develop race lines. yes I WANT TO BE IN next year and i hope i qualify. i dun care so much bout car now, since i met someone who doesn't see a need either, i will when i have a family...:) but i will get that class 3. i know i will.
i love my life now, i dare not look at the past although i cant help it at times...but looking forward is the in thing now! hahaha.....cos there's no reverse gear in life....just like supermotos...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:48 PM 0 comments
The weather does not allow we junkies to practice. With downpours at the times we usually hit the tracks and even in the early evenings before dark, it's pretty impossible for us to train. Being positive, I guess its a good time to build up my fitness and also hopefully my right ring finger will function normally again, its like super stiff, I guess the tendons in there have scar tissues that caused the stiffness.
Why fitness you say? It plays a big part in racing, believe me, it can be tiring, under the second skin which is the leather suit, you sweat like nobody's business. Poor arm strength also means your arms becomes numb sooner than someone who's fit. Physical fitness is also very necessary for me at work, pinning down disturbed, aggressive and violent patients whereby sometimes the strength of 4 is not even sufficient to pin down one.
I am still worried bout my finger, I don't wanna go for a check up cos I know the intervention would either be day-surgery or cast, meaning I can't ride for at least weeks....sigh....I'll get it massaged, I'd go hunt for traditional ones, I still remembered there's one opposite Queensway.
Monday, November 10, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Met the old friend, a friend in need. Well, I can only afford giving him advise and opinions. I hope I was of some help to him.
I am abnormal today.....was rummaging through when I came across a stack of cds and now I'm listening to the songs I added on my itunes....Eminem, Linkin park and Ahli Fiqir....LoL not my kinda music but kinda nice to listen to....catchy.....
Loq suggested me & Bat(Loq's fren) celebrate our birthdays together since Bat's birthday falls on the day after mine. LoL. I don't know leh....I'm not a birthday party kinda person....LoL
Maybe Id just go out with all my December baby friends....got a couple of them..
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Rain....no track session....good also let my right ring finger recover fully, the joint still a little swollen and stiff.I wouldn't wanna go to the doctor cos it will probably get a cast...LoL
I hope to participate next year but at the rate I am going, I don't think I can be able to beat the clocks or let alone qualify. Whatever it is, I will give it a shot.
As I head to the canteen yest at work, I bumped into NC-Tri, he's leading one of the research projects I am involved with. What he said was very encouraging and I hope it will be and I hope I remain focus and not screw up. I am aiming for that advance diploma and I hope the DN recognize my efforts in the 2 research projects I am already involved in.
I will be on night duty alone pretty soon. My colleagues some how was not really happy about one of my NMs decision not to let me do in-charge or 3rd shift while I am on probation. I being a natural slacker kinda liked his decision except I get less moolahs at payday. Being me, I went to my SNM and asked him to grant me permission to be put on 3rd shift......permission granted. :)
Got a chill out buddy now....just hang around, watch dvds, dinner....:) I think I will put on weight if I carry on eating all those rich food....LoL....It's been quite some time since I really go out just purposely to eat real food. Last week alone, I had satay, fish and co and ben & jerry's... gotta exercise to counter all those.
What Fan(my colleague) told me has got me a little paranoid. That's me, I get paranoid at times.
Speaking of paranoid, I'm paranoid about Cancer and osteomyelitis....LoL.....sometimes too much knowledge gets you a little at the edge....LoL
I don't think I can save much this month but I took into consideration that I spent 200bucks on that forma boots and replacing the rubber killers which cost me around $50. Then now I need to change my engine oil, 2 bottles and oil filter, which will cost me another 50 odd....
Okla gotta shower. See ya around.....
Sunday, November 09, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:47 AM 0 comments