fuckerama....its like, watever....
anyways, pretty pleased with my FE2. although its not sharp...i guess must get used to the settings, play around a little or sumthing...uncle mike was pretty good that he gave me tips... and that gal at uncle mike was quite chio la...but cina la....anyways....i bought superia400s base on his recommendation....ill give it a shot, actually 3x36 shots cos i bought the 3 roll pack plus 1 roll of precisa200 for my LCA. here's one of my FE2 foto, visit my flickr for moreself indulgence.
eh dey...thambi....
Saturday, January 26, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:37 PM 0 comments
enjoy ur weekends yan.
enjoy ur actionsampler ratnor & gf. :)
enjoy ur new dslr saz.
enjoy ur new copters tkg, ranon & haiqal.
happy birthday annie, in advance cos its tumoro.
hope everyone have a swell weekend.
Posted by Four Wheels at 11:58 AM 0 comments
crazy fellows
first i got my new toy from TKG......money well spent i must say.....then TKG, ranon & myself went to have dinner at sakae.....i always loved eels.....so i ordered that since i do not know what the rest would taste like.....was a fair dinner i must say.....then, the two went to buy this remote control helicopter....fuck la, madness.....im poisoned...only thing is i need to watch on my spending this few months.....then haiqal came....he bought one too.....so the three of them ended up playing with their new toys and me with mine........awesome night was ended by filming magic tricks....LoL crazy peeps, awesome night.......
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:37 AM 0 comments
lihat-lihat lagi gue gayanya suka sama kamu gitu iya?
aku gayanya macam kurang sihat gitu, tadi tidur terus sampai skarang.......
Thursday, January 24, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:54 PM 0 comments
i have no intention of cooking....but then, i just ate ayam goreng with nasi goreng for brunch in school....so....wala...chicken curry...for dinner...
Posted by Four Wheels at 7:03 PM 0 comments
MD12.....I WANT!
I lost this auction, another one which i will brood over....its an MD12....will go nicely with my new FE2 but sigh.....i cant watch it cos i was at school....sigh.....hope theres more...
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:40 PM 0 comments
50bucks per hour!!!!
i could have been earning 60bucks/hr on 16th feb shooting.....nat had to reject the offer and i dont have the skill yet or the right equipment. IF only i had the tools and if i am good at photojournalism...thats why i gotta invest in a dslr.....but first slr, play around with the functions first...im more than happy to welcome extra income anytime....woots....soon, soon...
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:29 PM 0 comments
im selling some of my cameras to make way for a nikonFE2 slr which i will be collecting very soon. pls contact me or leave your details by commenting if you are interested in any of them.Polaroid Job Pro2[uses 600 film] RARE SAFETY YELLOW COLORWAY SGD75
Polaroid ONE[uses 600 film catridge also!] and this ones NEW IN BOX!!! SGD65
Lomography actionsampler uses 35mm film, takes 4 sequential shots, used but great condition.
help me raise funds for accessories for my upcoming NikonFE2....LMAO!
Posted by Four Wheels at 2:42 AM 0 comments
cute isnt he? shaniq is even cuter now...rounder and all, wait till i get his foto, ill show u guys..
btw he's nizam's last hero....
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:59 PM 0 comments
one word
one word....cuteness.....heh...
all this while i was looking at another person and i tot thats her....but wen finally we spoke... hahaha got a different person all this while....but overall day 1, cuteness...thats all... ouh thnks lin. my new fren yan.....the first conversation just seems natural, no awkwardness and like we are already frens.....cool...coolness...
hmm....todays been a great day, although i almost got pyrexia....ouh just a medical term for fever.. LoL....but i took paracetamol as prophylaxis just as when i feel im heating up....and alhamdullilah my temperature never shoot up.....yahnee just told me, if i show proof that im a student nurse, i can get subsidy for my flu jab, its a yearly thingy, its cheap and its well worth it...you guys should go too....
ratnor pass on the polaroids....me, im still love-strucked with vintage cameras and adding to my collection is a nikonFE2 pretty soon and the polaroid job2 awaiting arrival....weeeehhaaaa
and ive also discovered sg have a fred perry boutique, i prefer freds than shermans actually.... cos the sleeves are less tight........gonna check them out when i can finally splurge and when i can fit into 32s....im now a 34incher....2more inch down and ill go get those perry's. i only wish i can go back to 30inch back when i was only 21....heh....
okla wanna take nap....rest my eyes for awhile...then shower and back to trading, followed by research for the sociology project.....
adios.......sh-sh-shake it like a polaroid picture......LoL
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:44 PM 0 comments
just wanna laugh my lungs out about the whole day....nah nothing serious la....but farnie....
anyway ratnor, u want that polaroid, sure thingy if i bring in more than one, i sell u one la.... :) fren-fren mah.....
anyway shahreil was kind enough to get that 3rolls of superia from joseph....yeayness, now my fisheye is loaded and im going to load my actionsampler as well.....weeeehooooo....shahreil says joseph got 24more rolls of expired superia.....wah ......can shoot like mad.....pure madness....
im awaiting my FE2.....i think i will still get from my fren la.....not ebay.....but ill give my final shots at ending auctions before february....if im in luck, i might get a great deal but my frens FE2 is in pristine condition.....
im still looking for source........but now, very busy and occupied with so many things.....waaaaa
and i cant believe this is the final semester, im just excited about my first payslip above anything else....its been almost 2 years since i tasted real pay....LMAO......
kla wanna shower and massage my aching legs after soccer.....gnite peeps love y'all...and before i sleep, i pray that threadless tees will arrive soon, so that i can wear this weekend....heh!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:07 PM 0 comments
above all
above all at this point of time, i miss skateboarding....i know i suck at it but i just love it, no doubt it.....its like ive went thru blood infusion that contained a skateboarding DNA or sumthing....
anyways, it suck being the eldest.....cos somehow you have to take charge at times, i have to speak to my sis' teacher.....well, im just helping out mommy, u know kids nowadays, they only will listen to certain ppl.....
tumoro is heavy man......group meeting....and have i told u we are like down to 4person cos one member apparently deferred her studies cos of her family thingy...tough la being a foreigner and furthermore if you have issues......anyways, so down to four and one member we cant really rely on......so its as good as 3.....ugggh.....tumoro we will try to complete one project which left us with 4more? Uggghhhh.......
hahah being a paramedic before certainly make this semester studying a LITTLE easier cos its all about emergency.....and ive learned some of the shit before....so its more like a refresher course for me......
i might be selling my fish-eye2 to aisha cos im making way for my nikonFE2 and ive just bought a polaroid over E-bay....but i might not be selling the fisheye if i have enough cash for the FE2, bike maintainance, bills and next month's installments........havent done calculations but i will soon.. and i think i need to print the 2 t-shirts 'Bear' from lomotion requested, at least i can make a couple of bucks...though little but it does make a difference.....
im considering trading again....ive been religiously logging in ebay to see what items i can sell or what items i can buy and sell again and make a little cash, just like old times wen i sold fred-perries and vespa stuffs from thailand on ebay to save money for my bali trips..... last time i can earn SGD200-400 average a month....but that was hardcore ebaying....right now, i would be contented with SGD100-200 a month.......im still sourcing for cost price skateboarding hardwares and other stuffs that i can buy and sell again with a little profit....we'll see if im in luck. ive done it again, i think i can.....
but then again, time constraints will restrict me from hunting more often....but sometimes its about luck too....so guys wish me luck....
and i hope there will be more not-rainy days soon and that the guys all have the same day free so that we can go out concrete-surfing again....the po-po-polaroid.....wweeeeehoooo yellow, sexay baby....
Monday, January 21, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:32 PM 2 comments
one request before i sleep, originality pls......LMAO
Omel, sorry won't reveal what u asked for....LoL, seriously, not interested.
Hmm....itching for that FE2.......*scratch2.....
ebay is addictive.
gnite peeps....love you all.....muacks.....:P
Sunday, January 20, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:48 PM 0 comments
it couldve been mine......but someone had to outbid me.....he beat me at the last 5-10secs of the auction......who the F he is, he's one hell of a lucky guy....damn....drool, drool....
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:28 PM 0 comments
rolling rolling rolls
thnks Mr.Rashid for the rolls.....shooting spree i will go....but the rolls need proper lighting to shoot and most of them are b&ws, that means only certain shops will process them....watever it is thnks.....
i can foresee myself shooting with FE2.....drool, drool....
more bike options, xr400sm, fmx650 or x-evo400? waaaaaaa....
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:01 PM 0 comments
haha crap
you know something, ure crap. not crab. LMAO
obviously someone took a joke too seriously.......how can u decipher the tone of someone talking on MSN? well, unless ure GOD or the person put damn lots of '!!!!!!!'. other than that its pretty impossible right? ive felt disgusted at someone before but i typed normally, no caps or no exclamation marks and all.....that blardy person still kept on pestering me, talking yada, yada, yada that my last resort was, 'hey i gotta go...' LoL and he didnt least expect that i was disgusted. So how again can you decipher ppl's tone or real thoughts on MSN? LoL. well, just my 2cents worth. i know i did assume too....but now i take MSN as a casual chat-apparatus that lets me fill my wasted time, lets me transfer important documents like my assignments and fotos, is where i get cool links be it ebay, videos, mp3s or whatever the WWW have to offer, it is also where i discuss the next outing and so on.......so many possibilities but judging a person from MSN is certainly not one.....at most you can know how bad his grammar and spelling is or how dumb he is, thats all......you simply can't tell a person's feeling unless he said so and for all you know he's joking or LYING, theres alot of liars in this world if you havent noticed....LoL...
-------- :D
yest was a boring night.....wanted to go out but my frens were either had something to do at home or broke or out with family.....so i end up watching 2 videos, "28 weeks later" and "the tattoist". i hope ann, enjoyed the link cos she was dead broke and had to stay home...LoL. tulah spend banyak sangat tu gaknye.........
im hooked....on the sigit.....and sazz had to poison me further by sending me an mp3 of theirs.. damn! should i say DAYYYM! hehehe i gotta have that album....so straits records pls, pretty pls import their latest album.....pls.....din pls....wan-vegan pls.....LoL
you'd feel it more if ur day is boring when the last week you had a crazy ubber awesome night cos its so damn contrasting.....but i cant be doing that every week....else id be dead broke and literally dead.....LoL
today ill be a good boy, revision, assignments....my last chance to get more As but first ive got to fill my tummy, speaking of which over the week, i never checked my wt, at 1419hrs im weighing 2kg less than last week....is it bcos for the whole week i didnt do my routine push ups or is it because i ate less dinner? dunno leh.....we'll see next week, whether i gain back wat i loose or i loose further.....yipppeeeee....hoping for a flatter tummy in case going bali this july. LoL, in case! taaaa....toodles...love ya all......have a happy weekend...
Posted by Four Wheels at 2:05 PM 0 comments