degil kan? dah penat lagi takmo balik.....i tot i twisted my ankle, so i quickly grab it and massage...but i realised it was at the joints of the metatarsals and the tarsals...somehow the ligament is sprained or strained, watever...but my ankle's fine, i hope i can skate tumoro cos i sucked just now....i cant mind wouldnt focus...but hey i managed to ollie 2 decks pretty cool... although sketchy....have trouble loosening or tightening my trucks...once i touch down to 70kg or less, im going to get myself a new complete set, nope im not quiting skating as yet....say i dont grow up? well, fuck ya, cos im enjoying it, u should do something u enjoy and not do something just to the norm...
yesterday was the last day of attachments.....woohoo 2weeks break for legs recuperating for the skate trip tumoro... i hope to land a couple of newly learnt tricks......
anyways when to watch fantastic-4 with the guys.....was a great movie........its fun watching with the guys.....ouh ive ended up bidding on an 85bucks ipod....cos i dont think that creative will work with my mac....that shuffle is going to be my main motivation to jogging and stuffs......speaking of which, i felt guilty downing a large size mcD meal yest....but hey once in a blue moon is fine right? im going to start now......resisting temptations.....whenever the temptation strikes, ill down myself with water to keep the craving away......also saving up for mom's gluscosamine and told her to go see the doctor regarding UTI and her flank stepfather, i cant be bothered, if he's lazy to go change the dressing, his pasal....i dont care.....
this month i hope to save at least 50bucks if i could, at least la......could be more, im going to start saving.....for many things to come......drivers license, my own house and probably a nice small car for myself after worried about my siblings, my only worry is they might regret when they are older for not studying, for not putting their focus in school....i hope one day they will listen to one of my endless nagging.......i dont want them to be a burden to mom till she's old.....she's already 50odd now.. if the two of them can do well in studies, u can get busaries and stuffs to further ur studies.......and probably get a good paying job and maybe with together our combined contribution, mom need not worry about working or anything, she'd only be needing to worry about her own health thats all.......its tough being the eldest....u have to think of all this....i think itll be tougher if i have my own family....and i know im not ready yet for one, though i crave but i feel its only peer pressure thats causing that.....have to keep my focus and stay true to myself and only myself, nope im not self-centered, im saving myself from any future regrets.....
but for now, this two weeks will be spent skating, jogging and looking for temporary jobs.....i wont be working when i finally start school cos i wanna focus 100%, last semester i managed to get an A, this semester im challenging myself to get at least 1 distinction and a couple of As, i know i can do it and i will, insyahAllah.......i wanna feel satisfied....not 'half-fuck'......i gotta do what i have to or die......
im putting aside thoughts of a new bike, id ride my present one till its no good no more for transporting me to and fro work.. i feel now, its not really neccessary, its a want, a desire that i will only indulge in when everything is fine......i know someday it will be fine, id be smiling.......
i hope tumoro evening it doesnt rain.....and i hope the time-table and booklist will be out soon, i wanna have a headstart, i wanna start early, i wanna kick ass.......and at the same time, i do not want to stress myself....a strong foundation makes a building easier to build on the way up......just like if i start early, by the time exams comes, itll be a breeze, just like a walk by the beach.......
im hoping for a windfall, probably win some bucks off a contest or something so that i can feed my desires.....a big bike would be nice, a new bedroom door, a new teevee and a new pc for my siblings.....
ouhk the seller for the ipodshuffle have already message me.....adios peeps....ouh im thinking of selling my ipod-video 30g, thinking only....any offers?
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:49 AM 0 comments
its the new era...(in relation to one of stimgam's entry) there used to be skinheads, punks, metalheads, indies, matrocks, theres emo kids....which i dearly thought they are merepek the future, my prediction would be, there will be alot of magicians.....or should i say illusionist.....harharhar...nola im just bullshitting....i think there'll be alot of swingers....
not dancing swingers....the other swingers....
im still counting the days till i pop my deck....urgggh.....still i have one day to go of anti-biotics regime and i think id feel better.....
i am guilty....guilty of downing that packet of chicken rice on the dinner table.....i know itll end up as fats cos ill be sleeping in a few minutes.....ugggh, i gave in to temptation...damn......probably because i didnt have a proper dinner at work due to me feeling so sucky cos of the onset of fever.....ugggh.....ill pump a couple of push ups to feel less abdominal girth is getting larger and it aint pretty.....
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:12 PM 0 comments
insaf la wahai ibu2 jual anak.....
Mas kahwin dan hantaran yang mahal:
Inilah adalah sunah Rasul saw: "Wanita yang paling berkat ialah wanita yang paling murah hantarannya." (HR Ahmad, al-Hakim dan Baihaqi
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:02 AM 0 comments
my step father got into an accident....katanye ada minyak.....mula2kan cam dalam hati nie padan muka dia.....tapi rupenye aku tak sekejam itu.....ada 'good side' aku yng kata, "tak baik siddiq.....kau tu pon naik moto gak....kau pon pernah accident pelik2 walaupon dah hampir 10 tahun kau naik moto, kau takkan tahu...." anyways tak serious la....cuma fracture radial atau ulnar bone.....ngan stitch kat dod, dah macam pirate......
anyway, 2 of makcik dan pakcik aku datang.......satu yng strict gilernye, lagi satu misi.....lagi satu cakap aku makin bulat...haha
but the funny thing matter what, when u are nurses somehow u can connect....theres always something to talk about....
aku ingatkan, aku jadi misi nie sampai aku retire la cam makcik aku.....aku takmo ke education path.....rasanye cam lagi challenging dan seronok melihat karena2 pesakit2....dan at the same time bleh blajar dari real cases.......cuma satu je aku sesal, tapi tak lah kesal sangat....aku cuma fikirkan...kalau aku ikut cakap wak-ila dari time aku pas o-levels, join nursing....skarang aku dah 4 tahun sebagai staff nurse dan mungkin dah naik pangkat senior pon, dah specialise, gaji pon aku agak 3k ribu ada... cuma aku nie degil......hehehe...dulu kan immature, ingatkan nursing untuk pompan jer.....tapi takpe la, rezki blom mari la... hehehe.....skarang duty aku sebagai the eldest, guide adik2 aku, apa dorang betul2 nak buat bila dorang bis skola......supaya jng cam aku.....i was never serious about my future when i was 17 or 18, i completed the diploma for the sake of getting it.... kalau aku betul2, aku rasa aku dah jadi teacher atau animator.....kau tau, when i finished Os aku tak tau pon ada course yng offer animation atau kat mana nak apply jadi teacher....i was so ignorant back then........tapi skarang aku dah chosen a path, something i like too and something stable....bak orang cina cakap, 'iron rice bowl'.
smalam, aku bobal ngan patient penyakit 'kuman jahat'...klakar tapi ada benarnye dia cakap tu...dia cakap "the most important thing in life is not money but many thought so...."
kesihatan aku....batuk ok la tak terok sangat, tapi masih batok....itu antibiotic.....skarang aku ada adverse effect, berak2... aku agak aku allergic ar tu amoxicillin....anyway.....aku nak baik seblom friday ar.....pasal sunday aku nak skate.....heh....
aku nak beri nasihat orang melayu kata "sambil menyelam minum air,," tapi sebenarnye pepatah tu bebal...kalau kau selam bih minom air, mampos la...hehehe....anyways nie la nasihat aku......aku dah buat case macam2, aku nak bilang korang la....abstain la dari seks kasual......kalau perlu pon, pakai la takkan tau beb......ada misi filipino ceritakan aku nie.....ada pompan, cantik, lawa, kena penyakit 'kuman jahat' tu....rupenye lakinye suke melencong..... dia pon hairan asal la si laki gi 'main-main' ngan pompan lain......pada jantan2 yng horny tu, kalau dah kahwin fikirkan la bini lu.....kesiankan.....ada lagi satu kes, laki2 nie nasib baik.....bini dia dapat kuman tu dari bf dia....pas tu kahwin ngan laki2 lain, mengandung....baru dapat tahu dia ada penyakit tu....nasib baik pulak, lakinye tak dapat dari dia........
dari kes2 yng aku dah buat, aku syorkan kalau seblom kahwin buat la full body check up, blood test, etc.....yelah bukan tak caya pada pasangannye tapi sebagai precaution jer...aku yakin korang takmo endanger orang yng kau sayangi kan? sungguh pon kau dah berpasangan lama, sejak dua2 virgin lagi, ada lagi kondisi2 lain yang patut diambil prihatin.....seperti penyakit darah thalasemia.........sebab kalau dua2 bakal mempelai adalah carrier atau menghidapinye sendiri, ada chan besar dapat anak nanti pon kena....kesiankan kalau anak tu kene blood transfusion every month dari dia lahir sampai la tamat riwayatnye..
semakin lama aku dalam nursing....semakin menakutkan kes2 benar yng berlaku......ada pon yng aku tak pernah tau possible....anyway islam pon ajar jaga kesihatan.....ada sebabnye kenape dilarang minuman alkohol, ada sebabnye kenape dilarang seks luar nikah, ada sebabnye kenape merokok makroh dan jika memudaratkan haram, gua bukan nak act alim la, pasal gua pon masih jahil....cuma semua ajaran islam ada sebab2 yng boleh dilihat......bnyk lagi la kalau kau nak kaji....
kla skarang aku nak buat kes study aku balik......adios....ouh seblom losing money, iphone not selling well...hurhurhur....harap2 dorang turunkan harga.....anyway musibot kat yahoo cuba nak jual aku ipod shuffle tiruan...babi punya orang, nasib baik aku tahu yng barunye takda kaler putih....
Posted by Four Wheels at 7:23 AM 0 comments
deal or no deal
ouh forget to jot tis in.....i think, think only la.....i wanna audition for 'deal or no deal' season 2.........i want the cash....if i win more than 10G, id definitely go for a TKR(total knee replacement)......if i win more than 30G, ill definitely get a harley on top of a TKR........
Monday, June 11, 2007 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:44 AM 0 comments
up till this day i still dream of grinding a handrail.....but that i guess, will remain a fantasy unless a total-knee-replacement cost only 10bucks or less...hehehe
anyways speaking of skateboarding, i miss yesterdays skate session with the la week id tag along......ouh and adisam, smsed me....regarding 21st june, world skateboarding day......i hope they have t-shirts or anything like that up for sale....hehehe....buat kenangan t-shirt nofx tu...hehehe...
im getting better, though the cough's still bothering me......and the recurring fever...i feel better, less lethargic and weak like the past 2 psyched up...waiting for friday evening, im free to skate....and sunday, the nightly-weekly skate session with the gonna skate 2 whole weeks of my vacation, maybe every other day.....and im going to jog again.....i miss wearing 32s........i now can barely fit into a 34......i think id set a realistic weigh myself on friday and id want to loose 2kg per week.......its possible if the motivation is there.....
kla gotta iron my uniforms....see ya...
Posted by Four Wheels at 8:32 AM 0 comments