small world indeed

it turns out tt nura.j from krayon or the more famous fake slimming advert is a distant auntie....hahahah, she is my father's auntie's daughter, that makes her my father's cousin and so, my distant auntie.....

my aunt was farnie tonight.....i was at their place to visit my yai(grandpa), dementia strucks the old and as usual he couldnt recognise me.....anyways, my cuzzen.....she's gorgeous, oh she's also a nurse.....heheh okok back to the weird auntie.....when we were about to leave, my aunt gave me a small packet (of course with money inside). i refused to accept and said that i am already gainfully employed so its really unnecessary but she insisted and said "ala diq, ok la blom kahwin masih boleh kasi....." hahah weird. then in the lift my mom said jokingly, "jng2 baru dapat duit cpf tak...." ...hahahahah

i drop by my aunt fatimah's place since its just 8 floors away, it was there too that i learnt tt my step-sister in jakarta, the eldest one, who's also a nurse (which i only found out) is getting married early next year and my aunt ask me to tag....heheh see la if cun2 kena during school hols ok la.....

tumoro 2 more houses, and thats it, gotta hit the books....