
I can't believe how I can cry whenever I miss you dear father.......

I never had enough of you when I was younger.......

Just when we were about to get much and much closer, just when I thought I will have more precious times with you, just when I thought you'd see my own family grew.....just when I thought I'd see you hug and kiss your own grandson.....

You had to go.....I am willing but I am not lying I miss you....

Sometimes I wonder if I had done enough when you were around......sometimes I regret not spending the cash I have on a plane ticket to where you are.....

I miss you goes out to you 5 times a day, I hope you are well rested. I hope to see you the first thing when I go. I love you.

I want to tell my son, how much I love you and I want him to love me as much as I do love you, if not more.....

I miss you Ali bin Atan.....