
No not Mr.Softee the ice-cream missed by many. It's me, that's me beneath the always 'fighting' self. I 'fight' for my rights, I still do although I mellowed down a little these days.

My eyes teared at certain things that touches the heart. For instance what Nyai-Asmah is going thru right now, 4 pints of blood and probably multiple medications to nurse her probable gastric ulcer. My mom who's everly facing unhappiness while I in 3 months will meet my happiness, I pray for you mom, I guess its about time God give you some space, some happiness, I know you are happy for mine but you need to have your own as well. I hope either that old man change or go away. For the rest whom I know is facing tough times as well, I hope God grant your wishes or show you the right way.

Today the thoughts of running was not fulfilled as I slept through soundly, probably the most sound 1hr of sleep I have ever had. I woke up afresh as though I slept 10hrs. Weird but true. I guess I'll drop the idea of running and fulfill that on Thursday morning. Must discipline myself, at least 3Km a week, if possible 3x3. I realized the lack of runs, makes my body lethargic and the pain in my knees returning. Somehow, the runs, keeps me going for some reason probably its my way of coping the shift work, probably what Ain said was true indeed.

Till date I still wanna live my dreams(although I am not really sure if I can make all of it a reality within my lifetime). To hell to those who might've gotten sick of me chanting that repeatedly in this blog. I raced, although I didn't get any trophy but that was just one my dreams that I made a reality. Many more I did which I shan't brag online.It all might be small or even mean nothing to everyone else but it is something to me. And thanks Ain for being supportive and I hope you will continue allowing me to pursue whatever I feel I need to do so. Do give me the support when I need it. Do tell me off if what I am doing is not necessary. I'm glad with the way our relationship works.