during my teenage years i am one of those who listened to music not from the mainstream. when i was 14-15 i was influenced with bands like black flag, fugazi, minor threat, the adicts, chaos uk, sex pistols, operation ivy.....then at secondary three i met zulNY(LoL) who introduced me to NYHC and LCHC....i love it as much as the punk bands that azmi intially introduced me to. zul is actually din's(ignite records now known as straights records) elder brother, he introduced me to the LCHC community whom usually hung out at dhoby ghaut(thats where i first time met malis). anyways thats where my musical influences grow...i never sort of hang out with them but i loaned all the cds from zul like 'change of strength', 'youth of today', 'quiksand', 'madball', 'integrity' and many more.....one of my favourites which i end up buying the cds was 'shelter' and 'integrity' both for their powerful vocals and guitar riffs not so much so for the lyrics...
about 'shelter'
shelter's main man was Ray Cappo....aka 'ray of today' from his ex-band 'Youth of Today' he has this powerful not low voice like most ang-mohs have. his voice really stands out when he was with 'shelter'...then somewhere in between he formed CIV which i got hooked too, i would say a post-hardcore kinda music band...more kinder to the ears and general public, catchy tunes and some messages in their songs... and yesterday ive been listening to this fav song of mine over and over again on imeem, i even embedded it on my friendster. its amazing how mp3s can bring back memories...back then i was young...LoL and much fatter but much healthier...LoL
this saturday heratnor will be playing for recover a LCHC band...at substation
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