cheki cheki cheki

cheki30i aka instax30i at $6.....what else can u say, great cam for 6bucks...happy as fuck...LoL....

took the gamble....saw the cheki,
me: "apek, brapa nie?".
apek:"$10, mulah".
me: "Idup tak?".
apek:"gua tak tau ar, battery dia mahal punya, gua beli mati lo.."
me: "oh ya ini battery lain punya...kalau rosak apa macam? lima sua la..."
apek: " tak bleh, tak bleh, tadi pon ala olang beli 30puloh hor...lagi mahal pon tak tau rosak tidak..."
me: :"okla pek, takpe la...", i walked off....

after a few meters....

apek: "gumok, gumok, sini la...."

i turned and saw him show with his a happy owner of a instax30 although i still do not know if it works...bought the batts at uncle mike 10bucks for 2, guess wat it works.....wooots.....

ok gnite...gotta work card sized instants coming up......;P