
boredom sets in...

i think ill join the guys tonight if work doesnt tire me out...nothing to do anyways...could start printing but hey no tees yet....

i dunno, i dunno, i dunno.....i guess, little things interest me at the moment. and i guess im no longer interesting...

my life might be pathetic but im still striving and trying...

have many dreams....sweet dreams....ive been a daydreamer since young, even was written in my report book....only thing is how i wished i dreamt of reality rather than being in stunts, a race car driver and all that when i was young...if i were to dream of being a business man or something...probably now id be dreams when i was in primary school was too colourful, so colourful that u cant find the right colours to paint it real...hahahah

shahreil's getting married soon and poor me cant attend his 'nikah' or solemnization. sigh, why must i be on pm shift that day....

i think, i need to buy some tees to occupy me or buy books to read, the dvds at home, i just dont feel like watching yet....and hellboy was kinda turn off...or maybe its just me, not in the right of mind.

gotta go, get ready for work....after reading these jokes my fren sent me....heh!