im a mac

im blogging on my new mac book....yeay.......i just got it yest.....its fun but i still havent got use to it yet....

anyways im down with body is reacting to my allergy to dusts and such....i was clearing up my room....haiya....
tot wanna go out today but i cant......

apple jus released their new breed of ipods...damn, i just bot for my sis the shuffle and now they came up with a spanking new design so tiny, tinier than my sony bean....damn....and its freaking cheap at only 138bucks for 1GB which is sufficient for kids. but definitely not for me, my library of music already took up 5GB of my 30GB ipod......

join the cult, the mac cult now...hahahha....its fun to have a mac, an ipod and such........weeeee....thnks singnet....

ouh speaking of singnet....the 10MBps is super duper wonderful and fast....even on my mac(wireless connection) its alot faster than wat i had...thnks shahreil for convincing me......

flu, flu pls go away.......