
work will start again, i cant wait for the switch....
im addictive, addicted, to many things superficial and real.....
i need that chin up bars, the only place i do chin ups is at my workplace where i hung to those metal shelvings...oh ive broken the zero again....
im still wondering how id look in white n black shoes....
i still got a strong feeling bad things abt me is being spread about in this wonderful sg...
i am still the same paranoid me....
i chose to waste my offday away......the lazy bug is in me again....
im loving comedies and love stories more....
im thinking of ways to chop my vain...
i feel the bulge as im typing away, im fat...
im not sleepy cos i slept too much...
im not hungry cos i ate too much....
im sneezy cos i stopped vitamin c.....

wandi's bike is a superb noise emitting machine it sounded just like those xr4s, im considering still that powerfilter n performance pipe...believe me, id pop again...
tee heee....

here are my most current wants.....if u won a lottery buy me one of the followings..:

a sound system for my ps2/mp3, so i can blast them while i race
tt wireless ps2 controller
a flat screen monitor cum teevee
a new pc
tt recliner from ikea, to go with all of the above
a chin up bar, an ez bar and more weights
tt motard arai helmet
a gpr or leo vince
a malossi power filter, torque driver plus performance rollers
tt 'lost' wallet
some nice leather shoes for my interview
a new haircut...
a new pair of glasses

well i guess tts about it for now......gnite peeps, :)