kill me, im fucking vicious

life jus plain simple fucked up, matters of the mind and heart being played around with. no wonder the weird feeling last night, its happening again. emotions, beyond our humanly controls although how hard we tried to suprass the powerful feelings that engulfed us, itll still be there. its like holding down a quater ton crocodile, agigated, provoked by your intentions of calming it down.

words, a beautiful form of expression, which gives birth to music and stories....
expressions on a face means a thousand words cos you could never tell what is the one thing that lies behind it. its an art that nobody can master fully, the smiles on the face, could just hide the sadness in the mind and soul, the frown on his face could just mean he's having a stupid stomach ache. its pretty complicated, GOD is indeed a genius. With this, it makes us think, use our brains, heart & soul to decide on what's best though we are totally unsure of it no matter how best we thought the decisions were. Its because, we can never be absolutely certain, we decide but we leave to fate to give the verdict if the decisions made, were indeed perfect. If not, we have to face the painful & harsh reality, toturing our mind & soul as it uncovers.
Regrets & remorse then engulfed us, and a thousand 'IFs' would be playing around our weak minds. As we move on, to uncover the new, to leave the flawed past, it still haunts u from behind, turn for a second & it gets closer to u......

this is indeed life, aint it beautiful.....

but if its coming from me, its half crap.....harharhar....