The joy u gave me, priceless. I am addicted, you are addictive.
I turned 29 yest and as I revealed to whom I considered dear recently, I don't really like celebrating it, I prefer a quiet thingy. Although the wishes does make one feel happy(thnks all) and going out does make one feel better. And why for those who wondered all these years as I don't really like my birthday's to be a big Huha...I shall reveal it today...
First of all, birthdays remind me that time flies and ouh don't get me wrong, I'm not actually concerned about getting older(but it does suck come to think of it), it's what I haven't achieve that's got me thinking.
But this year was a little different, being me got a stable job and much more peaceful life(as in less conflicts and all). I also felt different over the past year or two, I felt I had change in certain ways and I realized that I had done pretty ok so far. Like in a Supermoto race, it is my own race not anyone else's if I think otherwise, I will start to think I did badly in my OWN race. Get it?
So how I spent my birthday many would probably wonder for someone who doesn't really like a big party or celebration. I prefer to spend it either with my love ones or in some years on my own, giving myself a treat buying things I like, making myself happy. Today I got more than what I bargained for...
Ok, my bad, I underestimated her, I never thought she'd go out to get me something after I occupied her past few days that I wouldn't think she would be able to get me something and I actually thought she wouldn't bother. So actually I was already glad that she would spend time with me on my birthday, having a nice dinner with me. She actually asked me what I wanted before but I just told her I did not want anything from her cos probably she wouldn't know where to get what I wanted. But today she surprised me!
At the table during our meal, she handed me a small packet(an ang pow actually). It was suppose to be my present, a facial blotter that I frequently use and a little note/card. I already thought it was thoughtful of her to at least get me something where probably she didn't have the time to get me something since I fetched her straight from work but that was actually only a decoy.
Then as we about to leave after a walk in the park, she pulled out the real deal. Surprised and touched, I was pretty speechless. After reading the card, I palpate the package and I knew that I was going to get that nike-arm wallet that I wanted to get on my own and there was something else in it, which was a Zoo-York t-shirt. Ain was observant I must say to note what I wanted when we went out a couple of days ago. Thanks Ain, you made my day. If only you know how I felt just now, I guess then you will know how you are greatly appreciated and loved.
That was probably after donkey years since I got multiple presents and a surprise from somebody. I am thankful for today and I hope for more good days to come.
Gnite peeps and thanks all for the well wishes. Love you all.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:49 AM 0 comments
29 0n 29
yes im 29 years old oredi. anyways...heres my dream bikeorange is not what i want oredi cos of the reliability issues many brought up. this is the rmz450 and it fucken rocks. if it gets road legal in sg. soon ud see this bike roaming to and fro imh...LoL
Monday, December 29, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:52 PM 0 comments
another source of inspiration>> German Supermoto
With the great news from Kied of Slackriders that there will be a half-dirt half-tarmac supermoto race if there's good response, I need all the inspiration I can get, all the strength, health and steel yarbles....LoL....See me jump in races to come....It's a dream come true balls......I'm an official racer under the SMSA, I'm registered and legal to participate in any event for 2009. LoL. Watch out for #311. Might not finish first but at least action speaks louder than words balls....
Friday, December 26, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Getting better
Im getting better but am still not well for anything physical...
Sigh, haven't practice for 4th January's race...I hope that doesn't affect much. I will practice next week. And I haven't really tuned my bike.
I missed a run last Tuesday....sigh...but hey, there's always a blessing behind something unpleasant. That's what I always believe to keep my spirits up.
And I'm glad the way I am now.....
Only one thing left to do, after all settled down and probably after my confirmation, I am going to eye center for a check up for my poor vision.
And to all my celebrating friends, Merry Xmas.
I'm going to take a nap now.....taaaa....
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Sick day 3
3 days and I'm still sick....gosh its such a drag if you're sick....
I've been on youtube watching dirt, mx and supercross videos...I just got this weird feeling I might be owning a dirtbike in the near's a bit late for someone turning 30 next year but I just wanna do rad things before I grow old, fragile and probably fat....LoL
And I bet when I have a kid, in his childhood he will get a mx for one of his birthdays. When I got my class 2b, my dad didn't want me to have his friend's sportbike cos he knew I will ride crazy in it but I didn't want that, I wanted what my classmate had, a Yamaha WR200 which is a rather hot MX bike back then, affordable yet powerful. Of course my request was declined and being a student with no cash, I couldn't say no to the beat up 3rd hand scooter that my father bought me. It's better than nothing.
Within a year, I sold off that beat up scooter and being a student with measely paid temporary jobs, I can only afford another scooter, a better and faster scooter and guess what, I raced with that scooter when the school compound turns into a temporary race circuit for me and Herman my classmate. Was rad, was fun till the front end hit the side of a kerb as I open throttle at a corner, the scooter flipped, chipped my tooth, lips bled, scar on my chest. The impact on my chest stopped me from breathing for a second or two but I was fine after that. From then on I got stuck to scooters since its cheap and all and soon I was mixing around with the scooter boys, thats where I grew into scootering and I fell in love with classics. But those who remembered riding with me, I still threw stupid stunts on a classic scooter, imagine a classic popping wheelies. LoL
In 2002-2003, Xr4 was like the craze back then, partly cos its affordable and a rad bike with loud stock pipe if you remove the silencer/diffuser. I wanted that so bad, I almost bought my friend's xr4 but my other half back then forbids me from doing so. I should've just went ahead with it had I known what would've happened. So anyways, the story carries on...
I switched to a gilera back in 2006 for a faster, speedier scooter...I switched partly cos I was sick of slow and unreliable classics. I almost bought a DRZ back then, cos that's the period when it got released, the SM version but I was afraid to commit cos I just got myself a new job and I don't know if I can cope. So anyways, I was still doing silly things on two wheels, I crashed my scooter after a month owning it, popping wheelies across a hump....LoL Yes, I was pretty silly back then.
So finally, here I am on a half-scrammie, the DRZ, racing legally in a circuit. Finally when I have a stable job, more authority over what I wanna do. Finally I am here, racing, what I always wanted to do as a fat kid back then, I still remembered racing my bmx with my cousin and looking at my uncle's photographs of him having lessons at pasir gudang, I guess that's when it fueled everything.
Being grown up and all, I know its not worth pulling stunts in public not in a proper gear and all cos I just flipped my bike pulling an endo and got 3 stitches for it about 2 months ago. I was lucky that I was still able to get up and ride again. Now, the only avenue I can feed my thirst is at the circuit and I will continue racing till I get sick of it....LoL...that I'm not sure when the time will come.
For those criticisms I get, hey at least its healthy, it's not a crime.
Now what I need to do is upgrade myself when the opportunity comes, get pay increments, get promotions, so that I can feed my hobby. I will retire when the time comes and when I need to.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:36 AM 0 comments
It's been quite some time since I got sick....and I hate being sick, feel so helpless, weak.
Jokes don't feel as funny, laughters not enjoyable anymore.....
I went out anyways, with Ain to Albert complex to look for watches, didn't buy any. Went for dinner at Tong Seng, although I finished the whole bowl but it wasn't an enjoyable meal cos of my sore throat....I decided that we go back after that cos like we were directionless and I had little mood to think of something to do.
Sigh....looks like I have to work today in this state but fret not cos Tuesday is my off day and I think I wanna take leave on Wednesday, so at least if I'm not well to run on Tuesday I can run on Wednesday. Furthermore the track only opens from Wednesday to Sunday, I can practice for the upcoming race on 4th January. And I do not like working afternoon shifts, although there's less work to do.
Sigh....I'm not even in the mood to type some more....
Monday, December 22, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:43 AM 0 comments
U know if....
You know if you're hooked in racing when....:
you'd rather go for sale items for your clothing.
you no longer scout for sneakers but you scout for boots.
you don't care how your bike look but you care how it performs.
you put leathers at least once a week.
you eat skip dinner to save up for a spare part.
when you cut down on one dish daily so that you can train once a week.
you forgo that rad sneakers to pay for annual racing license.
you read about viscosity of motor oil and compounds of tyres.
you dream you're popping wheelies after a race.
you don't care bout how dirty your hands get.
you search youtube videos for tips and techniques in racing.
you can't be bothered about anything else pissing you off.
the mechanic becomes your friend.
half of your friends are your race buddies.
one album in your friendster profile is dedicated to racing.
you wake up 630am just to go to the track(which is about 30km away) before your afternoon shift.
your aws is totally spent on spare parts, licenses, oil, etc bike-related.
to be continued....
Friday, December 19, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:39 PM 0 comments
More race photos
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday updates
#311 battling on wet tarmac. Heat2 chasing rider number 12.
It's been quite awhile since I updated. Has been busy with stuffs, the race and all.
Last week was filled with Ain....LoL.... we managed to clear up on things and gosh it feels great to get some things off the chest. :) We came to an understanding and so yeah, that's about it.
My First Race Experience:
So came the day, the waiting for 14th December was dreadful especially when it's your first race! Anxiety filled me, I slept rather late the day before and was awoken by the cool breeze. I got more anxious when rain started to pour in the morning and the weather forecast didn't look promising with rain over the next 12hours. However there's always a first time to everything but to race in the rain and wet tarmac certainly needs a transplant of steel testicles.
I packed my suit and all and head to Tuas in a raincoat. When I was there, there were supermotos everywhere, ktms, huskys, xrs and of course the drzs. The sight of seasoned racers and race teams certainly made me a nervous wreck. I was greeted with some familiar faces, my cuzzen was there too getting ready for the race as well.
Cut the story short, the announcement came for qualifying round. My heart was pumping pretty fast and rain was pouring but I knew I must go, I couldn't turn back for the love of the sport I have to overcome this fear of riding in rain. First few laps was getting used to the slippery tarmac around the corners but after that I was zooming in the rain, sliding occassionally and having near falls only to blast and kick out to safety. I got 10th place, I was pretty surprised that I got 10th out of the 18 participants of the super-novice category.
The horn sounded and they announced that it's time for heat one. I was on grid 10 and then they shifted me to 11th cos apparently one of the participants did not have his transponder(a sensor thingy). Ok fine, no complaints so they put him before me, so what, 1 grid doesn't matter much. I never race before and I lost out at the starting point as many just blasted at the start without worrying of their front wheels popping up....MY VISOR FOGGED! I LEARNT A VALUABLE LESSON AND I WILL CERTAINLY GET AN ANTI-FOG VISOR APPLICATION. So I was racing in 50% vision. I got 13th place out of 17th(cos one of them low-slided and fractured his wrist) So that makes me as good as last 5 riders....LoL. AT LEAST IM NOT LAST! PHEWWW...Wasn't that satisfied with that heat cos partly of the visor thingy, I knew I could've done better.
The second heat came and I was at grid number 13. This time round, I started off very good with the boys in front but they loose me at the corner where proven that they have bigger balls than me to have blasted thru that sharp bend. Vision was better as the rain subsided and temperature wasn't as cold and my visor didn't fog much. and before I knew it, I lapped a rider oredi....and then I got trouble overtaking the next one as he efficiently blocked my lines(path). Then came the gear mis-shifts which costed me a few seconds and one position. My cousin fell, if not he would've maintained his 3rd position. I continued chasing the guy infront and finally managed to overtake him. I finished 11th. Not bad but not good either....cos I knew I could've pushed further...
Next time, next time....LoL
It was hell of an experience and I certainly satisfied my childhood dreams of racing. That pat on the back as we were leaving the pits for the tarmac certainly felt good and finishing the race felt even better, especially under the horrid condition for a race.
All I know is I will continue racing...if Angelo(he taught me a little bout racing supermotos) at the age of 51 can still race and get 2nd place. Why should I stop and be unactive and probably be a couch potato?
Supermoto aside, other interests seemed to be pouring in as well, ever since I moved. I have a running buddy, Ain and gosh I ran more nowadays and exercise, I'm hoping to be fitter and join Ain and her friends in future 'friendly' marathons that they usually participate. I was tempted to sign up for one in March actually except I feel that I've not run nuff, although its only 10km which we do rather regularly in army. But I guess you'd see me soon, just running in events for the feel and fun of it. Winnings not everything and to win, you need to finish first! So actually finishing is first. LoL
Another thing has got me hooked is floorball, thanks Fathih, Hairul, Ross and Taibah. I got hooked! We'll have more floorball kay? It sure is much hella fun than soccer, sorry soccer fans but this is what a no-sports kinda guy feels....LoL...
Life in general:
Tonight's the 2nd night, 1st night duty went well, tommorow's my sleeping day, looking forward to fixing my bike and all...i'm gonna learn more bout my bike so I can DIY more and save on moolah's paying mechanics.
Ok gotta go guys....:) Love ya all for bringing me where I am. Btw, not being selfish, I just hope my cousin's granparents changes her mind bout moving in to his vacant flat, cos I like being alone. LoL
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 3:54 PM 0 comments
about 3days more to race day and ive yet to develop my style, leg out or knee down. thats the flexibility of supermoto...
for me, i dont have the yarbles to knee down certainly and i don't see a need to leg out unless im going to kick myself back up....i tried hanging to knee down but it never did touch the ground.
i guess, i will make a comeback next year but not in the stock-challenge but probably the novice category cos i would've probably souped up my suzee with goodies like a bigger carb, jets and 3x3 mods.
look out for race number 311 in next years series....:) the podium is a second issue, finishing the race is first.
inspirational video and nope i cant ride that mad....LoL
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Not in the best of mood....feeling a little down, nervous, confused all in one. All due to the happenings around.
Nervous particularly bout Sunday's race, it's my first race, wonder how I will fare....
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:32 PM 0 comments
The weather has not been kind but I'm a changed person, I don't fret over stuffs no more or at least I minimize it. I view things not in favor as a blessing in disguise. For example the rainy monsoon period meant I lost hours of practice and training but it could also mean I have time to put in for other stuffs like my research.
Yesterday the weather was not kind to us too. We were suppose to catch 'Muallaf' at 1715hrs at Cathay-The Picturehouse but then it rained on and off(literally) that got us wasting and ended up a little late for the show but I doubt we missed much. The rain was indeed a blessing cos the theater has biased parking space where motorcycles are not allowed to use their parking lots. Do they have the idea that motorcyclist can't afford a decent box office or is it the concrete carparks are too posh for 2-wheelers? Whatever it is, they are really biased, motorcycles occupies less space and thus there'll be more capacity for more bikes if say they remove a couple of car lots. Charge us, we don't mind paying for convenience morons.
'Muallaf' was good, made me wanna be closer to my religion to rediscover behind the arabic scriptures that we read or cite daily. I hope my interest in reading will develop more and thus causing me to pick up a couple of books on the religion I believe in.
Yest was when I discovered I am alot more patient, alot more calm, less temperamental with little or no signs of sudden outburst of anger. It could probably because I am having a much peaceful life and not having a moronic figure that's waiting for opportunities to provoke me. You know who I am referring to.
I spoke to my colleague, Zulkifli who I regard as an elder brother at work. The conversation took off some weight off my chest.
I'm hooked on ice-cream, it's became like my staple food, there's always a tub of B&Js in my freezer. Even yest after the movie we had ice-cream at mingles. Ouh they have ice-cream buffet everyday till 6pm at $14 per right?
Ok guys, cya ard...
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:31 PM 0 comments
supermoto hooligan
I'm spending quite alot of dough this month and I have yet to start my practicals with Uncle Peh.
14days.....scary....anxious, excited.
My minds rumbling for ideas for decals.....
Sunday, November 30, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Week Roundup
The week started with track practice with E.T and Rhea....Got a couple of tips from them, it's good to have ppl watching you practice, they can see your mistakes, I pushed hard, I crashed but not bad....I think I shaved off a couple of seconds off my timing. Tried 15laps, to test my stamina for the race day which probably would have 3rounds of 15 laps if do get to the final round, else its only 2 rounds of 15laps.
Then midweek there's meetings and all of the work stuff...being in 3project groups ain't easy and it's pressurizing to have your superiors having set expectations that you should perform. However it's healthy for my future.
Friday was the most tiring of all, we played floorball. Fathi hosted a floorball night for the usual, Hairul, Ross, Mot, Taibah, Ain and myself. Was fun, I got the hang of it quick and was really enjoying it, sweated alot and till today, my butt's still sore...LoL
Saturday was supposed to be guitar heroes day but the thought of traveling from one end of Singapore to the other just to play computer games kinda pulled me back, somemore after a days work and having the sores from Friday's floorball riding a thumper all the way to NTI was so undesirable....LoL
I forgo guitar heroes and asked Ain for a movie marathon, rented 3 videos and watched it all in 5hours over pastries, chips and ice-cream. We'd definitely have more video nights. :)
14days to race day....I wonder how I'd fare, If I get the top 5 or 10 position, I bet ya I'll be back.....if I'm one of the last few, track days will definitely be just leisure for me...:) I still haven't work on my graphics and all, it's a great opportunity to show off my DIY decals and hopefully get ppl requesting me to do for them and thus, extra income for me. I hope Hairul's free to help me print next week.
And on this beautiful lazy Sunday, the psychiatric nurse have to go to work to tend to his patients, how depressing is that? However I'm aiming for that 9-5 in a couple of years, maybe 5? I'm aiming to be a C.I. at least. It'll be good for social and family life.
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Lazy Bug
Lay low, arrogance and ego not needed here.
The lazy bug sets in, lazy to move a muscle....anyways, my eyes, I need to do something bout gets tired easily....
I'm anxious bout 14th December, I wonder if I am able to at least get a placement somewhere in the middle, at least that would justify for me to participate in the next race and probably in the novice category if I have added goodies to my Suzie.
If I get enough bonus, I'm going to buy myself some more track stuffs and probably do new decals as a treat for myself.
I'm now contemplating, to buy a pair of good running shoes or just go to e-mart and get those army issued one. The last pair died on me during the last run last week.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Octane's in my blood....I still haven't perfected my lines, my yarbles still have not been upgraded to stainless stamina in that scorching sun...sigh...but at least I gain a little more confidence being with the fast boys....and at least im not the last....LoL just need that balls of steel and stamina...
Gonna condition myself to the scorching sun, gonna run in the late afternoon rather than the cool morning.....
Gotta go to work....Ain's right, it's becoming an obsession, I am a Supermoto Junkie.
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:34 PM 0 comments
My cousin timed my lap, my average was 56secs.....not good enough....Aliyun's timing was 46sec, my cousin Alif also around there.....I'm like 10sec slow....
I need balls steel yarbles.
I'm waiting for Rhea to upload the photos...
I'm set on participating.....I know probably it'll cost my bonus but what the heck, for the experience, and I'm not going for a holiday or anything, this is just a way of rewarding myself...
Right now, I'm determined to loose more weight for the race and to loose that 10secs, so that at least I can achieve the average timing....
Thursday, November 20, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:51 PM 0 comments
breathe sumo
My concern now, bike in condition to race and not to finish last on December 14th. If I finish not last at least, I'll participate in next year's series.
My 2nd concern is getting confirmed and getting recognized for my involvement in 2 research projects.
My 3rd concern, will I be still staying alone or will my cousin's grandparents shift in? Which I do not want the latter to happen.
My 4th concern, will I finally decide to settle down? LoL
Come support #166 on 14th December at Tuas Circuit.
Monday, November 17, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Jens Lekman Live 1st December
I am pretty sure this live performance will not be canceled unlike 'Wings'. Anyways, the refund will go to this ticket.
Sunday, November 16, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:38 PM 0 comments
im loving the sea breeze
We decided to run today, I woke up a little late but we still ran. It was nice running by the beach, the sea breeze and all. Surprisingly I was still able to run, probably cos I had company and the beach and the breeze and the environment and the many runners around. I can foresee more mornings of runs. Targeting to go further next week and probably up to the optimal heart rate or a minimal of 45minutes, whichever is earlier. :)
I need to loose a couple of kgs for the race if I want to participate, if not I'm already loosing some time due to my weight, cos more weight=more power needed, less pick up, slower time.
I'm gonna get my track buddies to time me my next track day. I wouldn't wanna participate if I'm going to finish last. I'll be wasting my 100bucks only.
Saturday, November 15, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:16 AM 0 comments
#166. Yeah thats wats going to be my race number. Ain suggested 33 but that was taken. i'll HOPEFULLY be competing in the stock bikes race in December whereby all the bikes do not have any modifications made to the engines. I think it's great opportunity to discover my potential and to gain confidence in future competitions.
But it will only be possible if #1 I get leave or off that day. #2 If my lap time is at least satisfactory, I don't wanna be finishing last, 2nd last is ok but not last.....LoL
Today Uncle Raptor(Angelo) became my track guru...he thought me lines. Lines are path that you line before you in order for a smooth run thru the circuit and today I was alot smoother...and I managed to lap 2 newbies....isn't that great!!! Woots...I am improving though a little minor mishap as I became complacent, and panicked. I can be there'd be more track days for me. Woots!
Do come and give me support should everything fall in place deeming it possible for me to compete on 14th December in the 'Stockie SM race' at Tuas Circuit.
Friday, November 14, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:39 PM 0 comments
the fragmented series
i cant have everything.....i cant do everything, im only one with 4 limbs, a pair brain, pair of eyes, 2 ears....etc...
i think at the rate i am going, ill be a pretty active retiree when the time comes....unless nature forbids me so.
yeay....i gained weight a couple of weeks post raya, now im losing it again bit by bit
52bucks made my bike smoother, 2 bottle of elf 4t plus oil filter.
im not meeting ain today, she have to work late. 2moro it is, dvd night. i think im beginning to feel something, i think.
i need to give myself a kick on the butt, work is not very fun but i have been lucky that god has decide to lay a comfortable path ahead of me. im only 3 months young in imh and i've already been nominated into 2 research groups, i hope the hard work will be fruitful and i still hope that advance dip will come true in 2009. dr prema make it happen yeah!
friday track up confidence, develop race lines. yes I WANT TO BE IN next year and i hope i qualify. i dun care so much bout car now, since i met someone who doesn't see a need either, i will when i have a family...:) but i will get that class 3. i know i will.
i love my life now, i dare not look at the past although i cant help it at times...but looking forward is the in thing now! hahaha.....cos there's no reverse gear in life....just like supermotos...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:48 PM 0 comments
The weather does not allow we junkies to practice. With downpours at the times we usually hit the tracks and even in the early evenings before dark, it's pretty impossible for us to train. Being positive, I guess its a good time to build up my fitness and also hopefully my right ring finger will function normally again, its like super stiff, I guess the tendons in there have scar tissues that caused the stiffness.
Why fitness you say? It plays a big part in racing, believe me, it can be tiring, under the second skin which is the leather suit, you sweat like nobody's business. Poor arm strength also means your arms becomes numb sooner than someone who's fit. Physical fitness is also very necessary for me at work, pinning down disturbed, aggressive and violent patients whereby sometimes the strength of 4 is not even sufficient to pin down one.
I am still worried bout my finger, I don't wanna go for a check up cos I know the intervention would either be day-surgery or cast, meaning I can't ride for at least weeks....sigh....I'll get it massaged, I'd go hunt for traditional ones, I still remembered there's one opposite Queensway.
Monday, November 10, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Met the old friend, a friend in need. Well, I can only afford giving him advise and opinions. I hope I was of some help to him.
I am abnormal today.....was rummaging through when I came across a stack of cds and now I'm listening to the songs I added on my itunes....Eminem, Linkin park and Ahli Fiqir....LoL not my kinda music but kinda nice to listen to....catchy.....
Loq suggested me & Bat(Loq's fren) celebrate our birthdays together since Bat's birthday falls on the day after mine. LoL. I don't know leh....I'm not a birthday party kinda person....LoL
Maybe Id just go out with all my December baby a couple of them..
Posted by Four Wheels at 12:52 AM 0 comments
-SuMo track session....good also let my right ring finger recover fully, the joint still a little swollen and stiff.I wouldn't wanna go to the doctor cos it will probably get a cast...LoL
I hope to participate next year but at the rate I am going, I don't think I can be able to beat the clocks or let alone qualify. Whatever it is, I will give it a shot.
As I head to the canteen yest at work, I bumped into NC-Tri, he's leading one of the research projects I am involved with. What he said was very encouraging and I hope it will be and I hope I remain focus and not screw up. I am aiming for that advance diploma and I hope the DN recognize my efforts in the 2 research projects I am already involved in.
I will be on night duty alone pretty soon. My colleagues some how was not really happy about one of my NMs decision not to let me do in-charge or 3rd shift while I am on probation. I being a natural slacker kinda liked his decision except I get less moolahs at payday. Being me, I went to my SNM and asked him to grant me permission to be put on 3rd shift......permission granted. :)
Got a chill out buddy now....just hang around, watch dvds, dinner....:) I think I will put on weight if I carry on eating all those rich food....LoL....It's been quite some time since I really go out just purposely to eat real food. Last week alone, I had satay, fish and co and ben & jerry's... gotta exercise to counter all those.
What Fan(my colleague) told me has got me a little paranoid. That's me, I get paranoid at times.
Speaking of paranoid, I'm paranoid about Cancer and osteomyelitis....LoL.....sometimes too much knowledge gets you a little at the edge....LoL
I don't think I can save much this month but I took into consideration that I spent 200bucks on that forma boots and replacing the rubber killers which cost me around $50. Then now I need to change my engine oil, 2 bottles and oil filter, which will cost me another 50 odd....
Okla gotta shower. See ya around.....
Sunday, November 09, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:47 AM 0 comments
for those seeking new hobbies or just bored.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:53 AM 0 comments
I'm pretty much comfortable but that does not mean I can lay back. I have to always be on alert, ready to strike, defend or attack. Being alone, in practically bout almost everything, I need to be always prepared.
Comfortable yes but I do not have back up(savings). Which I seriously need to build up. I am now wondering should I continue my t-printing, decals and mlm. I think I should, the only problem is I have to seriously create time for those, I just worry of burn out. But nows the time, my network growing bigger, its a great time to take advantage of this. The market for my tees and decals is bigger....I need ideas for something different. You can bet it'll be supermoto related. First one already in mind, 'I Love SuMo!" LoL
Check out hallucinate clothings site in the near future. I'll start sourcing for quality vinyl. And I'll start ebay trading again, supermoto parts, I only need to do calculations if its worth the effort....
Yes money isn't everything but without money, my dreams/vision is like a car without petrol.
Monday, November 03, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:35 PM 0 comments
I'm anal bout certain things...especially with my not outlook but the comfort and performance...if I had SPARE cash, my bike I guess would be the monsters of all Zees.
Today I tried to rectify the slightly off handle bars...I am not really sure if its bent, I tried loosening the clamps but my frail right hand had no strength to do so, I need a proper tool like a ratchet probably...
So I went down the few bike shops that's open on Sundays. Auntie-shop mechanic said it's my clamps that's bent probably, I thought so, cos renthal-fatbars are pretty sturdy and strong. Jack(the king of endos) told me its probably the rubbers, I agreed with him as being from an engineering background, the cast iron clamps bent? abit odd. So I narrowed down to the rubber mounts, the bolts, the clamps and lastly the bars. Tumoro if the lazy bug doesn't struck me, I'd head to Ideal motors and get that Zeta-rubber killers. If that doesn't work, I hope vanturas doesn't get Ryan's pro-taper bars so I can get it instead and of course the clamps.
I'm waiting for the meters to come in...right now, I'm riding without a speedometer. It's not worrying if it isn't Singapore. The thing is I can't gauge my speed accurately when there's speed cameras...what I can do is follow the speed of other vehicles. Ah boy said the meters (up to 180km/h) will arrive in a couple of weeks time.
Right now I guess I'll do up the performance, I don't give a fuck bout outlook, I'm a track junkie and on the tarmac, it's not how good you look but how fast & smooth you can go. Looks is secondary but that doesn't mean I'm neglecting it totally, I'm thinking of building up spare plastics and 'blings' so that I can look good off track and change to the beat up plastics only on track....
I need a full face helmet for daily use. On the last track day, the full face helmet saved me from being chinless...LoL....
But top priority get my handlebar-problem fixed, long gloves, new set of replacement handguards, that tail-light bracket fixed.
My passion aside, I wanna settle down when the time is right, I wanna have boys so I can teach them skateboarding, photography and racing...LoL.....I'm taking my grandma's advice and somehow it just falls in place. I'm praying nothing goes wrong, I'm praying other distractions to be far away. I got almost all that I had asked for, I'm not perfect either, I guess I have to be fair, I can't be choosy...
I'm getting along with life fine, I haven't got a chance to talk to my cuzzen bout my proposal but then again, it might be a blessing in disguise. I'd be patient, patience is the key to many things and many a times it's the rushing in that caused most problems...I'd wait and consider properly, it will fall into place, decisions will be natural, God will help me, InsyahAllah
Wings concert postponed!!! Sad....but a good excuse to hang out with Ain...LoL
Lastly to Loloq, it's never too late to change...As a friend, I'll help with whatever I can.
K good night you all out there....
Sunday, November 02, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:31 PM 0 comments
...wish i could ride like them...balls of steel...
Posted by Four Wheels at 11:35 AM 0 comments
my virgin track day:
the fun:footpeg scrapping high speed corners
the not so fun:
abrasions, bent handlebar, damaged handguards....
A SuMo video a day keeps cravings away....
Friday, October 31, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 3:13 PM 0 comments
I hope tonight turns out well. I'm praying hard.
I received a mailer from, apparently they raised the age limit to 35years. There's a design a logo competition, interpretation of in visual and tee design. I don't consider myself a designer, I would call myself expressive....LoL. I'm gonna give it a shot as there's prize money involved and of course exposure. My work was selected 4 years ago by MTV and I was offered to work freelance and that my animation to be used but greed struck me and they turned me down. I could have just said yes instead of query how much would they pay me. I hope I win some dough, you can never get enough dough when everything's seems so expensive.
If things do not work out tonight or what I planned for do not work out. I hope I find someone and get married pretty soon. Cos I don't wanna be wasting moolahs or yusoffs on rent and end up with nothing and worse I end up unable to save up. If my plan works, even though I might not be able to save but at the end of the day I'll have my own flat and that I believe is a HUGE investment and sacrifice.
I am serious about life and my future, I can't afford any more mistakes, I'll be 30 next year and that's like almost half of my life gone with regards to the present mean life expectancy of Singaporeans. And of course I can't let anyone screw up my path.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:21 PM 0 comments
excited? or scary, big commitment?
I've always wanted my own home, it has always been my dream. I have always been living where I feel like a mere occupant. I want my own and I think it's about time.
I wanna propose to my cousin that I'd wanna take over his flat for I think he is having a hard time paying for it as a divorcee. I got more or less a rough 'sketch' in mind of how I'm going to go about doing it and cope with the payments.
The thing is I can't own the flat as yet(cos I'm neither married nor 35) and my cousin could not sell the flat as yet(if I'm not wrong, you can only sell after 2.5years). So the solution is I help him pay the monthly installments and bills and after 2.5years and when I am eligible to own a flat, I buy it over minus the payments I've made of course. I think it will work out. It'll be best if I get married immediately after that 2years rather than wait 6 more years for me to turn 35.
I've done rough calculations, if there's someone renting a room, I can cope 'cept I have to do away with other luxuries like shopping and entertainments.
I hope my cousin is agreeable to my proposal. If he is, I'd be jumping with joy and I'd hold back my class3 and dreams of owning a hatchback, I'd rather have my own flat than a car.....
Wish me luck fellows....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:25 PM 0 comments
SuMo Junkie
No I do not like sumo but SuMo, SuMo is the abbreviation of SuperMoto. All I'm wondering is now, whether I will have enough SPARE dough to indulge in this rather expensive hobby. My ambition is to participate in the local supermoto championship that is a yearly event, where participants collect points and timings over a year and the winner will be crowned at the end of each year. 2ndly will I have enough practice to participate next year and will my Suzi be in tip-top condition?
Firstly I need to discover if I am gifted in racing or theres octane in my blood. If I'm good at it, might consider participating next year, that will leave me about 8 track sessions? Cos I intend to practice once a week, 4 hours each session($50 per 4 hours). And will my bike be in a race condition? but then again some say it's not totally the bike, great power without control is bullshit. LoL
I think I AM a SuMo Junkie, cos I even sacrifice my 'rich' meals at work. I use to have all the 'rich' dishes for my break. I think it's good also cos at the same time I can cut down on some kilos which proves to be vital in racing, the heavier you are chances are you loose out on the pick up unless you own fierce euro engines like the aprillia or husky...
SuMo aside, yest went for dinner with Ain at Popeye's, yes we rode to Terminal1. I think Popeye's awesome 'cept the portion like shrunk, I love the mashed potatoes though. Went to Terminal3 where Ain bought her candies before we head home. I think I'm going to enjoy my stay in Tampines with new SuMo frens, Ain, My uncle and his family....all of them have been great hosts.
My uncle has been great, I get regular calls where he asked me to come over for dinner and regular supply of horror dvds...hehehe. There's nothing more for me to ask being a loner in this new town, I think I am pretty much blessed.
The east SuMo boys too have been very accommodating,people like Segap, Aidil, Nat, Rhea and many more.
The ride to work too is another plus point, 15minutes flat....woots....more sleep! especially when doing the first shift. I am considering to ask for a transfer to CGH's psychiatric ward probably after my bond. I'll be covering both worlds if I do so, Medical and Psychiatry and the hospital is alot more nearer, 5minutes away I guess... But that's 3 years later....LoL
I am enjoying the east side, though I do still miss the west side doubt.
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:44 AM 0 comments
schedule for workday sunday
-0600 wake up & get ready for work
-0630 off to work
-0700 start work
-1430 stop work off to ah boy
-1500 shop for boots.
-1600 head to gombak for haircut.
-1700 mom's place, chill, try to fix pc.
-1930 zakie's place
-2200 home sweet home...iron uniforms for following day.
gnite peeps
Saturday, October 25, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:56 PM 0 comments
75 bucks
i got less this month bcos the trip to AH was billed via NHG, which meant they deduct it off my salary.....and I got even lesser as its either the payroll dept or my supervisor keying in the wrong ward allowance....I'm suppose to get 150(3 rotating shifts) but I got only half 75(2 rotating shifts) damn....I could buy lotsa stuffs with $75, it could last me at least about 3 weeks of groceries. on tuesday i'm so gonna give them a ring for depriving me off that $75.
Posted by Four Wheels at 11:34 PM 0 comments
the need
Ive been holding back class3 for quite awhile and I know I havent been actually giving it a go.....Im more interested with my supermoto, racing and all. and being alone I dont see a need to have a class3 let alone a car.
Just now I felt different, I dunno why, probably cos I want to bring ain out more often. maybe thats why.
Posted by Four Wheels at 1:50 AM 0 comments
east meets west.
east meets west.....LoL yest meet up was to resolve some burning issue in the forum. apparently some parties still have enormous ego...however it is, the issue seems to be resolved. LoL...
the only good thing of the meet up was i get to meet more supermoto peeps whom i never met before....:)
Friday, October 24, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Tampinesian Alien
Today marks the first day as a resident of the east, Tampines. I feel so weird on this unfamiliar grounds. I've been in the west for 20years, since I was about 9 years old. Now on this foreign ground, I have to adapt myself. There's one good point though, I'll be alone at most times and I am the sort that loves to be alone at home. Its not that I don't socialize, I do but outside not at home. At home I prefer to be on my own, I don't like to be bothered when I am doing my own stuffs, simple as that.
The kind soul who let me stay here is Hadi, my dear cousin. He invited me to stay here, since his place will be more or less vacant. God has been kind to me, Alhamdullilah. I need guidance, seriously. Slowly, I want to go to the 'right' path and my journey has not been a really smooth one so far as I have been diverted off course at times but I am glad, I was not diverted far and I manage to do a U-turn back.
I was thinking, maybe less friends over here can be good for me. It means I can have more time to indulge in my own activities and probably its a good time to take my degree but I'd let myself settle down and all. It is not wise to jump into something you are not really 100% ready to commit yet, especially a degree which may be very costly.
Ain greeted me in the morning with an sms, welcoming to her hometown, her neighborhood and later, she's gonna accompany me to do a little shopping. I need a mini wadrobe or cupboard where I can place my clothes and my other belongings and probably a table. I wonder if $100-200 sufficient for all. If not I will have to wait till pay day this Saturday. I think I'm going to hold back on that pair of boots for awhile, anyway I am not going to be on track till 28th as Elvan only starting training then and I wouldn't want to go for my virgin session alone. I can buy my boots after my payday.
I think I am going to encash my remaining annual-leaves for I can foresee that I might need more cash end of the year. I have about 5 days left.
Alright guys, gotta go and continue unpacking. I am going to miss my friends in the west. They are a bunch of lovely people. I love them all. Thanks fellows for being great friends. You have made up for the lack of belonging in me....cheers mates, God bless you all, InsyahAllah....
Sunday, October 19, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Brush with the law
I was lucky yet again yesterday. The traffic police let some of us off but not 2 of my other friends. Apparently last week incident at LCK has been associated with the complaint from the moronic public yest spotting us riding in groups. We don't bother you why the public so kaypoh that have to complain against us. Daym. A sigh of relieve though. My 2 friends got their bike compounded cos of failure to produce the necessary papers. I hope everything goes well for them this coming Monday.
For me, I think I better get that boots before 28th and join Elvan for track sessions later. I will only release the beast on tracks only from this day. Lesson learned, ride 'safe'. I will not let an incident mellow my interests in supermotos, cos I'm loving it.
Saturday, October 18, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:24 PM 0 comments
bikes no more?(notchet for me)
Friday, October 17, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:52 PM 0 comments
travis pastrana
If I had a dirtbike for my birthday, I guess I would be madass like him too...LoL
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Those who needs to remove stitches can come to me, I did it DIY. LoL
Anyways....nothing much 'cept for the sucky 2nd Night Duty. Some bloody attention seeking arseholes really piss me off. I told him, if you really wanted to die and really wanted to commit suicide, you will not be here already. Asswipes, pussies.
Anyways, negatives apart. I find that racing is a rather technical hobby, its not as simple as I always thought, get a good machine and race. 1stly you need to get accustomed to the bike, 2ndly nitty gritty details goes a long way. For example the stock clutch lever's too long, as result when I quick shift, my last finger tend to get stuck in between and at times it hurts. What I need is a shorty clutch with more leverage to make clutching in alot easier and popping wheelies alot simpler. There's more, in short, its all about customizing or tailoring to one's needs. I can foresee this is the hobby I will spend the most dough and time on. But I still will get that DSLR using my year end bonus and not forgetting a PS3 or XBOX360(at least) cos I got hooked on guitar heroes....LoL
I can't wait for my virgin track day. I was going to go get my boots today but the weather doesn't permits, probably its a blessing in disguise.
Recently the boys in white has been hard on drz-ers, especially in groups. I guess I'm going to lay low for the time being and only unleash myself at the circuit. Although the street is much more challenging and fun.
My 2nd gear wheelies improved in a mini way. I wasn't able to pop 2nd gear until now but the height isn't there but Id take it slow. I wanna really feel it and not just achieve it. It's like skateboarding, if you nail a kicklip and not know how you did it exactly(the feel, the right amount of kick, etc) chances are you will not land it everytime but if you mastered it thru recognising how you did it, I believe you can nail it almost always. Just like my endos or rather stoppies(cos I never really got the moving part right).
I guess Singapore should be more open to motorsports, they should expand extreme sports further to like motorcross and stunting. Maybe perhaps provide an open-space 'circuit' for individuals to practice stunting and perhaps a larger off-road circuit with jumps and all. When that finally happen, I guess I'll be way past middle-aged but I might still invest in a dirt-bike.
I am now contemplating whether to get my supply of spirulina from Elken or not because the product works and it actually works inside out.
I have been inactive in my current freelance job, there's no drive because I feel that this company is starting to be similar as other companies that I tried although the remuneration is rather attractive and the opportunity is there but coaxing others to buy a whole package in order to gain or earn myself is just not my way. I will do it my way via sharing/selling the products that benefits me(I've yet to try). I just feel its not ethical to earn in via the former way although its faster to do so. If I were to feel there's a need to make more, I would try marketing the slimming program. I don't know about you guys but I can't live with guilt, I have conscience.
Hmmm....I can foresee in years to come, I will be owning a DSLR, a pitbike, a bicycle(probably a low rider or a fixie) as living in the east, I will have more locations near me to indulge/use all the above....woots....I can't wait to jump dirts in loyang...LoL....wooohoo
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Been Monday I went out with Ain, I can sense we are more comfortable with each other, I don't feel so restricted, I don't feel like I have to be extra careful, I feel like I can be myself. That's good and soon we can hang out more, cos soon I'll be living within the same neighborhood. Anyways Ain's great company, just that both of us are not 100% comfortable with each other yet and Ain reminded me of what my grandmother said on the first day of raya. LoL.
Friday night met up with the guys, had dinner. I feel like I needed to be out rather than stay cooped up at home and stuck with canceled plans. So, after work I decided to join the usual gang at our fav coffee stall.
Saturday was 'jalan raya' day. I was prepared, new haircut, ironed my baju and waited for Halem's call as he was to fetch me and Adil. Was a little excited cos its my first 'jalan raya' for after 3 or 4 years of missing it. So I donned the yellow baju with the head-dress and 'samping', almost a complete Malay outfit 'cept for my red crocs(instead of the traditional 'chapal') cos I did not do any shopping this Shawal. I didn't want to wear the purple, I don't know why, I just don't feel like the purple. So there we are, almost everyone came, it was fun at first, laughing, joking and all. Halfway thru, in my mind was...'What's the point of all this? I am just kidding myself! Yes, my friends do make me laugh and all but still I'm just kidding myself!, No I do not enjoy it 100% cos I don't see a need to celebrate when everything else is haphazard. Ok so I need a break, Ok...' Something like that la...
I was laughing, joking and making more jokes, just to entertain myself and to listen to the laughter that came from my friends. The kids brought me joy as I see them enjoying themselves, running around, misbehaving and making some mothers scream in the process. I'm thankful that my kind friends asked me along but I don't see a point in 'jalan raya'. First of all, I am kidding myself. Secondly, you visit each others' place for? I just don't see the point there. 'Perjumpaan'(Gathering) probably but this, I don't see a point. Honest.
So that marks the end of the week...I started the new week with night duty last night. Wasn't as bad as I expected, in fact, it was great cos at least my preceptor was not so cranky as on other shifts and I managed to get him to sign some of my assessments/assignments as well. LoL
So, What's in store for this week? Couple of my friends are pretty occupied nowadays, so I don't expect to get a yes when I ask them out. Friday evening, Elvan wants a farewell rideout with the west-side Drzboys, I am not keen but since they do think 'bout me, I'll turn up for their sake. Saturday would be my last day residing on western soil, after which I will be in the east, I have a feeling for some time at least while I am still working at IMH or when I can have my own flat near to work. I'm hunting for somebody to help me shift on Saturday. I think last resort, I'll take the cab or transport my barang2 via the ol' skool way that I usually do, ferry them to and fro using huge backpacks on my bike. I think I'll choose the cab. I told a friend earlier to help me out but I guess I do not want to trouble him as he has something on that same day. I think I can manage around 4-5 trips, At most I get a sore butt...LoL
Okla peeps, gonna catch some sleep...probably wake up for lunch or dinner....LoL...
Monday, October 13, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Guess what I've been reading on for the past hour? TYRES ouh, you would've guessed from the title of this entry...Duh!....
Anyways I didn't know there's so much technicality to tyres. What I thought was, more threads, more soft, thus more grippy....but there's more than that....and even the sizes comes into play....sigh going on the tracks is not as easy as twisting the throttles. I came across useful info from Raptor(a fellow supermotosg member). I'll do that DIY modification soon...infact later....LoL... Yesterday I managed to remove the PAIR valve system successfully and man I'm glad with the pick up now....woots...
I think my uncle's rad...I told him I wanna participate in the novice category and seems like he's giving me the thumbs up and support...hmmm maybe probably he rides too...a monstrous harley.....LoL....
Ok going down to give Zee a good wash and a little modification....nites ppl, enjoy the weekend....I have to work tumoro...urrrghhh.....
Saturday, October 04, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Haiqal took this, yah I was not in the mood for celebrations. How can one be? When you are like 'homeless', your dad is like so far away and your grandfather has been unjustly placed in JB?
In a conversation with my colleague Chang, I just found out not all Unis offering Nursing Degree requires the applicant to have years of experience....woots!... I think I'm psyched up, I hope I still am after my probation, I want a degree under my belt which also is like a 'pass' to overseas employment....
I feel like there's nothing here left for might as well leave when there's opportunity, I can pay mom a visit twice a year or something liddat....or can always skype.
Urggh....I need to give a big kick on my butt for that class3 although I know very well, I wouldn't burden myself with installments of a car. Unless, I got married or sumthin....
and with a degree in year gonna be a tough one to pass....LoL...but I think I can manage...InsyahAllah....oops not forgetting, I still wanna participate in that novice category, I hope I qualify...
Ok gotta go, iron my uniforms....taaa....
Friday, October 03, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:27 PM 0 comments
my gramma
yest i visited gramma from mom's place....i find that i really can talk to her now...i envy my gramma at 77, she's still active, taking classes and all and above all, healthy.
she was in tears as i bid farewell, cos 2 of her sons are not in indonesia, the other, ouh well lets not talk bout the other....but she said something to me that really what is happening to me might be a coincident but she being 'gifted', i think she knows whats going on with me.....i still remembered when i use to see so vividly my late grandfather but lately i don't, probably bcos i'm not such a good boy anymore....anyways, what my gramma told me, i think i will heed her advise....
ouh i also consulted her bout the sightings....she said it was probably my guardian.... she said, some people are blessed with this guardians to look after them. thnks for protecting me whoever you are and please guide me along...i know to some all these might be pure superstitions, for me, i do believe to some extent.
i need to save....seriously....6years is not long....i wanna be able to own a flat by then and probably settle down.....well, we'll see....
Thursday, October 02, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 6:48 PM 0 comments
shawal has always left me wondering why am i left in such a state....but then again, there are always ppl who are worst off than myself. at least i have a roof over my head, at least i still get to visit mom, at least i have food to eat.....
to all who's thinking of their ill fate, think about it, theres more ppl out there whos worst off...consider yourself lucky. i pray for all the muslims around the world, may their fate change and may God put on a smile upon their faces this shawal....insyahAllah.
i guess, some of my ill fate is cos of retribution of my wrong doings in the past. i still do not know how to redeem myself at times. i only can ask God for forgiveness for i do not know how else or wat else to make things right. in life, there's always retribution just be aware of things you are or might be doing, take care in whatever you do.
to all who knows me, 'maaf zahir dan batin' sekiranya, ada terkasar bahasa, ada tersindir, ada termarah and so on lah.....i know sometimes i can be too frank and i just blurt out whats on my mind, maybe i'm that sort that doesn't know how to 'mask' things into something nicer. i hope you guys understand, i don't mean to be mean, its just the way i am...
selamat hari raya everyone....:)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:39 PM 0 comments
childhood fantasy
im excited, im going to be living my childhood fantasy.....woots...cmmon elvan get ur gears ready so we can start learning the lines at tuas circuit and hopefully participate in next year's event....
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:55 PM 0 comments
my supermoto frens from the west planning a farewell party for me as i am going to shift to the east.....touching sey.....didn't know they enjoyed my company so much....LoL, we were frens for barely months....but we shared the same passion....different races, different ages(im the oldest i guess) but one passion.....supermoto....thnks guys for being so thoughtful....appreciate....:)
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:21 PM 0 comments
3 stitches....
i find that im a slacker half the time....but the other half, i like to push myself to the max....there's seasons....LoL
at one point, riding sessions were just a slow chillout session for me, and at times, i would push myself....and that is why i got myself a suit...being a responsible adult for myself and the public, id rather not be riding recklessly on the road although some bends are pretty sweet, especially when u have an equally fast rider behind u.....
last saturday, we learned stunting from the better riders amongst us....and i stupidly pushed myself again, i knew my limit but i tried too near to it...the result, 3 stitches but as always i got up again, my slightly more than average ego, ignores the pain and i rode again but the bleeding wouldn't stop and i ended up at NUH having 3 stitches done.....
the doctor was rather mean to use that alcohol swab against my open wound, i would've screamed and shout if i did that on my own but having all the nurses in the background, i just clenched my fists and teeth....he then proceeded to desentisize me with lygnoicaine, again he chose to use a bigger gauge needle....nabey pain my forearm went numb, it was fun to watch him trimming the dangling flesh, followed by the 3 usual, LA never really work a 100% so kinda feel the needle went in, except or course u dont feel the pain but u can imagine how painful is it....
so much for my misadventure......a couple of weeks time id be moving to the east. i think id layback for awhile and stop stunting and concentrate on the tracks and probably participate in the novice category in next year's event at tuas. supermoto has become my passion....i know in the eyes of many down here is, when i wanna grow up. but being grown up doesn't mean you can't do what you like and conform with the norms. if you do that, when u finally got old, alot of 'could haves' will prop up...but if u have tried, it's a total different story....
a rather long entry today......for the past few days...bird has been talking to me bout migrating to canada and he asked me along....the funny thing was, i wasn't that excited, although i did imagine how would it be like.....but why canada? cos its multi-racial down there just like singapore and probably there'll be less racial issues.... cmmon be honest with yourself, there's always racism everywhere only how serious it is thats all.....
still on the topic on, its going to be 2months already, 4 more months i'll be confirmed insyahAllah and 34 more months i'll complete my bond. and i hope i can shine....cept i dont like the idea of negativity at work....not me but the rest...i mean like why cant everyone accept things with an open mind, rather that starting cold wars against each other, marking down certain parties and all in all behaving like pussies, for goodness sakes, we are all grown up men over there....damn....well, just some of them.....
i need a good back back's aching, my neck's stiff....uggh....
Posted by Four Wheels at 2:12 PM 0 comments
the life of an off duty staff nurse......
on my zee like a maniac....i wanna stop calling it suzie....
stoppies, pops....wheelies not corners and soon, tuas circuit.
full face, carbon left with a leather suit and boots....
but the sad thing is, ill be moving to tampines after raya.....ill miss my west side frens but ull see me hanging around tuas circuit....LoL....or prata planet.....i hope ill find new fun frens in the east....but ive always preferred west-side ppl, somehow they are more down to earth....well, at least most of 'em....
whaoh i guess my bonus gonna be spent on my track equipments....i think the most important thing now is to loose weight further....i need to be lighter if i intend to compete....i wanna compete in at least one race, at least.....
anyways, i think im gonna start packing slowly.....gosh i dunno how to break the news to bird n his mom that i'll be moving out....sigh.....
Friday, September 26, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 3:43 AM 0 comments
yeay watching wings....wooohooo....okla i love the music....
anyways my leovince has got its slider fixed today...woots...and i still find myself uncomfortable around mats.....LoL...but hey he got me the part for a cheap price, summo he fixed the slider for me...
iftar at al-ameen today again....didnt wanna go back bukit batok cos my step dad wasnt not bearing grudge, i just cant bear his hypocrisy and his fake smiles and all....
i think im fortunate to be at imh...the only disadvantage is my experience is limited to psychiatry....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Decision maker
As a staff nurse, you are supposed to be a good decision maker. I guess I can do that pretty well in my profession, most times I made the correct decision.
In life, it's a totally different ball game. I always face difficult situations whereby I have to make utterly difficult tough choices. I have to weigh between desire/wants and practicality most times. Believe me, I'm spoilt for choices but I don't like the decision making.
ONE OF THE SITUATION I'M FACING NOW IS(MEANS THERES MORE), whether to shift to Tampines or not. My cousin got his 4-room flat recently and he offered me a room. It is much nearer to work and thus I'll save on petrol and time BUT....I am already comfortable staying here, nobody bothers me(at least almost all the time). My frens are like 10 minutes ride away, my old bbss pals are around the corner. Basically I'm like in my own world. But staying in Tampines is not only for convenience, it's also for a cause, IF I go back there, we will be taking back Yai from the place his sons dumped him at. We WILL be his caregiver, afterall, although a generation away, we still have his blood dripping somewhere in our body. I am torn.....really...I need guidance, I need it from above for I could not trust the judgements of mere human beings for they might be blinded by the sweeter things in life.....speaking of which, I'm torn with ANOTHER situation, which I will leave to fate and guidance from above. I seriously can't believe I'm in the same situation years ago....and I don't wanna be at the loosing end, again.
I just hope my journey till my end of life will have less bumps and knocks, I just want a smoother ride, be it on my own or not.
IF I do live in Tampines, I guess you fellows would see less of me. Anyways, I don't think you people would even notice anyways, as I can see as time goes by, many of us drift apart even further, due to work commitments, family and all. And for the masses out there, my friends are actually MY 'family' other than of course mom and my 2 younger siblings.
Ok gotta go guys, trying a new route ZUl, taught me yesterday....and it does look alot shorter on
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:35 AM 0 comments
iftar with the x
went for iftar with annie....catch up on times and work...she's still hilarious as ever. she entertains me...LoL....anyways, nothing heavy today....just kway teow kerang, and its nice la, probably cos im oredi hungry.....
we went our separate ways after that, i head to sheng siong as i remembered i needed to get cereals...ive been eating cereals for the past few days for sahur...bird bought post and i think its this morning was the last bit that i ate and sheng siong just now had a promotion coincidentally, $4.20 for a box of post-cereals is freaking cheap lor, so i bought two, cranberries and pecan. yumm....
work....was better, though a little busier than normal, cos today is injection day....i poked 9 patients on their deltoids.....and i kinda bonded with my NM today as he asked me to go for the talk, sat beside him and i realised he's not so bad after all, he can be friendly....i hope he or the NC will make path for my not aiming so high, an NC position, id be contented enough....
Posted by Four Wheels at 8:40 PM 0 comments
stress.....why? kena tested by my NM.....then nemind, pass report also kena shoot questions but nemind, i learn new stuffs....thnks arh
woooooohoooo i manage to find a business for me? hallucinate graphics? woots! next in line 'carnage' graphics....wooohooo....or my own original idea that i had in mind....i hope this is a profitable thingy that worth putting in effort....and somemore i enjoy doing it....:) looks like another source for side income....woots...
Sunday, September 14, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:15 PM 0 comments
shitty decal job
my shitty decal job....however it cost me less than 50bucks, so i guess ill have it edited and reprinted again soon...
Saturday, September 13, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:22 PM 0 comments
my monsters roaring....another successful stoppie....longer roaring....riding makes me feel younger....LoL
anyways, kalai was a great guide....taught me alot at work....i think im getting a hang of my job. what i need to do now is revisions....more studying, with knowledge i can answer to any questions my superior shoots me with.....and with that...i can certainly climb higher faster....
back to my monster....i think im going to just print out the shroud decals and just fix it, and trim on my own...who needs fucken templates...its fucken DIY yo!....LoL...i think by sunday you'll see my Suzie complete with the venom decals....and im thinking of powder coating my handguards as well.....LoL....gosh this hobby is the most costly of them all.....this saturday i think i will shoot with my cameras...havent been shooting for quite some time now....this weekend, jam packed schedule...morning go print out my decals, evening iftar at leo's place, night riding with the west-side supermotos....i dont need to hear 'for whats'...cos part of the supermoto community are my friends as well and in fact, one of them is my yeah....
gnite peepz.....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 12:51 AM 0 comments
the first print outs
it costs alot more than if i were to print with hairul but too bad his company caught fire, no joke well, sometimes u gotta do it all yourself....well here's the going to print the shrouds next...hope it turns out fine.....wasnt really satisfied with the tail...but hey, its my first attempt, i will get better at it...
Monday, September 08, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:46 PM 0 comments
I wanna work for the secret service
The number 29 approaching soon...sigh, getting old....boohooo...
It's not that I do not want to be old, it's just that when you get older, it also meant you have less time to accomplish and do things you'd wanna do. And yes, life expectancy is increasing cos of healthcare and all but that does not mean a perfect health. I need to build up my savings and sign up with health insurance for the future cos I know I'd need a total knee replacement when I get old. My knees have used and abused over the younger days and even at present.
Speaking of health, with my bigger paycheck, I can afford to indulge myself in health supplements and probably some equipment like knee braces and all to preserve what I have now, my mobility, ability and agility.
Still on the issue of health, I think I will get mom that electronic BP set so that she can monitor her blood pressure and make sure she takes care of her health and monitor herself. I want her to live as long as possible in the pink of health to see her son somewhere....I don't know if I am too ambitious but prolly till she's able to see her son with a degree holding a clinician or NM position, InsyahAllah. But I just can't hope, I need to work hard for it and currently, I can say I am slacking but I will try my best. Capricorns, what dya expect? They'd climb to great heights and when/if they get there, they make sure they don't come down....LoL
Gotta go, on AM shift and still contemplating whether to join Ain,Khairul,Ross and their friends for iftar. Frankly, I'm not really excited cos if I was/am, I wouldn't have to consider, I'd just go. So now, I get the picture, I am losing interest. Bye peeps.
And yes its not about being perfect but its about adaptability, understanding and compromising. One way traffic makes you go round and round when you miss a turn.
Posted by Four Wheels at 5:42 AM 0 comments
somehow deep inside of me needs help....just a little part of me and frankly i dunno who to turn to.
i guess its pretty harmless but it'd be great if i find a perfect someone to talk to, that's all and it is sure hard to come across one....booohoo....some of my superiors are right, they can see thru me...i'm someone who likes to bottle up at times. hey nurses are human too....
Friday, September 05, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 5:36 PM 0 comments
You by Bad Religion
There's a place where everyone can be happy.
It's the most beautiful place in the whole fucking world.
It's made of candy canes and planes and bright red choo-choo trains,
And the meanest little boys and the most innocent little girls,
And you know I wish that I could got there.
It's a road that I have not found.
And I wish you the best of luck, dear.
Drop a card or letter to my side of town.
Because there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend,
But baby I'm amazed at the hate that you can send and
You... painted my entire world.
But I... don't have the turpentine to clean what you have soiled.
And I won't forget it.
There's a place where everyone can be right,
Even though you remain determined to be opposed.
Admittance requires no qualifications:
It's where everyone has been and where everybody goes.
So please try not to be impatient,
For we all hate standing in line.
And when the farm is good and bought, you'll be there without a thought,
And eternity, my friend, is a long fucking time.
Because there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend,
But baby I'm amazed at the hate that you can send and
You... painted my entire world.
But I... don't have the turpentine to clean what you have soiled.
And I won't forget it.
Thursday, September 04, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 10:28 PM 0 comments
last day, new findings
Today was the last day of the 4 days long orientation/induction program. Half the time I got bored and sleepy. LoL.
Today I discovered where our staff gym was, Sahidah showed me and boy I can picture myself being there more cos its free and I can always go there after AM shift, I can already picture seeing 65-70 on the weighing scale...woots....must set goal, must not procrastinate....LoL
Someone posted a comment on my previous entry, quote: "Lomotion misses you..." LoL... I miss shooting too....but just not yet...probably after Ramadhan I'll go trigger happy once whomever who misses me, you're missed too...:)...
Anyways like I said the 4days program was a little boring but I kept hearing repeated comments that male-nurses have brighter future...I hope it is true, I'm hoping for that sponsorship for advance dip specializing in psychiatric nursing and after that a degree. I'm aiming for that Nurse-Clinician position at least, I give myself 3-5years. :)
I have set a date, when to start my driving lessons....after 1st week of Ramadhan, I just hope I won't postpone it further due to busy probational assignments at work, my freelance job, my band, my hobbies and my social life....sigh....I'm really an occupied person nowadays. Ouh I can't take anyone of them out cos it's interrelated whereby leaving out one will affect the other....:) I just need excellent time management, which meant less surfing/youtube/teevee.....:) adios peeps...
Posted by Four Wheels at 10:10 PM 1 comments
ska without horns
ska without horns isnt complete....a switch is good, think bad religion, nofx, screeching weasle and everything ol' school alike.
1st day of success....
Monday, September 01, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Sick BMW G650
Will this beast be between my legs one day? hahaha....
Ouh happy fasting fellow muslims....lets welcome ramadhan everyone...:)
Sunday, August 31, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 11:41 PM 0 comments
A day when everything went wrong
#1 almost late for dentist when the sweeper uncle decide to use the lift to unload alot of stuffs.
#2 the charge for the dental was a little unexpected but hey its worth it but kinda over budget for this month.
#3 forgot the melody me and bird came up with last week
#4 flu-ish
#5 rained so i had to postpone meet up with ain at 6pm
#6 didn't book gv cos i forgot the password and i got an sms saying yati-remi just delivered.
#7 arrived at orchard, drizzle a little, and wheelock doesn't allow unauthorized bikes to park anymore or risk clamping.
#8 was supposed to go KKH with the guys but they smsed a tad too last minute and we were having dinner. so in the end we forgo it cos of visiting hours and all.
#9 so left with nothing to do, guys decided to split and me and ain went hunting for seats to "4bia". no luck, ended up at coffee bean, coffee and chat before she headed home.
#10 went to collect my bike only to discover the gantry screwed up and i couldnt exit, stucked for like bloody 45minutes and the hotline wasn't one bit helpful and not one bloody wilson-parking staff(who apparently was skiving) came to my rescue, they should sack the bugger....i ended up exiting by following another bike and risking my head getting hit by the barrier. but i made it.
#11 bloody stupid drivers along the way who either doesn't know to use the signals or have pig trotters as hands(that should explain the difficulty to flick the signal switched).
im glad the mishaps stop there, i forgo jam session cos of the parking incident was the final straw...warning do not park at wilson parking, the staff won't attend to u if u cant exit or anything liddat....i paid for fucked up service.
Posted by Four Wheels at 3:18 PM 1 comments
Suddenly I felt like listening to....
Anyways, I think certain parts of me have grown up....and when I think of what I have done and not done before the age of say 25.....alot of 'could have done' came to mind but hey, no regrets....I'm aiming for that advance dip now, that's all. Get into the good books of my superiors, outstanding performances and in no time I am very sure I'd be there.....
6 more years to my own apartment. I am not so psyched bout marriage, I just don't know why...probably the hassles of getting there is too much for me. Must I go thru all the 'customs' that we created? Customs or culture is not religion, so why follow them more strictly? I have no idea....
Anyways, ForceVomit rock my socks with 'KidsWhoWTF' and 'Siti' and other numbers that I didn't catch the title. Anyways thanks Aisha, else I guess I wouldn't have went. LoL
Dental appointment at 850....oh my gosh its been eons since I went and my sets not in good shape...somehow at this age, theres still fear with dentists, although i'm already in the health profession. LoL.
Sorry Hisham, couldn't make it yest...was tired after baybeats and all...cheers, bro. May you and all of us prosper....:) yes I'd want that Beemer too....a little too big a dream does no harm, not dreaming at all is harmful.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 7:58 AM 0 comments
The start
The start of the racing gears.....wanted to get Oakley initially but they cost like $115 bucks...and this month i only got like 2/3 or my pay. So I thought I'd go for cheaper I ended up this sleek MFizz at $40(after bargaining from $45). The Alpinestar that I browsed was fucken awesome but they cost $160. Bonus I'm going to get those Rjays race suit and boots, plus Shoei Hornet DS or Arai TX Motard....:)
Saturday, August 23, 2008 | Posted by Four Wheels at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Yeah I'm glad many ppl are willing to help me and all. Even my nursing officer who helped me look for a room/flat nearer to work. So he found out that NC.Fatimah the Diabetes Clinician had a room as her eldest daughter was already married and not staying with the family. She can tell that I have problems and she told me that she can tell that I'm the sort that rather kept everything to myself. She even said that, she can treat me as their own son, her elder son is in NS, there's only her youngest son. I'm touched but then again, sympathy gets me a little uncomfortable. I don't know if its ego cos I'm not the egoistic sort. But somehow I prefer to be surviving on my own, even now I feel like buying my own flat but legislation won't allow me to do so and somehow I feel obligated to stay here as Bird's mom already trusted me and all...
Life somehow always comes u to situation where you are stuck in a dilemma and needed you to make tough choices. Like frens over prospects, dates over frens, work over freelance & part-time job, cameras over supermoto, the band and many more.....being occupied with so many things aint easy....I need proper planning....I just hope I won't get burned out cos I love all the things I am doing currently and I want to excel in all of them....can't help it la...capricorns have the tendency to be ambitious....they'd climb to great heights....LoL....
Ok gotta solat fajr and get ready for work....adios peeps, wish me luck with life. :)
Posted by Four Wheels at 6:47 AM 0 comments